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  • If you pee during sex there's probably something wrong with your prostate, cause your prostate is what controls your urinary track (you peeing)/ your ejaculation. If you pee during sex then you mighten be able to have kids through intercourse.

  • Anyone worth being friends with wouldn't judge you...

  • DoubleFacePalm.jpg ---------- Post added at 04:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:42 PM ---------- Seriously life's not about 'getting with all the bitches and hoes' and being 'the coolest mofo' and not being able to use proper grammar and well it's just stupid. Why not make a guide on how to spread sexually transmitted diseases and how to make people lose respect for you this ones pretty close already.

  • Quote from TheFunkyBunch: “chemical imbalances in the brain.” That's probably a likely possibility. If you can get her in a normal mood you should probably get her to see a doctor/ psychiatrist. Even if you think she's just a fully over paraniod and overprotective mother. Either way you need to address the problem to help you and your mum. Seek professional help.

  • Heaps of people feel like this simply because your different from everyone and though family member can often be alike sometimes there's not and it'll make you feel like the 'ugly duckling' of the family which isn't true. You have to live your life, you can try reason how you feel with them but if they won't except it what can you do? Go on with your life be nice to your family and try to ignore and hurtful things they may say to you. You'll grow up and you'll find your own life, friends and fam…

  • Re: Convo Topics

    Maddi - - General Advice


    Find common interest or something you both have knowledge of... there's no point in talking to someone if you don't like talking about the same thing. Having knowledge and interests (hobbies) helps if you want to start a conversation. And as above movies are generally easy to talk about.

  • Re: Help me out please :)

    Maddi - - General Advice


    For some relationships are easy to find, for some well it's just doesn't work out very easily. I don't think that someone would not date you because of your look and yes I looked at the photo, you don't look ugly and you don't look hot, but at the same time there's nothing wrong with your looks, all I really gather was that you looked like a funny guy. You may simply just be having bad luck with the girls you like for instance the first girl was talking with her ex and another was with someone -…

  • The summer break should give you some time to sort out things before you go back, you should try to change your personality rather mold your personality into who you want to be. In doing so you can make yourself more interesting and at the same time have fun in what you're doing; by this I mean find hobbies like sports, music, join a club or even simply leisure activities. Another thing on this note is that to do these things you'll have to find motivation to get yourself to do so even if you ge…

  • Yea they have strict rules on how long after being pregnant you can have an abortion as it - Zygote - hasn't formed into human like characteristics yet really - nor does it have consciousness. People go through really hard situations were an abortion is the better option. 100% Pro choice

  • Re: How Warm Are You?

    Maddi - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    You Are Very Warm very-warm.png You are kind, caring, and empathetic. A lot of warm energy radiates from you. And it's not an act - you truly like people. You get a charge from people being around you. You are are easy going and very socially adaptable. You're willing to overlook peoples'quirks. You enjoy meeting people from all walks of life and helping them if you can. Giving makes you feel good.

  • You Are Dare dare.png You are outrageous, adventurous, and wild. You live to have fun. You are all about taking risks and pushing limits. You love the rush of doing something forbidden. Like most daring people, you are highly intelligent and creative. That's why you get bored so easily. You need a lot of stimulation and novelty in your life. You aren't satisfied with the mundane.

  • Not having a real girlfriend by that age isn't that uncommon. And girls like different type of guys you don't need to aim to try be like "this guy girls are supposed to like" cause you just have to be you... If you want a real relationship your going to have to be truthful and real yourself and at the same time make a move on girls talk to different ones and hopefully somehow you'll find someone. shy / antisocial people can often get into quite serious relationship you need to be open to opportu…

  • Re: Hurting her!?!?

    Maddi - - Teen Sexuality


    well stopping is in fact an obvious option....

  • Re: A moral question [For boys]

    Maddi - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Catlin: “You politely say no.” IN fact who cares if it polite, You don't sleep with anyone's gf or bf no matter who they are...

  • WOW, thanks for sharing, you have officially made us all slightly less intelligent. should I bother explaining. Oh and having good personality and well as believe it or not a bunch of other things, "good" which differs from girl to girl, is apart of what makes you attractive. Yea looks are included but I couldn't go out with a complete idiot, they need to be at least somewhat intelligent. But Lolz

  • Tell it out to her straight. tell her how you feel and that parties just aren't your thing. Maybe she'll be find or maybe she's want someone she can hang out with at the parties or maybe you could come to an agreement on like you go to some and not others. TALK TO HER.

  • ermmmm if your worried about the wideness, etc then do kegels and pelvic floor muscles to tighten your vagina? Those exercises also heighten pleasure during sexual activities

  • If you really don't know then wait and see which one you like. If you like her enough and she likes you enough both of you should be prepared to wait to be together. If you jump in now you could ruin both chances. Besides you don't want to go into a relationship with feeling for someone else as well, it's just not good =/ It'd be hurtful to the one you pick, seriously it's kinda cruel especially since the other girl likes you back... jealously, etc to the max, and that leads onto bad things. By …

  • There just at the stage in there relationship were they want to be together a lot of the time. A lot of people go through this stage. If you want to spend some alone time with her, just ask to go for a walk with just her, I'm sure they'll understand. Or organise things to do on the weekend. At certain stages in a relationship, especially high school one when they start to get more serious and there all new lovey stuff and everything sometimes people just want to be each other all the time. She's…

  • Re: My fucking chemistry teacher

    Maddi - - General Advice


    Ermm you could make a complaint to the administrative staff/ principle/ head of department or whatever it is you have. If his doing things unfairly, especially if it may affect your grades then you should atleast tell someone, maybe if you tell your parents they'll complain about him. It's too bad though, I have a really nice chemistry teacher. =/