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  • Quote from Most Vicious Pitbull: “I'm not showing off. I made this thread so everyone that has sex recently, including you, tell us that they just had sex. That is all. Like I plan on having sex on Tuesday, just don't know what time, but when I do, as soon as I get home, I'll post here.” 0.o :eek: it isn't important to do it each week

  • Your Unique Costume is a Poo Poo Platter costume-4.jpg Are you going to eat all that? What Totally Unique Halloween Costume Should You Wear?

  • You Are scared.jpg A Scared Pumpkin Face You would make good pumpkin puree.

  • Halloween Horoscope for Capricorn capricorn.gif Your friends see a whole other side of you on Halloween - brash and bold. You make be reserved and conservative most other days, but on the 31st... look out! Costume suggestions: A stripper or naughty priest / nun Signature Halloween candy: M & M's Scary movie you should celebrate Halloween with: Bram Stoker's Dracula What's Your Halloween Horoscope?

  • You Are a Sweet Person sweet.png When it comes to snacks, you're more likely to grab some candy than heat up a pizza. There's a good chance you're female (women prefer sweet snacks)... Or at least, you prefer to be in the company of women. Your tastes are simple and predictable. You are young at heart. You tend to crave food you can just grab and eat. Are You Sweet or Salty?

  • Quote from feimotion339: “what is the fastest way to make 1mil in runescape....Runescape, Runescape Gold, Runescape Money, Buy Runescape gold, Buy Runescape money on coolrunescapei am currently making 5k bow string which will get me about 500k but i don't know what to do after that.if u would like to look at my skills look at the highscores! plz help me.........!!!!!!!!!!!RunescapeRunescape goldWell.. around 3-4 years ago when i heard about runescape from a friend i decided to go check it out, i…

  • Re: Love or money?

    kazemon - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    You Would Choose Money money.jpg You know that love doesn't always last forever - but money can. Why bother with jealousy, petty fights, and hurt feelings? You rather just go shopping! And while marrying for money may be lonely, you'll always be well dressed, well traveled, and well fed. Would You Choose Love or Money?

  • G-mail, yahoo, incredi-mail, AOL......... and that's about it!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

  • I hven't had one of those moments........................ Anyway I'm happy without that experience

  • Re: about my sister...

    kazemon - - Teen Sexuality


    lol he want'd to see his sister naked yuck.....

  • Re: Sex change?

    kazemon - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from studly: “Go see a professional and discuss it at length, honestly though you have not really said much to convince me that this is something you really need to do. People I have read about that have done this were obsessed by it since a very young age and that does not sound like you from what you have said here. Before you can even begin however, you must undergo at least 2 years of intense psycho evaluation and living as the opposite sex. Then comes all the expense of the surgeries …

  • Re: Monster Cock (Girls Only)

    kazemon - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from MonicaMarie: “What we've learned about MVP in this thread... 1. He's an arrogant jackass 2. He can't speak English 3. Doesn't matter how big his penis is, no girl will get near him anyway” hahahahahaha LOL

  • You are 80% interesting Believe it or not, you are a very fascinating person. You're probably too busy being interesting to realize exactly how interesting you are. You have a rich, full life. You are curious about the world, and you are very open to new experiences. You have a lot to talk about, and people find you to be an amazing conversationalist. And most importantly, you are truly interested in other people. How could anyone find that boring? You truly listen and learn from others. You're …

  • we are we just don't talk about it you guys go and say you fucked someone you'll get hi 5z and if we say that we had sex bad things happen....... this is called self respect

  • yes...... my friend is an example............ ok she is going to do it

  • Re: Where Do You Masturbate?

    kazemon - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from MonicaMarie: “Typically, the bedroom or the shower... but, I have a long list of other places where I just felt like doing it, haha, I'm bad, I know... public pool w/ people around jacuzzi w/ people around hotel room locker room @ school locker room @ the gym shower @ work office @ work in the pool @ work my sister's room my friend's rooms my parent's room the backyard the font porch tanning bed bathroom @ school bathroom @ a restaurant bathroom @ a gas station bathroom @ the mall cha…

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    kazemon - - Teen Sexuality


    hug lol suprsingly nobody chose fck

  • Re: Sex change?

    kazemon - - Teen Sexuality


    don't do it its real risky you could die or be genderless for the rest (death has more chances as mostly every thing in your body will need tp be changed) of your life and it will cost a bit to much money you'll be on the road....

  • Re: Monster Cock (Girls Only)

    kazemon - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Mattster: “People who say that defiantly brag. Girls don't like it. More bragging =/ Quote from mvp23_08: “ i dont have to bragg im da truth[/quot]e More bragging You seem to make it as if all girls think about is sex. Granted some may be like that but not every girl on this planet is sex mad and will do anything for cock, I'm pretty much sure that all the girls on this forum and are respectable and don't need you bragging about your penor.” EXACTLY!!! Quote from kirwan464: “LEARN TO …

  • lol... voted................ I've done it with and without protection...... PILL!!!!