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  • Quote from Gooeyswat: “Sorry to say, no one here is going to give you options on how to commit suicide. Why don't you share why you think ending your life if is your only option right now, and perhaps we can help you out.” Sorry to say, you're wrong. I'll happily give him an option on how to commit suicide. Join the army, die actually trying to do something for someone, considering you're going to hurt your family and friends.

  • Re: Girls: about your boyfriend

    Darling - - Teen Sexuality


    27 inches wide.

  • You think you're ugly? Fine, but apparently, the people that posted here don't think so. Grow up and get over it. You can't change how you look, so deal with it. Jesus fuck.

  • What's on your mind right now? Getting a job, ugh. What's a word or phrase you're constantly using? None really. Are you annoying? Sometimes. Are you easily annoyed? Very. What is your current mood? Bored. What's your favorite color? Yellow. What are you listening to at the moment? First day of My Life by Bright eyes. Give a lyric from that song? Remember the time you drove all night, just to meet me in the morning? How many hours of sleep did you get last night? Not many. Are you tired? Hardly.…

  • Re: Womb Shifted

    Darling - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Cade: “Yes. I think so.” I guess it would hurt to try then.

  • Womb Shifted

    Darling - - Teen Sexuality


    I've been having some pretty rough sex for the last week, and today I've been experiencing a lot of pain. I've spoken to a few people about it, and we think that my womb has shifted out of place. My question is, if I fuck Cade hard enough, will my womb shift back?

  • Re: Curly or straight?

    Darling - - Fashion


    My hair is naturally straight, but I really do love having it curly. It takes far too long to do properly though, which kind of sucks.

  • Re: The Purity Test

    Darling - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    You Are 58% Pure pure-3.jpg You're not so innocent... in fact, you're quite unpure. You have seen and experienced a lot. And you're no worse for the wear!

  • Re: First Designer Bag you owned?

    Darling - - Fashion


    I don't remember ever buying a designer bag, even if I did it was probably a really tacky brand..

  • You Are Red red.jpg You are a natural leader and a fast thinker. You enjoy being in charge. You live for taking risks, and you usually end up at the head of the pack. You can be impatient with others, especially if they waffle when making decisions. You are logical and rational. You get annoyed by emotional appeals and irrelevant questions.

  • Quote from Breezin': “Perhaps she was choosing to be meticulous for a reason, it's not every other day this happens. It'd be less believable if there was little effort put into it.” Compared to the effort he put into pleasuring me, this thread does have very little effort put into it. :yee:

  • Hey guys, so as you probably all know by now, I'm Ashleigh. I was out the other night and met this guy, we exchanged numbers, and last night he called me and asked me to meet him. I didn't really think it was a bad idea, so I went to meet him, we hung out for a little bit, and then I decided I wanted to go home. He walked me home, we sat on my doorstep for a little while just chatting about our night, and then I invited him in for some coffee. Anyway, to the point. This man kissed me, I found it…

  • Re: New Wardrobe for gf

    Darling - - Fashion


    Quote from Arthur: “Ahh, how i've missed your posts. :D” Oh quit with your sweet lies, Arthur.

  • Re: New Wardrobe for gf

    Darling - - Fashion


    Quote from asoiafdude: “Because frankly, she dresses like a 12 year old. She's never had anybody to help her pick out clothes or anything, so she just doesn't know to/ know how to change her look.” Then why is your girlfriend not asking us for help? How would she feel if she actually read what you're saying? I find it very difficult to believe that somebody could be such a cunt about clothing. She dresses like a 12 year old, and you act like one. Deal with it.

  • Re: Leather jackets and stuff.

    Darling - - Fashion


    Well I live in Wales, and I still wear my leather jacket from last year when it's chilly, haha. I don't see many people wearing them anymore though, but if you like the jacket, that shouldn't bother you. ;3

  • You Are Rock-Paper-Scissors rock-paper-scissors.jpg You are very smart and mentally inclined person. You like games that test your brainpower. You are good at noticing patterns and making predictions. You can size other people up well. It may not seem like there's a lot to what you do, but you have a strategy for everything. You tend to think through every decision you make carefully, but you're also sure not to over think anything.

  • Re: The Smoothie Test

    Darling - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    You Are Inspired smoothie-5.jpg You are always thinking up new and amazing ideas. You are not bound by rules or convention. You never do something the same way more than a few times. And you never follow a schedule, script, or recipe. You love to experiment, and you just laugh if your experiments fail miserably. You're always learning something. You never get too attached to any one thing or idea. You'll just end up changing it soon enough anyway!

  • Re: The Ocean Test

    Darling - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    You Are Reflective and Thoughtful ocean.jpg You are most comfortable when you are mixing things up a little bit. You like novelty in small doses. You prefer to leave some things to chance. The world is a mysterious place, and you like to embrace the unknown. You seek a bit more depth in your life, but you are slowly changing. You don't like to rush anything. You believe that if you look closely enough at people, they all have their own unique beauty.

  • Re: What Toe Are You?

    Darling - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    You Are The Big Toe big-toe.jpg You are a big and bold person. You tell it like it is. Your emotions get the best of you, and you have no trouble saying how you feel. Self-expression is important to you. You have to be yourself no matter what. Your days have a lot of ups and downs, but you wouldn't change them for the world.