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  • I cut myself for the first time today, i had the urge to do it before and now i feel extremely guilty. The reason i did it is because it was my dads birthday yesterday and I forgot. I feel like a bad person no I know im a bad person so i cried and cut myself because i felt like i deserved it because how can such a good man be cursed with such a terrible daughter He passed when i was 12 and i rarely talked to him, and i rarely called and texted or anything i was so bad. He rarely call me either b…

  • okay tysm!!

  • (ok so first this is a repost cause now I'm genuinely curious and kinda want advice about these things so ty) ok so idk if this matters but imma girl and im 14, so basically when i masturbate i can only rub my clit because everytime i try to finger myself i feel nothing but i think thats because i’ve only put one finger inside? and im way to scared to put a another finger in cause i feel like it’d hurt a lot also everytime i rub my clit like every two minutes i have to take a break because i get…

  • literally everyone my age around me r getting boyfriends and girlfriends and my friends keep on asking me why i haven’t gotten a bf yet ,, i don’t think i’ve ever actually had a genuine crush on someone since the third grade and i’ve barely started getting male attention soo also it’s not like i don’t like the idea of dating someone i do i love rom coms and romance fanfics and webcomics lol but i just don’t have a need for it rn but my friends keep on asking me and talking about how nice it woul…