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  • i somehow seem to be immune to covid, like i never wear my mask wash my hands and use hand sanitiser bc im too lazy. i did get the vaccine though 3rd dose. all my friends and family around me have caught it but i just havent...

  • Walking Around Naked

    thehottrop - - Teen Sexuality


    i only walk around naked when no one is home, if i had my own house/apartment i would def walk around naked most of the time also with a significant other. But im with my family and its kinda uncomfortable for them to see me idk. So i barely do that at home.

  • Bilingual family

    thehottrop - - Friends and Family


    Both my parents are French so im bilingual in french and English. My school is in english so i speak english there with my friends but at home i have to speak french. My parents are scared that im going to lose my french because i dont practise it, so they force me to speak french at home and if i dont they completely ignore me and pretend that they dont understand what im saying to them.

  • is med school worth it?

    thehottrop - - Education & Jobs


    wow both parents into medicine? that must put a lot of pressure. I wish my parents had jobs like that they barely understand my science and math homework. Honestly im pretty sure i would murder some patients by accident which is not good. I will try not to fail math and science thank you! ❤️❤️

  • people think im older all the time. one summer when i was 13 people kept thinking i was 15-16

  • is med school worth it?

    thehottrop - - Education & Jobs


    I kinda want to become an ob/gyn (delivers babies) when im older. Im wondering if it's worth it. Because it takes a lot of good grades and studying. I need to have good high school grades to get into university and i have to get in, i have to pick a major first and i was thinking science... thats four years already and then i have to apply to a medicine to start the actual medicine. I have some older friends who also want to become doctors , one applied to a lot of medicine schools and got into …

  • ok im not sure if this is the right tread but here we go one of my guy friends always said that he was against underage sex when i or my friends brought it up. he would always say it was assult and that it could bite the guy back in the future if the girl went and told people and shaped it as assult. He would always be disgusted at this. Then one day i asked him to makeout with me(kind of a dumb idea idk what i was doing at that time) and he was like sure. he'd had a girlfriend before and he wou…

  • im not allowed to lock my door because of my strict parents and they kinda get mad when its always closed but they do knock because i brought up a point that if i have to knock on their door she should knock on mine. But sometimes they just kock and come in directly without waiting for my answer. they also took off my lock from my door.

  • im left handed and always have been my right sucks