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  • Than this!... [ame=''][/ame]

  • Re: I made this montage! xD

    Mr. Jakoy - - Video Games


    Quote from JohnDoe: “Oh haha I don't have a capture card yet. I want to get one” well i'm always around, i capture for freeee

  • Re: I made this montage! xD

    Mr. Jakoy - - Video Games


    Quote from JohnDoe: “ew Halo 3 lool What capture card do you use” Hauppauge HD PVR

  • I made this montage! xD

    Mr. Jakoy - - Video Games


    [ame=''][/ame] Tell me what you think guys! ---------- Post added at 07:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:09 PM ---------- Oh you won't really get this video, unless you watch this first... [ame=''][/ame]

  • I'm making a montage.

    Mr. Jakoy - - Video Games


    Anyone here have any experience with montages? I'm making a Halo 3 one, and I know how to use the editing programs seperatly, but I'm having difficulty knowing which program would be best for what. What to do first, Add effects to clips, or cut the clips together. etc. Anyone else made one? Anyone else want to help? could even be in the montage!

  • Re: 24

    Mr. Jakoy - - Films, TV and Books


    Cancelled? Really? That's crap. Where was Chase?

  • Re: 24

    Mr. Jakoy - - Films, TV and Books


    I thought they were making another season? Well I'm sure Kiefer Sutherland said somewhere, he would make another if the writers came up with a good enough plot. (Basically if there is more money to be made.)

  • Re: LOST, I feel raped.

    Mr. Jakoy - - Films, TV and Books


    Quote from Saradactyl: “You say you enjoy the complicated plot, yet you say you don't want to have to think critically about it. That is quite the contradiction, sir. All I am going to say is that just because the answers aren't made completely obvious or labeled "ANSWER:" doesn't mean that the answers are not present. Sometimes you have to search for the answer yourself. The show was good, but I don't think it was the best show ever. Don't assume that just because I am debating with you means t…

  • Re: LOST, I feel raped.

    Mr. Jakoy - - Films, TV and Books


    Quote from the smoke monster: “There's so much wrong with this I don't know where to start.... First things first, the actors are not the characters they just portray them... I don't see how them saying they think the characters make the show is obnoxious at all.... and you think because your teacher didn't like it that makes it a fact that it was bad? If you actually listened to the Darlton podcasts they've said 100000 times that they're only answering the questions THAT MATTER TO THE CHARACTER…

  • Re: LOST, I feel raped.

    Mr. Jakoy - - Films, TV and Books


    Quote from Saradactyl: “In a good story, characters make the plot.. not the other way around. I took an entire course on the fundamentals of writings and good story making. The plot was certainly shaped by the characters. So to say it wasn't a character driven show is absolutely ridiculous. The issue with people now-a-days is that they have to the answers just given to them, if you are too lazy to figure it out yourself, then I am sorry and I can understand why you didn't like the show. However,…

  • Re: LOST, I feel raped.

    Mr. Jakoy - - Films, TV and Books


    WHERE THE FUCK WAS NIKKI AND PAULO!?! How could they just ignore my favourite characters!? Where was Walt? What happened to Aaron, being evil? Who built the contraption inside the cave of light. What happened to the "Invincible" Jacob and Smoke Monster, when Juliet detonated the Nuke?? Who built the Statue, and why the fuck did it have four toes?! Why did Sun not go back to 1977 with Jack and the others? How did that Lighthouse magical mirror thing work? Why did a bird scream Hurley's name? Why …

  • LOST, I feel raped.

    Mr. Jakoy - - Films, TV and Books


    What I'm intrested in, is whether the writers and producers actually thought that anyone would find that ending satisfying. Did they seriously just end the show ignoring a billion questions, and one confusing ass, sideways/purgatory storyline. Too much slow-motion corny (say what you will) music, not enough answers.

  • Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops

    Mr. Jakoy - - Video Games


    Soap is Modern Warfare, the character is Infinity wards? Also this game is set in the 70's, so Soap is probably not born yet.

  • Re: Europeans...

    Mr. Jakoy - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from PotEl: “ You said you are not racist. I do not mean to offend you,not at all,but how does saying that immigrants are the reason of high unemployment of British people not racist? Categorizing "foreign" and "local" people is racist,in my opinion. ” Read my words how you like, but I'm not being racist because I'm not attacking a race. Immigrants are not from Immigrantia. If you think I'm being racist, fair enough, I expected some people to jump on that band wagon, as soon as I mentioned…

  • Re: Europeans...

    Mr. Jakoy - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Princesa: “I truly do not know where to begin with these replies. I maybe have to ask you where you are researching your information? I would suggest that maybe you are reading some very right-wing newspapers! (1) - Are you aware that Poland and Romania are not third-world countries? They are not African states in which soldiers are patrolling with guns and the population needs to beg for money and walk for maybe 10 miles to collect drinking water, they are free market economies. Pola…

  • Re: Europeans...

    Mr. Jakoy - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from LanaBanana: “you're wrong.” Ok. (Don't call me out without explaining, why?) Quote from Princesa: “Without immigration the British economy would have collapsed many, many years ago. That is a very naive thing for you to have said.” Well I don't agree. Not to sound like a racist, (because I'm not.) But to claim that we need all the immigrants in our country makes no sense. Workers from all over the E.U. Famously, Polish and Romanian flock to the UK in hopes of finding a better life or …

  • Re: am i ugly

    Mr. Jakoy - - Fashion


    Quote from jasel1993: “tell me what i can change to make my self more like able” Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Get up, and get back out there. No girl is going to like you, Until you like yourself.

  • Re: Europeans...

    Mr. Jakoy - - Debate and Discussions


    Well, I really don't think us Englishmen move around, all that much. But Europeans in general, move around tons. I'm not trying to sound anything other than genuine, by saying a lot of it is coming into the UK. But nobody seems to move out. Hence causing all the problems we have with jobs, and our economy, etc. Although you get the people that retire to go live in Spain, or France, even Portugal.

  • No offence, but this guy just sounds like he is trying to use you. Just like he has used his Girlfriend/Girlfriends. I'm not sure how much you like him, but I wouldn't get your hopes up. What kind of a guy, tries to do these things in a car park before a movie? You need to find a boy that can treat you with some respect, and not "grope" you. Especially since he has a Girlfriend. Him telling you, that he is not sure if he is going to break up with his girlfriend, while he is trying to engage you,…

  • I liked 'Watchmen', and 'The Invention of Lying'.