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  • I say man-up and socialise. There is so much to gain from others, even if you don't want to give much. The way I see it: everything that's worth achieving in life involves the cooperation and attention of others. Granted this theory, socialising is simply a way of building your own reality into something more subjectively desirable.

  • Re: need someone to talk to

    RocketSwan - - General Advice


    You got an MSN? I'll happily chat over that. Us Australian's don't often use AIM or Skype.

  • So, I've come here today to beg a question to all of you: What do you do with your time and does your allocation of priorities lie within your ambitious beliefs? To give some context to this topic, I'm going to briefly outline my relevant story of late: I have spent a lot of my life enjoying myself. I have, and still do, invested a large portion of my life into stimulating myself with video games and ergo, as a result, I have very little knowledge in many key areas that I should relative to my a…

  • Waiting it out until you are 18 is always an option. I personally didn't have much of a life other than meeting my two friends whom lived practically next door and went to the same school as me until I was older. Although this is a different situation as I was never physically restrained I was also trained not to be active outside of my family. I changed my life once I turned 18 since, as my dad always said, "once you hit 18 society expects you to contribute like an adult, ergo you are given the…

  • Quote from Mr. Peel: “I whistled.. if that counts, Young folks by peter bjorn & john. otherwise i can't remember. I don't play any musical instruments.” Whistling definitely counts. I play a fair few instruments. Bassoon, guitar, bass, vocals and piano. Last song I learnt for fun was Imagine by John Lennon and Mad World by Gary Jules (his version, not his song). Learnt them earlier this morning for fun. Great songs. Very melancholic.

  • Re: Gtfo ke$ha

    RocketSwan - - Music


    K4sh3 forever! Seriously, I know she's horrible, and can't perform for crap live, but I still find her incredibly amusing.

  • Re: Justin Bieber

    RocketSwan - - Music


    Quote from xNerRadx: “That's why so many people are mad. He's 15 and is doing things a musician in their 30's are doing. Not only that, but there are a lot more talented people out there who have been fighting for a chance to make it a lot longer than he has. This kid isn't even out of high school yet. I mean really?... He's not going to make it long so, I don't really care.” Quote: “pop musicians in their 30's*” Fixed*. Pop musicians don't equate to musicians. Seriously though, I just can't sta…

  • Good site. I might post on it.

  • Skinny all the way. Muscle is awesome, and tits are a plus.

  • Re: ugly

    RocketSwan - - Fashion


    You've got it better than many I know mate. You couldn't make it as a model, but you can definitely pick up chicks that most would be pleased with bro.

  • Oh dang. Thoughts anyone? I've got no clue myself.

  • Re: Cheat?

    RocketSwan - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Yes, I would cheat. Many times over and over, in fact.

  • Re: Am I Hot?

    RocketSwan - - Fashion


    Quote from Batgirl: “Ew. No emoticons? How boring.” I know, right? Imagine if we had to use intellectual means to convey what we're thinking?

  • Re: Am I Hot?

    RocketSwan - - Fashion


    I really wish they'd remove the emoticons from this forum.

  • Re: What hair styles fit me >:D

    RocketSwan - - Fashion


    I really like the second one. You could also pull off shorter hair (not short, just shorter) and spiked up, aiming towards the centre. Your hair is very defined in its direction, as well as being very clean-looking at thin. Take advantage of this.

  • Re: Thigh highs hot or slutty?

    RocketSwan - - Fashion


    Leigh is spot on. It wouldn't hurt to get your boyfriends opinion however.

  • Re: Am I Hot?

    RocketSwan - - Fashion


    Wait, where's the picture? Don't tell me this thread is aimed at your avatar? I guess the thread was made on a Sunday, giving ample excuses for laziness. BUT STILL~ I'll give you an 8/10 for your photography skills, your experience using the basic Photoshop tools, and the presentation of your introduction. Now, can we have a proper photo so we can - like you wanted - judge your looks ? :3 Edit: I see (or don't) that the original photo has apparently disappeared. Another photo maybe? After all, t…

  • Re: Help me out

    RocketSwan - - Fashion


    Pro-tip: Don't post more than once in a row. That in itself is unattractive, and suggests that you are immature and/or impatient. Regardless of what people say, everyone finds maturity attractive in one sense or another. Your mentality is vital in socialising, and it won't progress by itself. This I guarantee. As for your physique: you look pretty good dude. Pack on some muscle and you'll be sexy to the majority of women (you cannot please them all, and you probably wouldn't want to). Keep runni…

  • lul you don't delete someone by accident and not inform them. She ignored you on many potential mediums. Did she accidentally delete you from her contacts list on her phone too? Come on. Mate, you're way better than that "bitch" (apologies if this is insulting, but I believe this derogatory term is quite fitting in this situation). Don't worry about her; she's not worth it if she can't see past her complexes to see a man whom isn't concerned about silly misunderstandings and petty common mistake…

  • Good advice all here.