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  • It's difficult when you're in situations like this. You've got to decide what it is you really want. I'm in a similar position with my ex. We split up over a year ago and decided to meet up last weekend and we ended up having sex, trying to go with the 'friends with benefits, no strings attached' thing. However, it doesn't always go the way you plan, cos I'm left wanting more a feeling very confused cos I know a relationship won't work well with us, but we're both so sexually compatible, if you …

  • Re: How far, how fast?

    BrunetteHeaded - - Teen Sexuality


    With my ex, I had known him for 5 years as a classmate and a friend. We started going out in the April I think then split up end of May and got back together a month later and then we started having sex beginning of July. So not that long when you look at it really.. We split up a couple of months later though, but still friends.

  • In my car in an industrial estate in the evening with car's driving past.

  • Last night I met with my ex after like a year and one thing led to another and we were in my car and we decided to have sex for a bit of fun whilst meeting up. I'd parked up on a hill in this industrial estate and we were in the back seats. We'd been at it once and on the 2nd time round, we saw lights (it was dark, late evening) and suddenly a car's reversing lights behind my car. The car like backed up and stopped and me and him were like "Shit, what are we gonna do now?" Talk about a mood kill…

  • Hi there Anna. I thought I'd write a response as I'm actually attending counselling at the moment. I've had 4 sessions with a counsellor and am having more at the moment. I was advised to have counselling sessions by my doctor as I've been suffering with depression for some time. I find it can help. Basically honesty is the key. Your counsellor won't judge you and think any less of you from the things you tell them. I'll tell you the truth, the reason why so many people dread it or don't like th…

  • No, not weird at all. Just as normal as guys masturbating. You might not believe it and many people don't think so, but its just that girls are less likely to go around shouting it from the rooftops (though you would be surprised:rolleyes:).

  • You Are Tranquil You are able to stand back and really appreciate the ebb and flow of life. You find peace even in troubled times. You know that all bad things eventually pass, and you have a broad perspective that others yearn for. You focus on the present as much as possible. You aren't weighed down by thoughts of the past or future. You seek balance, and with that balance comes bliss. You have found your happy place, and you're content to stay there a while.

  • You Are Wild You have a true sense of adventure, and you're always about to take the world by storm. You aren't wild to the point of being reckless, but you do enjoy taking risks. You get bored and restless easily. You crave continual excitement and novelty. You would be miserable if you were stuck by yourself for a day. You thrive off the energy of other people.

  • You Are a Hard Worker You are thoughtful and responsible. It's rare that you find yourself in a bind. You tend to push yourself to the limit. You don't stop unless you absolutely have to. When you get tired, you feel calm. You need to wear yourself out in order to be able to relax. You are happiest when you have had a full and challenging day. There's nothing like a well earned rest.

  • You Are Pineapple You are funky and original. You have a lot of natural flair, and that flair infects everything you do. You are very expressive. You can't help but let your one of a kind personality show through! You may be a little different than everyone else, but you're still loved by many. You are naturally sweet and welcoming. You're always up for making a new friend.

  • You Crave Luxury You love decadence in all its forms. You are a true hedonist. You always go over the top. You know you only live once, so you make the best of every moment. If you see something you want, you dive in. You believe in indulging yourself. You have amazing taste. You are good at knowing what you want. You're very honest about what you like.

  • You Are Hopscotch You are easygoing and carefree. You like to play, but you don't really like to compete. You prefer to cooperate with others. You like to work with people ... not against them! You have a childlike innocence and optimism that is worth holding on to. You find happiness easily. You can get pleasure from the smallest things.

  • You Are the Second Toe You are a dreamy person. You often get lost in your imagination. You have many wishes and desires. You spend a lot of time thinking about what could be. You are very keyed into your heart. You tend to go with what you feel over what you think. You trust yourself to know what to do. You are very intuitive.

  • You Are Reflective and Thoughtful You are most comfortable when you are mixing things up a little bit. You like novelty in small doses. You prefer to leave some things to chance. The world is a mysterious place, and you like to embrace the unknown. You seek a bit more depth in your life, but you are slowly changing. You don't like to rush anything. You believe that if you look closely enough at people, you can appreciate them more... flaws and all.

  • You Are Inventive You aren't content to do anything the usual way. You like to shake things up. You add a little something special to the mix - whimsy, color, and fun! You make waves just for the fun of them. You enjoy being dramatic. You would be a great designer or artist. You're always coming up with the next great thing... without even trying to.

  • You Are SPF 8 You enjoy being out in the sun more than most people, and the sun is generally kind to you. You are aware that the sun can become too much of a good thing, so you do enjoy it in moderation. You feel invigorated when you spend an afternoon in the sun, especially if it's not too hot out. There's something about being outdoors that lifts your spirits.

  • Your Colors Are Bold Your colors are bright and vivid reds, oranges, blues and yellows. You are a high energy, passionate person. You stay happily busy. You live for excitement. It's hard for you to turn down a thrill, no matter how small. You think the world is a great and amazing place. You're thankful for each day and for every opportunity you are given.

  • You Are Worldly Whether you're well traveled or not, you draw from many cultural sources. You are curious about the world, and you always do your best to expand your horizons. Whenever possible, you try to sample a little of this and a little of that. You want to try it all. You tend to have a head for facts and trivia. You tend to know a little bit about everything.

  • Re: Leather jackets and stuff.

    BrunetteHeaded - - Fashion


    I think they look good and can keep you warm on the shitty rainy days, which lets face it, the UK sees a lot of them during the average summer!

  • I think it depends on your sex drive and who you're having sex with to be honest. I became sexually active at 16 with a lad I was seeing at the time and was quite sexually attracted to him and I've always had a pretty high sex drive I'd say, even before I lost virginity.