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  • If you don't want to date your friend, then that's reasonable. She may be upset, but she will get over it in time. Do you want to get to know the second girl? You may find that she's a lot more attractive to you than you can tell from just looks. Personality plays a HUGE part in attraction. I say get to know her and at least be friends. There's no harm there, right? =P Good luck. =) Support Leader, ~James

  • Myspace, a phone call, or stop by her house sometime. ;p Just say hi and catch up on everything. Just remember that if she has a boyfriend, that means she might have moved on. So don't get your hopes up. Good luck. =) Support Leader, ~James

  • Yes, the best thing to do is to try and show her parents that you're serious. If not, the only thing you can do for now is wait until she is older. It will be tough, but if you're truely in love, then it'll be worth it in the end. Good luck. =) Support Leader, ~James

  • Re: help!

    Dr. Wilson - - Friends and Family


    Hey Harvey, it's normal to feel the way you do in your situation. When someone in the family has a problem, everyone focuses on them. And most of the time, the family doesn't realize it. What you should do is talk to your parents, or whoever you feel isn't paying enough attention to you. Explain how you feel. They may very well not realize that they aren't paying much attention to you. As for running away.. Don't do it. It'll put you in an even worse situation. If you truely want to run away, an…

  • Rob is right in saying that it was most likely just because you were tipsy that it happened. However personally, I would tell your friend what happened. While you may risk losing your friend by telling him, you would be taking a bigger risk if you don't tell him. What if she tells him instead? He would be crushed, and then he DEFINITELY wouldn't listen to your explaination. Just be honest with him, and be prepared because you have a chance of being punched. But it has to be done. =/ Good luck. S…

  • Re: staying out

    Dr. Wilson - - Friends and Family


    I'm usually home before midnight-1am ish. The curfew in my town is Midnight, but the cops won't go for you unless you're acting suspicious. xD It's my parents who usually complain if I'm out too late. Support Leader, ~James

  • Try talking to your friends about how you feel, or try calling them up sometime asking if they want to do something. They may feel you don't want to do anything anymore, so they don't ask you. Also, if you want to try and get new friends, there's only one way to do it, and that's to get out there and start talking to people. You have to just give yourself a push. Once you do, it'll be much easier. Good luck. =) Support Leader, ~James

  • Jenn's right. If your friend doesn't want to open up about his problems yet, then it's best to just wait. He knows that he can go to you if he needs help. Just be there for him until he does decide he wants to talk. Take care. =) Support Leader, ~James

  • Hey Klam, I'm in the same situation. I want to visit my girlfriend this summer for a week, but my Dad does NOT like the idea. Before you can solve a problem, you need to figure out what it is. Why does your dad not want you going? Here are some possible reasons; Your age. He may be concerned that you aren't old enough to take care of yourself, or he may just be watching out for you. Legal complications. This is a big one for my father. What if you go down to visit your girlfriend and something h…

  • Re: Gossiping Friends.

    Dr. Wilson - - Friends and Family


    I would definitely try talking to her. Explain to her that you don't like gossiping about other people. If she doesn't understand, give her an example. What if someone was gossiping about her? Would she like it? Ask her that if she doesn't understand. Good luck. =) Support Leader, ~James

  • What is this girl to you? A friend with benifits or an actual girlfriend? If she's not your girlfriend, then you're absolutely free to date whoever you want. However dating someone will mean you can't have sex with this girl anymore, because that would be cheating on your girlfriend. If you're dating this girl.. Then you have to decide if you want to be in the relationship or not. If you don't, then you should tell her. It's best to avoid leading someone on. However, if you still have feelings f…

  • Yeah, I think you should focus on S. While you two were both drunk when the kiss happened, he could still have actual feelings for you. Try talking to him some more and see how he acts around you. Maybe he'll go for another kiss. ;P N sounds a bit like he's just a player. I can't say for sure because I don't know the guy, but you said he's with a different girl every week? Sounds a bit bad. As Jasmine said, just try and talk to S more and get your mind of N so you can distance yourself from him.…

  • I believe you should simply tell her how you feel. She's your friend, and good friends, from what you said. So telling her that you like her shouldn't affect it too much. Heck, you might find out that she feels the same way about you! Go for it. Good luck. =) Support Leader, ~James

  • Jasmine is right. At this point, it seems like she doesn't want to date you, and only sees you as a friend. It would be best to try and move on now. If that means you need to stop being her friend, even for a little bit, then that's what you have to do. If you can move on while still being friends, then do that. Whichever works for you. The one thing I will note is that you may like her, but if she only has an interest in guys who keep her attention, and once she gets to know them, she leaves, h…

  • You should talk to her about what happened. Tell her that you've noticed she's been acting different lately, and that you're concerned. Maybe ask if anything happened the night she disappeared. Until that's figured out, not much can be said about how she feels. You'll just have so stick with it and see what happens. Good luck. =) Support Leader, ~James

  • While "Man law" dictates that you shouldn't date your friends ex, I have to respectfully disagree with that law. I think that if there was an ample amount of time between the break up and getting together, it should be okay. Why throw away an oppertunity to be with someone who might be a great girlfriend? Anyways, onto the main subject.. Make sure to relax when you're hanging out. As for if you should talk to her at school or not beforehand is completely up to you. Do you feel comfortable talkin…

  • Re: Parent's divorce

    Dr. Wilson - - Friends and Family


    Jasmine is correct. You don't have to blame anyone for what happened. Regardless of the reason, it happened already, and you can't go back and "fix" it. However, things are probably better now than they were before, even if you don't realize it yet. Look at the good side of things.. Your dad no longer abuses prescription drugs. Your mom is happy with her boyfriend. There's no more arguing going on between your parents. There are probably other good things that have came out of this, too. You jus…

  • You should tell her how you feel. If you're such good friends, then telling her how you feel won't affect it too much. You might be awkward for a few days *If she says no*, but things will go back to normal. The only other option is to continue things like they are, and you'll never know how she feels about you. Good luck. =) Support Leader, ~James Edit:: Sorry, I don't know why I didn't answer your actual question >.>; I blame replying in the morning. If you wish to get over her, you have to pu…

  • If you like someone, it's usually best to let them know, even if you think you have no chances with them. That way, you aren't passing up a great opportunity to be with someone you like, and they know you like them if something changes in the future. =P Just simply tell him how you feel. I know, I used the word simply, when I know it's harder than it sounds. But trust me, do this and things will be better. Good luck. =) Support Leader, ~James

  • It's not the quantity of the friends you have, but the quality. You have your one good friend, right? And then everyone else is an acquaintance? That's completely normal. If you wish to have more close friends, try opening up to more people. Talk to them more. Eventually they will grow to be close friends with you and then you'll have 2 or 3 close friends. Remember though, having one "GOOD" friend is better than having 3 "okay" friends. Good luck. =) Support Leader, ~James