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  • Re: lookin fly is underrated

    Jenna - - Fashion



  • I'm going to second Nirvana. My sister was really into Nirvana growing up and I listened to them because she listened to them. It was in my mid teens that I realized I really couldn't stand Nirvana. I don't see why they are considered to be these 90s rock demi-gods.

  • The problem is that you are locked into this merit mentality, where you are associating others love for you to be directly related to your personal achievements. This is a very self-destructive perception to have, because everyone fails eventually, but whereas failure is just an accepted thing for most people, you will see it as a catastrophe because those around you will love you less if you fail. I don't know where you got this, but you are almost certainly wrong. I have a hard time believing …

  • My boyfriend's parents and my parents have been friends since long before the two of us started going out. So when they found out we were having sex, their way of dealing with it was to sit the two of us down on the couch and the four of them together have a very long, very embarrassing, very frank discussion about it with us. That was, at least up to this point, the most embarrassing experience of my life. So look at it this way... it could be worse And yeah, you weren't very smart about this. …

  • My boyfriend and I were bored tonight so we just randomly picked a horror movie off netflix to watch. We ended up going with "Let the Right One In". It's a 2008 Swedish film subtitled in English. It's about a 12 year old boy who is an outcast that's constantly getting bullied in school. He befriends the girl who moves in next door to him, thinking that she's about the same age as him. As he later finds out, she's really a vampire. He takes to protecting her, and trying to keep her safe. It's act…

  • I agree with your mom. The two of you were dating for a while and now you aren't. There is going to be a period of funkiness before you are able to go back to being friends. It didn't take long for you to go back to normal, but it's apparently going to take him a little while longer. Try to be patient with him and just accept that it's going to be a while. I don't think you should ignore him completely. I think you should keep attempting to talk to him just the same as you are now. If it doesn't…

  • Long distance relationships are harder to make work, for obvious reasons. The big thing I've noticed is that unless both members are completely committed, they fail easily and quickly. Two months isn't that long of a time to wait, so as long as both of you are really serious about making this work, you are going to be together before you know it. The only thing that I would really like to stress is just that moving to a different place, especially when you are sixteen, is one hell of a life deci…

  • Depends on how much you are interested in the person. Anywhere from one to as many as it takes

  • Re: Older guy :S

    Jenna - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Exactly what Kevin said. If you are 18 and he's 28, I don't personally see that as such a big deal. If you are 14 and he's 24... well, that's a bigger deal.

  • Quote from Opprobrium: “Hah yeah. This made me fricken crazy. But you are right, i recognized that she was talking to me because i was the person she trusted the most. It didn't make it much easier though. I do want to point out that even though i thought about giving her advice to back my own agenda, i never did it. There were plenty of times that i wanted to tell her to dump some guy for no reason other than to get a shot with her myself, but i managed to talk myself out of doing it.” I wouldn…

  • I'm not trying to get your hopes up or anything, but we were the exact same way. If you had asked me two years ago if there was any chance I would be engaged to Lee today, I would have said "absolutely zero". I would have meant it too. At the time I suppose the feelings were there, I just didn't recognize them and definitely wasn't prepared to deal with them at the time. I do like the way you are handling it, though. Stay positive about this, the most important thing that you can do is to keep b…

  • Re: Do you sleep naked?

    Jenna - - Teen Sexuality


    I live in a dorm with a roommate, which makes sleeping naked out of the question. But that's cool, I like to wear Pj's

  • Quote from jon93971: “Jenna, deamon and Frazer, thank you very much. :):blush:” Good luck :blush: I hope it all works out well for you.

  • Yep, and he's sitting right here next to me right now I won't bore you with the exact details, they are already described at length here It's not an easy thing to do, and it IS a risk you have to be sure you want to take. If it doesn't work out, then you stand a pretty good chance of losing your friendship, regardless of any understandings the two of you have with each other in the beginning. That's just the way it works, no breakups are every completely amicable and there are bound to be hard f…

  • Re: sometimes my sarcasm...

    Jenna - - Teen Sexuality


    they do that

  • Quote from Northern Lad: “thank you Jennifer, yeah i know i don't want to get involved its not really my place all i want to do is help her because i completely understand that it must be difficult for her and i have told her that im here for her whenever she needs me, but when she says stuff to me like 'haha well maybe you should go find another fit girl to get you over me' it kinda puts me on the down i mean i don't want no other girl but her, i mean what am i suppose to say to that ?...” Just…

  • To start with, stop thinking in the short term. She is giving you every single sign possible that she likes you and is interested in you. And though I don't really agree with her leading her boyfriend on when she already believes the relationship is over, her heart is in the right place. She sounds like a very compassionate person and I have to give her a lot of respect for trying to make the split with her current boyfriend as easy as she possibly can for him. That being said, if you like her y…

  • Quote from Fashion: “This isn't funny guys. I'm feeling for what you must be going through. As much as i agree about all your opinions on her wanting to get pregnant, i also think that people aren't trying to see the feelings behind why that person wants to make herself pregnant. ” I don't recall saying there was anything funny about it. But frankly, her own feelings become secondary when she's thinking about creating a new life as a method of do-it-yourself therapy. Two many people have childre…

  • Not to make light of your situation, but why is it that guys practically need a girl to write "I like you" on a billboard before you can figure it out? And then when you can't, SHE'S the one being indecisive? Really, you already know that she is interested in you. Keep the perspectives of other people in mind, and remember that the world doesn't revolve around you. Maybe this girl is having a hard week, maybe there's something going on with her that doesn't center on talking to you. Try to think…

  • I don't think you did anything wrong. Unlike what SugarLips seems to believe, "respecting" someone's wishes does not mean you should feel forced to lie for them... ever. If you felt uncomfortable lying to either your godsister or godmother, then there is no legitimate reason you should feel you are being pressured to by your mother. Honestly, for someone that is as old as she is, your mother sounds like she has some serious maturity issues. If my mom acted like that, I would tell her straight ou…