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  • Re: Whats your porn?

    SuperXinsanity - - Teen Sexuality


    Yeah xP

  • Re: Whats your porn?

    SuperXinsanity - - Teen Sexuality


    Male/Female? Male Age? 17 1. Do/Have you watched porn? Yeah 2. Do/Have you looked online on porn forums at pictures/movies? Yup 3. Whats your favourite type of porn/nude picture etc? Striptease 4. Have you evar found a nude/semi nude/etc picture of someone you knew online? Uhm...I once met my friend on chatroulette...while he was jerking off...eww...

  • In my honest opinion the 10 seconds it might take you to put the condom on is worth avoiding 20+ years with money problems and other issues

  • Quote from Otosaki: “Is age what really matters?” No. You just have to find it out yourself People can't really tell you what to do.

  • If it turns out that it isn't ''another guy'' you could try surprising her and start doing new things and not just do everything the exact same way For instance you could make hear wear a blindfold and order her not to move while you ''do your thing''.

  • Re: Circumcised

    SuperXinsanity - - Teen Sexuality


    It was meant more like a joke but anyways

  • Re: Advice Please =/

    SuperXinsanity - - Teen Sexuality


    I can't see to fathom the problem... Edit: You might be a little young though, try thinking for a bit and don't go doing something stupid over a school-crush.

  • Now, ladies and gentlemen, I am going to ask something that I am wondering about. Most people believe that love is independent of age, culture, belief or race (I'm no racist, I'm just in lack of a better way to describe it). But what about sex? What are other people's opinions of who you can have sex with? Much more simple: How much younger/older can someone be for you to have sex with them? And do you have special ''terms'' for people with different ''specs'' than you? (And if you are gonna pos…

  • Re: Circumcised

    SuperXinsanity - - Teen Sexuality


    No, and extremely happy that my manhood is intact (I'm not bashing people who are!)

  • Hahahahahahaha this is hilarious! Kids get dumber and dumber all the time! Have you even gotten pubes yet? Hahahahahahaa! XD There are two ways this could've happened, one is halfway-wrong, the other is so bloody wrong it's either bloody hilarious or so frustrating that you don't know what to do, depends on how you look at it. First the halfway-wrong one (THIS IS NOT YOU): You are a biological anomaly and a mental mastermind, these are EXTREMELY rare. These are often much more interested in ''ad…

  • Re: Uhh... Holy Shit?

    SuperXinsanity - - Teen Sexuality


    Ignore her. I always try to leave all girls smiling, but if you wanna do a counterattack here are some good ones. If she haven't had here period yet you could say: ''So what if I'm a virgin, you haven't had your period, you know nothing.'' If she is flatchested you can say: ''So says the playform'' (and then explain what you mean about platform). If she is blonde you can say: ''Look, you're both young AND blonde! Your intellect equalizes that of a guinea pig, you are several years too early to t…

  • This is bullshit, of course she likes your body, or else she wouldn't be with you! But this might be one of two things: Either she is trying to punish you for something I do not know. Or she is hiding something, for instance not wanting to have sex yet.

  • Dude, you're fine, size isn't that big a deal! It's more how you use it, BUT if you are really worried about it being too small (which you shouldn't) then you can always try to learn the ''2 inches bigger missionary position''. Which is described down to the smallest detail in the movie called ''2 Girls Teach Sex'' (I'm not advertising, I'm simply telling him where he could learn some stuff about sex, but if the mods/admins don't like that feel free to delete this). However you might have a hard…

  • Re: Sex Survey..

    SuperXinsanity - - Teen Sexuality


    Number of people slept with: 2 Condom/No condom: Without. Biggest turn on: Dirty talk on an unappropriate time, lol. Does size matter?: To a certain degree Fave position: Missionary, cowgirl, reversed cowgirl, deep penetrate. Watch porn yes/no: Yup. Like your partner to be shaven?: Hell yeah. Silent or loud: Silent, me thinkssssss. Give oral?: Yes, yes, YES! Use sex toys?: Not necessary. Describe cumming/orgasm in one word: I'd much rather describe it in one sentence (A biological symphony of jo…

  • Re: virgin needs help

    SuperXinsanity - - Teen Sexuality


    Now I can honestly say that if you asked me I'd ''help'' you, but in my honest opinion this is not something you should worry about. I honestly think that virginity is something that really matters to two kinds of people, either those that ''save'' themselves because of a idealistic belief of some sort, or to people who would like to boast to their friends about having done something they assume their friends wanna do.

  • Quote from brandonforcey: “no really into fat or chubby girls...but i hate girls where all u c is bones! i want some meat on her! any1 else agrees with me?” This, bones is NOT hot, PERIOD. You need to have some meat on them to at least keep your natural female curves and forms! But to go into a bit more detail about what --> I <-- like: PERSONALLY I like long hair with or without curls. I really like a girl who has the ''hourglass'' shape, a girl should be shorter than me and have ''average brea…