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  • Experimenting

    Miko-chan - - Teen Sexuality


    11, chemistry class We all did

  • Thoughts on nudism

    Miko-chan - - Puberty


    Quote from Ryanschmo: “My thoughts are: there's a lot of people on this site who claim to be nudists, but when you get right down to it, you'll find that most people have a much broader definition of nudism/naturism than they should. ” It’s more that they claim to be but haven’t been socially nude outside of very quickly changing in a locker room or maybe went skinny dipping in the dark on a dare when they were 12 and just like to fantasize about nudism and so pretend online

  • Uncircumcised

    Miko-chan - - Puberty


    Quote from BlackParadePixie: “Quote from Kyle07: “it implies that circumcised is the standard / normal ” how so? ” It gives priority or dominance to circumcised, as if it was the normal one and anything not like it the “un” like we don’t refer to normal lady parts as “unmutilated”

  • Get in touch with her Tell her you miss hanging out with her Ask about the things she likes doing and figure out if you can do any of them safe from covid and make plans for when it’s safe too and just talk to her a lot maybe drop in that you think she’s perfect and that you’d like to move in with her and have lots of sex and babies or something lol

  • Do you look older or younger?

    Miko-chan - - Fashion


    Quote from Oblique: “What hair???? o_O Lulz ” Pubic hair silly

  • Advice with a BJ friend

    Miko-chan - - Teen Sexuality


    I expect it’s a fake story

  • Well they’re not because they don’t believe what Christians believe for the important parts their book justifies and encourages violence especially to Jews I think the bible suggested to kill witches, but apparently that’s been translated wrong and it was more about driving out demons in witches and not to actually kill the witches But the Koran in the original unchanged Arabic was pretty blatant on killing Jews where you find them and infidels if they get in the way

  • Are you religious?

    Miko-chan - - Debate and Discussions


    In the bible it’s not listed as a sin at all That’s a conservative made judgement to control behaviour

  • Do you look older or younger?

    Miko-chan - - Fashion


    I get told I look 11-12 unless I’m naked and they see the hair

  • Are you religious?

    Miko-chan - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from James_is_Grounded: “yes i'm Christian and i worship every day.Before i used to worship for 1 hour each day and would go to Church most days after school and at weekends because i want to be a good boy but since the lockdown i worship for 2 hours each day in my home and i find that i need to worship harder and longer because i cannot get into church to do it so i do double what i usually do. i try really hard to be a good boy and obey God's rules and not sin but i know i mess up at tim…

  • Are you religious?

    Miko-chan - - Debate and Discussions


    Not religious but spiritual and do observe certain traditions, rites and give offerings because the spirits are real

  • Like gang stuff. It’s collective identity

  • It’s the nature of their religion and culture - they encourage zealotry and they become fundamentalist and extremist because they refuse to allow or accept others having a different view or interpretation other than their own That’s why so many muslims are violent to other muslims

  • Advice with a BJ friend

    Miko-chan - - Teen Sexuality


    A bj is a nice thing to do for a girl not prepared to go further and definitely very good and healthy for the guy, but any guy should be prepared to be washed before he expects to get one

  • I need a friend

    Miko-chan - - Friends and Family


    I’ll be your friend

  • missng my gf

    Miko-chan - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    I miss all my school friends

  • Kendo at my uncles dojo I’m new but it’s so exciting and a killer work out

  • Penis growth spurt

    Miko-chan - - Puberty


    My brother says around 14