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  • gallerymain0303sophiemoxf8.jpg Oh wait... that's who I want to be my g/f. :p

  • Re: Help with my abs

    Denim - - Health and Fitness


    I hope that you read the previous post that I recommended, as generally your program will be very similar (with slight modifications based on age, goals, etc). Good fundamentals of exercise and nutrition will always remain consistent. Anyway, let's get started with nutrition! Based on your age, height, and weight, you need to be consuming approximately 1800 calories a day in order to maintain your current weight. Due to your age (15) and the fact that you are still developing/growing, I would no…

  • Re: Help with my abs

    Denim - - Health and Fitness


    It's on the way mate, I have been away all weekend so I haven't started yet. I will have some free time later tonight that I will work on it for you. My apologies for the delay.

  • Re: trapped in a cycle

    Denim - - Health and Fitness


    OK, you lost me a little bit with the timing of your meals. However, it sounds like you're not consuming enough food during the day, and as a result, you feel hungry in the afternoon/night. The more you deprive yourself of food, the more likely you're going to binge. The solution is to have a plan. Plan out all of your meals (either at the start of the week or the night before) and know what you're eating and when. You'll find that if you're eating sufficient amounts of food at consistent times …

  • Re: Help with my abs

    Denim - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from Sam32: “I can assure you I am fully committed to this.” OK, that's positive. I will post back within the next 24 hours with an exercise and nutrition plan for you. In the meantime if you would like to find out what is involved, you can read this thread. Quote from tina.anderson: “Finally, and probably most important, make sure your diet is good and promotes fat loss and muscle growth. I could get into the specifics of that but that would really take a long time.” Well personally I wou…

  • Just do what Homer did and enter her into a beauty pageant!

  • I've been thinking about it, and I think you should get Cheaters on the case. JoeyGreco-09.jpg

  • Re: boy arent the only problem..

    Denim - - Fashion


    Is that you, Dani? danipoolsm.jpg

  • Re: Help with my abs

    Denim - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from Sam32: “Would eating health and doing like 40 minutes running a day do that? And if so, how long would it take for them to show ?” I firmly believe that a 15-20 minute H.I.I.T (High Intensity Interval Training) routine is much more beneficial than low intensity aerobic exercise. However, if you prefer low intensity aerobic exercise ensure that you stay within your THR (Target Heart Rate). I can calculate this for you, but I will need the details of your age and gender. It will general…

  • Re: Help with my abs

    Denim - - Health and Fitness


    The large majority of people already have defined abdominal muscles (due to the fact that the large majority of movements performed by the body revolve around the core muscles), but what they don't have is a low enough body fat percentage (approximately 10% and lower) in order to see them. The solution is to clean up your diet (eliminate processed foods) and increase the frequency of cardiovascular (aerobic) exercise.

  • Quote from Hobone: “To be honest, they both suck.” Thanks for your compliment. I look forward to your entry in the next competition.

  • Soon hopefully. A competition with a theme would be good. Soda Can vs Nebula* - that worked out well. * May not be a nebula.

  • Re: "Prom" dresses

    Denim - - Fashion


    Revealing you say? You could learn a thing or two from J-Lo! lopez.jpg j_lo_versace_dress_01.jpg

  • Re: "Prom" dresses

    Denim - - Fashion


    It's not just about the dress... it's about who is wearing the dress.

  • Re: "Prom" dresses

    Denim - - Fashion


    Choose the red... it goes faster! :p

  • You voted for the wrong reasons. It's all about the "money shot" reference. :p

  • A massage, so sore right now. :eek:

  • We get prizes?

  • Re: Graphic Competition!

    Denim - - Creative Writing


    We're all winners! Oh, except for the runner-up. :p

  • Do I vote for myself or would that be considered low tactics?