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  • Beefing Up, Slimming Down

    bodimojo - - Health and Fitness


    Let’s face it. Being a teen can be an awkward time – bodies are changing, and there is so much pressure to have a superstar body. And all those movie and TV images of svelte models or iron man athletes don’t help. It’s easy to start thinking, “Gee, if my body was perfect, my life would be better.” Some teens will even go through any extremes to lose a little weight or beef up, including using artificial means such as steroids or diet pills. But Dr. Roberto Olivardia, a clinical psychologist with…

  • If you’ve already experienced menstrual cramps or, more technically, “dysmenorrhea,” you know how painful they can be, before and during your period. For some teens, these cramps are mild and annoying with dull, throbbing pain in your lower abdomen, but for others, it can be extremely painful with pain radiating to your lower back and thighs. Yikes! Some women even experience nausea, vomiting, loose stools, sweating, dizziness, and migraines. And these symptoms can last for a few days. Try relax…

  • When you’re starting to fall in love, life is way more than good—it’s great! It’s like being on an adrenaline high. Let’s take the cues from Bella and Edward, the main characters in Twilight….. The four installments essentially map the heart of teen romance and drama. When you’re starting to fall in love, life is way more than good—it’s great! It’s like being on an adrenaline high. Let’s take the cues from Bella and Edward, the main characters in Twilight….. The four installments essentially map…