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  • Alright, well not over night or anything, but in the past year or two i've noticed that older girls are getting more and more attracted to younger guys. I would have thought that they would be interested in older guys with more experience... so confused.

  • Re: Opinion

    Nesmaha - - Debate and Discussions


    In any topic everyone has their own opinion, and a great man once told me that opinions are like assholes, everybody has one and they usually stink. That's not to say they're incorrect, its just stating the fact that no matter how hard you fight it, not everyone will agree with what you have to say. Although someone who is fighting against you and has never expeienced the situation (sex, drugs etc.) they can say what they want, it just gives you the advantage as they are ignorant to the overall …

  • I don't see much of a point in it. Not to say they're gonna have more planes crashed into them just that eventually, every building we know today is gonna come down sooner or later, and the money wasted in re-building something that was one of the most tragic events since my birth, seems a little bit disrespectful of the innocent souls who passed away those years ago.

  • Well, generally I'm a pretty outgoing person, but the only time I get shy around any girl is when I know she is TOTALLY out of my league and yet she keeps talking to me. I just feel like she's going to judge me and not like me because of anything we end up talking about. Maybe he thinks your too good for him and that you wont like him if you find out he likes you back. I wouldn't suggest asking him why, because then he'll think you're mad at him, just hint to him that you like him, or maybe get …