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  • Announcements: * Rules * Reporting Posts: Please Read Support Leader applications open again * Please read before posting in this section. Helpful Information: Alternatives to Self Harm If you ever feel like you want or need to, here is a list of alternatives you can try to prevent yourself from self harming. Chris's Guide Mood Disorders Here is a list and descriptions of different mood disorders. Different Treatment Methods If you have depression, look here for some alternative ways to get help…

  • Gooeyswat's Story

    Raylan Givens - - General Advice


    Perhaps for about a year before I was told by a professional I had clinical depression, I felt depressed. I cried for no reason, pushed my friends away, and overall felt sad. I thought it was just stress, or because I was a teenager and just going through a phase. One day after having a dream I tried to kill myself, I knew it wasn't a phase. After breaking down in school the next morning before classes, and telling my friend about the dream, she took me to my school guidance counselor. After tel…

  • Re: Womb Shifted

    Raylan Givens - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Hitler: “ My question is, if I fuck Cade hard enough, will my womb shift back? :S” Yes. I think so.

  • I don't think you should worry about it if you don't even realize you're doing it. It may play in your favor eventually. Flirting is always okay if you're not with anyone, if you actually like someone the truth has to come out and one point or another. I wouldn't sweat it.

  • Current generations of kids grow up a lot faster and hear more things than ever before. I doubt you have to worry about anything, especially when she's saying 'wiener' still. Regardless, it's not shocking to me. A lot of kids say things they don't begin to have comprehension of, they think it's cool and funny. It's a simple as that. Basically it sounds like she's in a stage of picking up more things by word of mouth, some girls can be extra gullible. A majority of girls wait a decent amount of t…

  • I'm going to disagree and say I think you did the right thing by being honest with the both of them. There's a downfall to it though, you can't help who you're attracted to and the feelings you have for them, however, you should have had more respect for your friendship though, with both of them. I understand being drawn to somebody so much that all you want is the best for them, if offered the opportunity to help, you would. It's a complicated situation and it's going to be a little awkward for…

  • If you're accepted and there's not an issue with the situation I'd look at that as a free invitation to join them whenever you please. The only way it's going to be awkward in any manner is if you play it out to be that way. Don't over think the matter now that you're in the 'inner sanctum'. Be yourself and don't sweat it. The more you do it, the easier it will get.

  • Hesitating to take an action can usually back fire and before you know it, it's too late. I've said it so many times for this specific situation, honesty is the best policy. If you're concerned whether you have no chemistry or not, you most likely don't. Personally I believe opposites can attract to a certain extinct but you don't need to act on a situation because the opportunity has presented itself, yet act on it if it's what's best for you. If you believe you can find mutual ground with this…

  • Re: NFL - Support Your Team.

    Raylan Givens - - Sports


    Quote from woodz: “da bears!!!! superbowl bound baby!” Quote me on this, the Bears will not go to the Super Bowl, and most likely not the playoffs.

  • Anastasia Salikhova's Story

    Raylan Givens - - General Advice


    Okay; At the time I was homeless and living in what can only be described as Hell. See, I'd been travelling a lot, in search of my grandpa - again. This was in England, of course - I'm not sure where. I'd been travelling for a long time and had come to stop in this place for a while. I had no where to stay of course, so I went to a hostel sort of place. There, I met some people who said they knew a place I could stay, if I did a few jobs for them here and there - so of course, I went to the plac…

  • Re: WTF happened to Linkin Park?

    Raylan Givens - - Music


    Quote from Tombgeek: “ True, they have done more for rock than most modern rock bands. They are a good band. But some people have the mentality that Linkin Park is the ONLY good band. People like me feel that, even though they are a great band, they are not our favourites. Personally, I prefer Skillet and 30 Seconds to Mars. Bands like Skillet have been nominated for a Grammy, and see how underrated they are. Linkin Park maybe is a victim of its own success. We know Linkin Park as an alternative…

  • I've never bought into that, obviously you have to establish some type of ground between the two of you, that takes effort on the guys part. There's always the exception that a girl will pursue a guy if she really likes him, still, that's only going to happen after the dude has showed some type of interest in her. Personally, I believe if you like a girl enough for her to catch your attention you're the guy, you should be the one going after her, it's a lot better than waiting around, for nothin…

  • I love a good Comedy, laughing is healthy for me. Usually an action movie with a mix of comedy is great too.

  • I can understand the concern, it's not the best feeling in the world seeing someone after you've broken up with them or after you've been broken up with, regardless of the reason. You should feel pretty comfortable with your chances of not seeing him though, they're slim to none. I go to College with a lot of old friends and never run into them, I have to text and meet them or something. I have classes with two people I knew, chances are you're going to have to see him at all, even if you do, yo…

  • Re: Is Lil Wayne out of jail yet?

    Raylan Givens - - Music


    Free Weezy so he can make more over rated music and be over hyped by the people, he needs to continue to self-proclaim himself as the best rapper alive and be repetitive. Don't get me wrong, I like a lot of his work, it's catchy and usually unique in a metaphorical sense of fashion, a tad of everything. I just don't buy into all the hype, there's a few rappers ahead of him. He's not the greatest, lyrically.

  • I can see why you're confused and having an issues with this situation. It's not the easiest thing when in the back of you're mind you're curiosity is overwhelming you of what could have been with "K". With K, it seems that it was just an unfortunate situation and bad timing, something you lacked control over. Here's the snag though, as you've developed great chemistry and an amazing relationship with K, your thoughts might be altered towards her due to V. In reality, you have a lot to think abo…

  • It definitely seems to me that there's potential for something to happen between the two of you. The most important thing you can not do in this situation is begin to doubt yourself, obviously you've started to build a chemistry between the two of you and that's a great way to lay the foundation. Continue to be her friend and don't get distracted by other people around her. However, I do suggest you be honest with her and allow her to know you're beginning to like her, it might be a mistake if y…

  • Re: WTF happened to Linkin Park?

    Raylan Givens - - Music


    Sometimes you have to adapt to the style of music around you, personally LP is one of the best bands in general I've ever heard and they've always been known for their great performances in concerts, they're known for being one of the better on stage bands. I think they've won two Grammy awards and have sold over 50 million albums, which Hybird Theory sold ten million plus of, that puts them in great company as far as rock goes in general, specifically for 'alternative' rock they've set the bar …

  • I'm not sure where I stand on this, hypothetically speaking if I got a girl pregnant, I'm not sure I'd want her to have an abortion, I wouldn't want her to. I really can't choose a certain side to this argument though, I believe under certain circumstances it might be in the best interest of the mother and baby that could have possibly been born to not be brought into this world. I feel that there are exceptions for abortion such as rape, those who are in extremely poverty stricken areas, can't …

  • I hear you on this my man. It's not being shallow being attracted to a fly chick, even if you don't know them.