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  • The end of Lost

    davidrgh - - Films, TV and Books


    Don't worry... I won't tell any spoiler I've just finished watching the last chapter of Lost (here, in Spain, it has been broadcast in English simultaneously to EEUU). What do you think about this end? I liked the chapter in general. It kept the style of the whole serie... but the last minutes... the end of the chapter.... it has disappointed me too much... I was expecting a different ending, something better. What do you think?

  • Free Portal until 24th

    davidrgh - - Video Games


    Valve is offering for free the game Portal. I've downloaded it and tried it and I love it You can download the game for free from Steam until May, 24th: Portal is FREE! Enjoy it.

  • Re: Steam

    davidrgh - - Video Games


    The game has been associated to your user account, and you can't transfer it to another account (it doesn't matter if you bought it from Steam or in a local shop, because activation codes only works once, after use it, the game was associated). Maybe can you contact with Steam and ask for a game transfer? If they deactivate the game from your account and activate into the new account, they don't lose money, because there's still ONE player for that copy of the game. Have you tried that?

  • Re: 100 questions

    davidrgh - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    1. Name someone who can always makes you smile? My girl, of course 2. What were you doing at 10:00 this morning? Working in my practicals for the University 3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago? Talking with a friend 4. What did you do last night? Sleep XD 5. Do you watch the Super Bowl? No 6. Explain why you last threw up? I had gastroenteritis (if I've well understood the question) 7. What color is your hair brush? White 8. What cell phone company do you use? Simyo 9. Have you text voted for …

  • It depends on your consideration of "race". If you considers, for example, Spanish and South American people as different races, then my answer is "yes". In fact, my girlfriend is (under that point of view) of a different race of mine.

  • Really, I only play two games online: 1 - Team Fortress 2 2 - Counter Strike Source

  • Quote from clavicle: “of course they can work. i met my fiance on our other forum. we knew it wasn't going to be easy going into it after he left the first time, but we did things to help. going on cam with each other every single night, literally, has helped. tonight is the only night i haven't seen him. i move in with him in a few more weeks. we are getting married in october.” Congratulations Good luck

  • Re: Anyone plays TF2?

    davidrgh - - Video Games


    Quote from the smoke monster: “I play the Xbox 360 version (I know, gay.) and I love using Spy and Engineer. Heavy and Demolition suck nads.” Do you sill play? By the way, my nickname in TF2 is "El francotirador loco".

  • Uhm... It could be the next list (the order is not important): 1 - Fallout saga (above all Fallout 1 & 2; they were the best Fallout games). 2 - Counter-Strike 3 - Team Fortress 2 4 - Command & Conquer saga (except the last one (Tiberian Twilight), it sucks; EA ruined the saga with that game). 5 - Diablo saga

  • Anyone plays TF2?

    davidrgh - - Video Games


    Anyone plays Team Fortress 2? What's your fauvorite class and the class that you hate? My fauvorite class is the sniper, I love wait for my next victim from a long distance. Besides, I'm improving my "headshot" skills By the other hand, I hate Spy. I think I will never be able to control him and his backstab skill...

  • Quote from Kevmo7: “thats a really nice story David, those 3 years must have been long tho!” 3 years and a half, really (from 25th November 2005 to 18th July 2009). Yeah, it has been hard, but it's surmountable. Quote from JoBro: “Yeah, David, that must have been hard. Kevin and I are getting together and meeting this July, it'll have been 11 months, and just doing that is difficult. Afterwards, we'll have to wait a little over a year before I can move to him. But I'm confident things will work …

  • Of course that it can work... if both strive to keep that relationship. I can prove it by experiencie. That's my case: Me from Spain; she from Peru (more of 9000 Km)... met by Internet (specifically on the closed old chat of Lycos). Nearly 3 years, we were oficially couple (we didn't know personally, buy there was a mutual feeling). This happened in November, 2005. In February 2008, I went to Peru on my holydays for 18 days... I met her personally by first time (there was no disappointment). Fin…

  • Now I've enough posts, so I publish now the video here. [ame='']YouTube - Medievalia 2008 - Introducción[/ame] I wait for comments, I hope you like it

  • I could teach you, but I'm not sure if it's illegal. I mean, in Spain downloading music and films it's not illegal if you don't sell or rent them; but I don't know about other countries.

  • Re: Anyone plays Team Fortress 2?

    davidrgh - - Video Games


    Quote from xd18: “I want to get it for PC but I doubt my pc could handle it.. lol” I think it has low requirements Quote from Mikep: “i play quite often on PC” What server do you usually to play in? And what's your nick ingame?

  • Firefox, of course

  • Re: Tom Clancy's EndWar

    davidrgh - - Video Games


    Quote from crazyemoguy: “I have played the demo it was ok, but i didn't have a mic :s I wonder if his new game Hawz (or whtever) will be using a similar voice command system to command ally fighters” Well, I've played (the full version) with a mic, but it's a bit broken (I'm afraid I must buy a new one :(); and that voice command system it's great.

  • Anyone plays Team Fortress 2?

    davidrgh - - Video Games


    I use to play in Badwater Basin with the nickname "El francotirador loco" or "El francotirador chiflado"-

  • Quote from xc_diver12: “is halo not an rpg? sorry guys. idk what rpgs are :confused:” Not exactly. Halo is a FPS, an action game. In a RPG (Role Playing Game) you usually must (among other features) train your character (for example, with the classic attributes: Strength, dexterity, endurance...).

  • Diablo I, Diablo II (I can't wait the moment that Blizzard will release Diablo III :p) and, of course, Fallout I, II and III (except Fallout Tactics, I didn't like that game).