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  • Quote from JesseRider23: “oh wow lol- i ate frosted cheerios this morning and was thinking of those as they were fresh in my mind But yeah, for the most part whole grain cheerios are very good for you. Having said that, i see where you're coming from but i could personally never eat cheerios for dinner. I think almonds and milk are equally, if not more effective. Imo almonds are one of the most underrated healthy foods out there. Also, the FDA is investigating general mills for their claims abou…

  • Yes, after dinner there is nothing wrong with that and it is actually recoemended. Also, there is nothing wrong with Cheerios, unless your eating the sugared ones or maybe the new chocolate ones that they came out with but otherwise there is nothing wrong with cheerios there low in carbs and sugar as well as help reduce LDL (bad) cholestorol. Matter of fact the new whole wheat cheerios actually contain 100% of roughly 10 different vitamins and minerals among other stuff, as well as helping reduc…

  • Re: is pizza fastfood?

    Bigman89 - - Health and Fitness


    Carbs in general give you energy, there is not one carb out there that does not give your body energy. Not only does your body need complex carbs found in veggies and what not but it also needs simple carbs, the carbs found in breads and other things. Complex carbs will break down slower in the body while Simple carbs are easy for your body to break down, therefore good to have after a workout. Your not going to go and have a protein shake and a bowl of green beans after a weight lifting session…

  • Re: Anorexia?

    Bigman89 - - Health and Fitness


    Halsey, I can't say i've personally ever had this problem or know anyone that has had this problem but I know there are a lot of people out there that do, your not the only one so don't worry. Personally, what it sounds like to me is that, mentally, your trying to fill a void without even realizing it. You had a really close friend, who you could trust and rely on and once that relationship started to break, i'm sure it hurt you mentally quite a bit. So now your bodies trying to fill that void, …

  • Re: is pizza fastfood?

    Bigman89 - - Health and Fitness


    I wouldn't consider pizza fast food, no. Is it healthy for you? Well, that's debatable. I'm one of the ones that believe pizza is what you make it and in your case, it's not half bad if eaten in moderation. Just cause it has fruit and veggies doesn't mean you can eat the whole thing, that'd be nice though eh? And tethys, there's nothing wrong with bread when your working out, in some sense you actually should have bread (unless your cutting then that's another story). Bread is a quick and easy w…

  • Helloooo, I really agree with what everyone else here has been saying. One of the best ways to increase your stamina and overall fitness level is running. So I guess since everyone else hit pretty well on that topic ill just go ahead and say this. A run/jog/walk, whichever you want to call it will be your best bet, just perform this for a half hour 3-5 days a week. Studies have actually shown more then a half hour of cardio can (not always) have negative effects. Also, a little something of my o…

  • Hey Bud, If you start cutting the junk food out of your diet ( soda, chips, etc. ) and start walking, or jogging often then you will lose weight, without a doubt. Now, you don't want to not eat period though, that's probably the worst thing you could do. Eat what you can but try your hardest to eat healthy and if you can't eat healthy, then eat in moderation. But remember, try your absolute hardest to eat healthy when you can! Also, a good way to eat, as far as weight loss goes is 6 meals a day …

  • To everyone, I want to apologize for the big delay on the final installment of the 'Complete Health and Fitness Guide'. It will be coming out without a doubt but recently I have been to busy with my school and other work, preventing me from making it. But, do not fear! Guide 3.0 will be coming out and hopefully soon.. Thanks, Shawn

  • Re: Working out

    Bigman89 - - Health and Fitness


    Hey five55, how's it going? I know where your coming from bud, I use to be in your same boat and I know how your feeling. Back when I was your age I was overweight and couldn't really do much more then you said you could do a few push-ups and what not. But, there's really not much of a get strong quick method you can do. But through a little hard work and determination man you can do it. Unless you have a gym or something to go to I would just suggest setting up a little daily routine, or maybe …

  • Re: Help with weight loss

    Bigman89 - - Health and Fitness


    Hey Andy, hows it going? Losing weight is usually a full body thing, it's very hard, if not impossible to spot lose ( meaning lose weight around your stomach area only). But, there's no problem there, just lose weight and get leaner all over the place, right? Sounds like a good plan to me! First, biking. Biking is primarily a leg exercise and abdominal (kind of) but the main focus is on the legs. Now, don't get me wrong biking does provide a good cardio workout if done properly and it doesn't pu…

  • Quote from Suicide Season: “Was this just copied and pasted from a book or website?” No, I wrote it.. Except for the stuff I cited, like the list of food

  • Re: Good songs.

    Bigman89 - - Music


    Quote from theinspiration: “Journey- Dont stop believing” Seriously? Just, seriously.. I hate that song Actually, just listened to it again, it's not bad

  • Re: Help with six-pack

    Bigman89 - - Health and Fitness


    Cirrax, i'm not trying to be mean or anything here, but one of the only reasons that worked out for you is because of your size. Really skinny people have a much easier time getting abs then other sized people, and simply because of the fact that everybody has abs they just need to be defined, and they need to grow. Which means that people who weigh more, and have body fat need to diet, and get lean in order for their abs to show. Though, if your skinny, like Cirrax ( again, not trying to be mea…

  • Re: Back Fat...

    Bigman89 - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from LaRosa: “Unfortunately, there is no such thing as spot fat reduction with exercises. In order to lose body fat you must burn off more calories then you are taking in. So as bigman said, eat healthy and exercise, but there is not a specific set of exercises that will get rid of back fat.” Agreed, but I never said it would burn the fat off of that area.. I just said it will tone it by possibly building muscle.

  • Re: Back Fat...

    Bigman89 - - Health and Fitness


    The fat on your lower back is really hard to get rid of, while the fat on your stomach will melt away from just doing simple exercise. But the only real way to take fat off your back is to eat healthy ( Which you said you do ) and workout ( You'll probably have to go more then once a week, maybe 3 times, and do a little bit at home when not at the gym. Or you can just do what you would do at the gym at home 3 days a week or something. ) Also, lower back/oblique exercises will also tone that area…

  • Re: Nick Jonas' hair

    Bigman89 - - Fashion


    No problem, hope it helped.

  • Re: How do i sue my school

    Bigman89 - - General Advice


    The simple fact is, you can't sue your school, unless you have hundreds of thousands of dollars lying around some where. Because you would'nt only be sueing your school you'd be trying to sure the entire district, that's just how it works, don't ask why. And why do you think you'd even stand a chance? Your trying to sue the school, since you have a risk of being expelled because of your own bad behavior? That doesn't make any sense, the kid didn't deserve any of that, you deserve whatever comes …

  • Re: Boys and make-up?

    Bigman89 - - Fashion


    Well, personally I don't see why you'd want to. I'm a guy and I don't, I don't think I ever would either. But i'm not going to criticize you for it, i'm the type that preaches being yourself. So, if you like it, then go for it, or well, stick to it. That's my opinion.

  • Lineage 2

    Bigman89 - - Video Games


    Does anyone here play it? I use to play, and I just recently started again. Still updating though so I havn't gotten back in game yet. =/

  • Re: Nick Jonas' hair

    Bigman89 - - Fashion


    Don't try and be like anyone else, be yourself. Whether it's your hair, personality, etc. Leave it be and be you, that's my opinion. If everyone in the world tried to be like everybody else, the world would be a pretty boring place. Now, i'm not trying to condemn you in any way. I'm just saying, be happy being you, and if changing your hair is what you'd like to do, then do it, but the above is just my opinion. Check the link following this for some advice, it seemed pretty logical to me. How to…