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  • Im 19 & still a virgin. Im not self conscious about my looks at all. Just shy, introverted and hate the awkwardness of social small talk. So i tend to avoid it and only hang around people i know and that doesn't include to many girls =P You have to take what you want otherwise you will be stuck with what you get handed. So unless your prepared to be proactive about losing your virginity then you will have to wait untill a bold girl comes along and that may be as long as 5-10 years...

  • Re: For the Virgins..

    Alex_Rosque - - Teen Sexuality


    Somewhat introverted, I hate the boring small talk that you have to go through whenever you meet people. So i lower the odds by not going up to people and starting conversations.

  • Live & Die. The rest is unknown, there are just some things you cant explain.

  • Im 19 & never had one. And yes its sad.

  • Re: How do i look??

    Alex_Rosque - - General Advice


    You dont need to, i no your lying lol.

  • Re: How do i look??

    Alex_Rosque - - General Advice


    Quote from jakelovesmeggy: “ever done up-downs? those are murder after a while... football gave me the start, and some people naturally get muscles faster than other. my dad is 6'4 and he play his day, he had MUSCLES! i guess it runs in my family... i bench 210 =D i only weigh 155lbs” I nearly chocked at this statement, then about 0.2 of a second after i realized your lying. Im 19, 6ft 3 and 198 pounds and i really really struggle with less that. And i have been going to the gym for over …

  • If theres anything to be anxious about its not whether or not your going to heaven or hell its the fact that when you die you dont exist anymore and your mind does not function, just imagine not thinking, not seeing, not hearing etc. Thats death.

  • No antidotes, no cures and no magic mental solutions to get over it. Doing it and doing it regularly is the only way to become more outgoing.

  • Re: What the..

    Alex_Rosque - - General Advice


    Quote from Jono: “ "I can't think of you than more of a friend" ” Maybe your being to friendly or nice? I know girls that have said that nice guys are great to be around but they can be really boring and no fun.

  • Quote from shylonelyguy: “I know no girls like me. They never say a word to me. Never look at me. Never do anything. nope they don;t. im just that pathetic. im starting to feel more hopeless about this, and the rest of my life in general.” Girls rarely initiate anything, your just a poor fool. Its like you think everything should evolve around you... if you dont do anything you will fail and you will be useless and shit your whole life. Your a prolific attention seeker who romanticizes about bei…

  • Quote from shylonelyguy: “I disagree. As I have seen from the past, changing myself is impossible without an external force. Okay so how do I know if it's the right time.” You have to realize that one day you will die and nothing you do or what you did will ever matter. If you really wanted to change you would, so the way i see it your not ready to change. You need to grow up and accept that there is no magic way through life. Your just looking for the easy way but the only way is to experience …

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Alex_Rosque - - Teen Sexuality



  • you have to change yourself before you will stand a chance at getting girls. You have no confidence, you have no social ability with girls, your super shy, your really depressed about it, you have an extremely negative attitude. They are your problems, not girls. Thinking that buy just getting a few chicks will make you have all those things and your problems are solved isnt gunna work.

  • Re: Help Rate Me Please!

    Alex_Rosque - - General Advice


    I thought you were 12. So 17 is a big shock to me...

  • Re: Virginity.

    Alex_Rosque - - Teen Sexuality


    Funny, im in the same situation & im 19 as well. If you put to much importance on it your whole social life starts revolving around it and it doesn't happen.

  • If your orgasming then there is only 1 reason why your not cumming yet and thats because you haven't reached that stage of puberty. I remember i used to only get pre cum and then all of a sudden over a few weeks it came out more and more. Your still 15, you may be a late bloomer dude.

  • Re: Finding who you are

    Alex_Rosque - - General Advice


    I no what you mean. Only way to get around it is to follow your own ideas/morals/opinions etc otherwise you are just following others. And that only comes with getting older. You cant just skip that part of your life.

  • Re: I'm getting a faux

    Alex_Rosque - - Fashion


    I wouldnt do it. Ive had one before and you have to put hair product in it all the time or it just looks stupid having short sides and all this long hair on top. So yes, every time you leave the house be prepared to spend 5-10min doing it. And re-checking it every now and then to see if it gets messy otherwise it looks stupid.

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Alex_Rosque - - Teen Sexuality


    fuk =]

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Alex_Rosque - - Teen Sexuality

