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  • wow i found another one like me, Dude im just like you but my problem is I overthink it way too much and im pretty sure thats happening with you, and yes confidence was a huge problem with me i hadnt spoken to almost anybody especially from the female gender from 5th to 11th grade 0.o thats a long time i posted on this forum a while back and every1 told me to grow a pair and talk to her but i didnt, i just did what I thought was right. . . im writing way to much so ill make my point in bold belo…

  • Re: Can't be tamed

    TheSilentOne - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    - 1 - Have people ever made fun of the way you stand? Not to my face? - 2 - What percent of your life is occupied by your music player? All of it 24/7 - 3 - Ever spied on your neighbors? No. - 4 - Is your house for rent/sale? No. - 5 - How tall are your parents? 5'9" & 5'5" - 6 - Do you wish dinosaurs still existed? Yes. - 7 - What color do you wished you peed? Clear 0.o? - 8 - Ever built a tree house before? No. - 9 - Are you a videogame nerd? Somewhat - 10 - Do you believe there is an end to t…

  • You Are Bridge You are a thoughtful and conscientious person. In fact, you're a bit of a brainiac. You get a real thrill from mastering difficult tasks. You get bored if you aren't being challenged. You are competitive, but you aren't a sore loser. You take a rational approach to competition. You work hard, and you're persistent. You don't expect to be a natural at anything.

  • Re: Crazy sex dreams

    TheSilentOne - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from sigi: “That's what I am doing right now. I'm in a coma and I'm on Teenhut.” 0.o if you were in a coma and lucid dreaming why the hell would you be on teenhut? <--- best question ever asked

  • If you really knew me, you would know that I am the most innocent kid that almost all people i know have met, yet still manage to get fucked with just because i don't stand up for myself because it is almost a physical impossibilty for me to talk because i over think things and it fucks with my head. You would also know that people have been giving me shit since kindergarten. You would also know i'm a straight A student, but don't look it, i'm a great athlete, but don't look it, I got picked on …

  • Re: Crazy sex dreams

    TheSilentOne - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Spaceman Spiff: “And then you wake up and realise it was just a dream. 2uy2cdu.jpg” lol except the part where you take a "few" sleeping pills before falling asleep and you never wake up you're "living"<-- you assume you're living in the real world, while you are really in a coma i win

  • Re: Crazy sex dreams

    TheSilentOne - - Teen Sexuality


    Lucid Dreaming = craziest sex dreams =) you can do whatever/whoever the fk you want whereever the fk you want whenever the fk you want for however long u want =)

  • Hey everyone, =) i was just wondering how many relationships you guys/girls have been in and how long they lasted just as a project i guess? If you dont mind please fill out the form below =) Age: (16) # of Relationships: (0) Longest Relationship: (10000 years) Shortest Relationship: (1 minute) Thanks for all the help? =)

  • Quote from BlondeDancer: “well i was going to friend him, but then i didnt and i think he did. he also told me to give my crush a blow job and that i was pretty cute” Okay, im pretty sure he likes you, but to me he sounds like a total idiot whos trying to hard to get you to notice how hes been doing, hes either really desperate or hes doing really great 0.o i would say the first 1 =) well thats just my input, other ppl need to respond to this

  • Quote from Alejandro: “Be creative and take the initiative. Girls do not like guys who are not confident in most cases. Girls are not going to wait for you.” does that mean i'm going to be a loner for life? 0.o <-- because i cannot overcome any of those feats(no its not a typo) >.>

  • Uhmmm not much of an advice giver, if you've read my advice before >.> but sounds like little white lies to try and make himself seem bigger as a boy i guess? Or he actually did sleep with a "babe" and hes just flaunting it around everywhere he goes because hes an 8th or 9th grader >.> & minor details can change this scenario totally, how did you reconnect, did he contact you first, or did you contact him first?

  • Quote from 5l4ck: “:D soooooo... i've had this "problem" ever since i know of myself it's annoying and caused loads of (heart) pain to me haha anyway, when i like a girl, i never manage to move on past "staring" point.. basically if i like a girl, i stare-flirt (lol) a lot (keep looking at her and moving my look away when she looks back..). But sadly i don't know how to get past that.. or maybe know but i'm too scared to do it? i actually had 2 cases where it was 95% obvious that girls liked me …

  • Quote from neverforever: “I'm attracted to: -Personality ( I tend to like shy guys ) -Humor -Sadly, I'm really into looks, which I wish I wasnt. -Someone that's not boring! -Someone who can keep a conversation going. -Someone who will talk to me without me talking to them first. yeah thats about it lol.” I see a flaw in your post, lol just watch, "Personality ( I tend to like shy guys )" ----> "Someone who can keep a conversation going." ----> "Someone who will talk to me without me talking to t…

  • Quote from RhubarbRose: “Hmm... Yes. He does spark me as the shy type. Not TOO shy, but he seems like he's trying to fit in. He sits with the more 'popular' crowd now, but I know he hasn't always hung out with them. Just since high school. (Which I only started a year ago.) SO many girls flirt with him on his profile. He's a good-looking lad, I have to say. I don't really know if he flirts back, but I've seen him comment on girl's pictures sometimes saying rather flirty things... it just all doe…

  • Okay, I haven't been on these forums for a while and my advice isn't much going by my Forum Name but, I'm 16 and a male, and i rarely ever start conversations with anyone due to my lack of confidence or my shyness, and most people accept that fact, but in my opinion you would need more details from his point of view does he talk a lot, do you see him hanging out with lots of people, or is he the type that strolls by with minimal speech and hanging out with close friends only. It can vary greatly…

  • i agree with linda just be straight out and ask her what she wants

  • Quote from alfaspider06: “Firt of all what is "properly texting"? Secondly if you have feelings for her and can talk to her via text, you can talk to her in person, there is no difference. If she seems to "nudge" you off maybe she is going through something and doesn't want to talk or maybe she is just nervous about talking with you...” First of all If you can talk via text that does NOT mean you can talk in person >.> Second of all maybe she is shy? maybe she is nervous? My suggestion is just w…

  • i agree with bbish >.> i mean youre not friends with them are you (never stated it in the thread) if not you just move on i mean it is harder to ask some 1 who is closer to you because u risk losing the friendship but if you arent real close then theres really nothing to lose now is there?

  • haha i feel like this sometimes, where you just want somebody there, and im sorta like you except im really shy and play football everybody knows me and knows i dont talk so they dont care to try and talk to me what i WOULD SUGGEST is putting yourself out there be active at school talk to girls in class ect. ect. im not sure if im in any position to give you advice as ive yet to have a girlfriend but advice is advice. . . . . right?

  • same exact situation happened to me except it wasnt soccer its football =P but i told my friend and he said go for it (knowing im really really shy) and so i did but nothing sparked between me and the girl so we became "close friends" im hoping to try another time >.> so since nothing sparked between us i told my friend and he went ahead and tried and then the girl got confused and mad and said no to him >.> so in the end nothing worked out lol =D just saying thats my situation so if i were you …