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  • ive just got into bed and the tears just came so fast that i coudlnt take it. i needed someone to talk too so i logged onto here. i just want friends, i just want a boy to want me for me and not sex, i want to feel beautiful and not worthless. i just question why am i still here? gods taken so many lives, so so many people who had a reason to live, a reason to carry on and then theres me. Im that girl in the back of your class who doesnt ever speak. The one who dissapears off a lunchtime on her …

  • hey people right well im rather new on here, ive only been a memeber a day or two and the reason i became a member was because of all the troubles and difficulties im facing in the "real world" if you like. ive got major self worth issues and seeing as i am on the verge of obese i thought if i slimmed down to a more comfortable size that might help and give me some confidence. So back to the point, seeing as everyone is so so so friendly on here i thought you'd all be able to encourage me and he…

  • hey guys, this message might be really long because ive got so much to get off my chest its unreal. The weirdest thing is the only place i can do this is in a virtual world. i am a 17 year old girl but these problems have been going on for atleast two years. I have no friends and i am a recluse. I do not know where to start i have serious self hatred issues which lowers my self esteem and self worth. I am overweight, and all my weight is on my stomach making me look horribly fat and disgusting. …