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  • Yeah, I know. But I also know I'm right ;D And will be thusly proved when people like him get what they deserve: AIDS.

  • Re: Dexter

    Batgirl - - Films, TV and Books


    I don't like the show at all.

  • Quote from Die Afrikaaner: “I didn't lose my virginity till like a year ago, so your just stressing over nothing. Maybe the girls in your area are just lame, try a new town. Just a suggestion bru ;)” Just because a chick doesn't fuck some random loser like you, doesn't mean they're lame.

  • Re: We take things..

    Batgirl - - Friends and Family


    Yes, I am a joy thankyou. And it's no thanks to them.

  • Re: We take things..

    Batgirl - - Friends and Family


    Eh. Mine really don't mean that much to me and I most definitely can cope without them.

  • Re: Rapist on my bus?

    Batgirl - - General Advice


    I'd rather be murdered than be raped. Although, if someone did try that on me I'd probably end up commiting murder. o_O

  • I think it's possible and fine for people of very different age groups to have the perfect relationship. However at 16, not many people are that mature. I myself am with someone who is turning 20 at the end of the year, and I turn 18 at the beginning of next year. I can honestly see myself marrying this person and everything we have is true.

  • Re: Im a virgin.. Dont know why

    Batgirl - - Teen Sexuality


    They didn't just pick on your picture, they picked on your attitude. Being a virgin isn't anything to be ashamed of, and when you talk about it like it is, it shows how pathetic you really are.

  • Re: Amnesia

    Batgirl - - Video Games


    I would play it if I could get my hands on it but it -really- doesn't seem scary at all.

  • Re: Amnesia

    Batgirl - - Video Games


    I don't see what's so scary about it.

  • Re: Question about college.

    Batgirl - - Education & Jobs


    ^That, and the fact you had to add the word 'attractive' in there makes me wonder how the hell you got to college in the first place.

  • Re: Your pics

    Batgirl - - Teen Sexuality


    No, because having pictures of people I don't know is rather objectifying and creepy. I'd cut sick if someone had pictures of me without my permission.

  • Re: How to look emo?

    Batgirl - - Fashion


    Why are you trying so hard to fit into a stupid, simple stereotype?

  • Really? Stop bumping old threads.

  • ^In relation to that; Anxiety medication does work in the case that I have. I don't get nearly as freaked out as I used to, even if I start thinking of horrible things. I can usually switch my brain off, then.

  • Oddly enough, this has happened to me, too. While I'm generally afraid of the dark and unknown, sometimes something horrible like a dead person besides my bed will creep up in my mind. Or some sort of monster screaming at me. Sometimes those of us with fears will imagine them creeping up. With me it's when I say "Oh I wouldn't be afraid if this were to happen" and then take it back, or 'I'd be freaked out if this happened' and sometimes my eyes play tricks on me and send my imagination into over…

  • Re: i think im ugly..

    Batgirl - - Fashion


    You're 14. You're a kid, and you look like one. But no, you're not ugly.

  • No. I would never cheat and I would never even think of another person that way. I am more than happy with what I have.

  • Re: Thoughts on abortion.

    Batgirl - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Blur: “If the pro-abortionists aren't killing the babies for the heck of it, or for health concerns then does'nt Luklaadvocate's idea of benefits for the mothers weaken the arguments about economic position? And if you fear that the baby will be emotionally or physically unsafe with you, give it up for adoption? there are a whole lot of people who are willing to love your unwanted mistake. =/ Can the pro-abortionists not attempt to devalue the life of the fetus for the sake of their a…

  • Re: Pan, Polly, Bi

    Batgirl - - LGBT


    I'd say until you know for certain, just keep saying you're bi if you really need a label. If something were to happen that changed your mind then it's really not that big of a deal. I almost thought I was asexual for a vast majority of my life; for some people sexuality isn't exactly in black and white.