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  • Re: How many songs do you have?

    FadedOut - - Music


    i have 362 on my mp3 player..

  • smile like you mean it - the killers

  • Re:<3

    FadedOut - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    A- AVAILABLE? Yes B - BEST FRIEND? I have more than one C - CRUSH? I dont tend to have cruches.. D - DOGS NAME? Peggy E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO? Not sure F - FAVORITE FOOD? Pizza or popcorn G - GUMMY BEARS OR WORMS? Worms H - HOMETOWN? None of your business! icon_razz.gif I - IF YOU COULD MOVE WOULD YOU? Yes J - JOB? Writer K - KIDS? No thanks.. L - LONGEST CAR RIDE? 15 hours M - MILK FLAVOR? Vanilla N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS? 8 O - ONE WISH? To see the people who died alive again P - PHOBIA(S)…

  • Re: Are You Emo?

    FadedOut - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    You Are 76% Emo emo-4.jpg While you may not be completely emo, you have a sensitive, deep, troubled soul. Are You Emo?

  • Re: Parents

    FadedOut - - LGBT


    I think the posts here have confirmed what I thought about it being illegal. But like I said, i dont see the point in attracting more attention to myself by doing anything about it now as I dont have long left there anyway. I hope she does stop caring about whether I'm bisexual or not. Its none of her business to be quite honest.

  • Talkativity (My Forum)

    FadedOut - - Advertising Agency


    Could some people look at the site and suggest things to add please? I'd appreciate it if a few people joined as well. • Index page Thanks

  • Re: Parents

    FadedOut - - LGBT


    My mum would pretty much always choose her boyfriend I think. She always thinks im the one in the wrong and that im the one that should be punished. But i'm used to it now so I guess it doesnt really make much difference. I think I will just carry on the way I am because I dont see why I should have to change for others. I cant see where I did anything that would count as major breach in the rules or anything illegal so I guess the school just had no right to get involved but i dont see the poin…

  • Think​ back to the last perso​n you kisse​d,​ how many times​ have you cried​ in front​ of them?​ many times Ever been calle​d a bitch​?​ yes. Do you like where​ you live?​ no How often​ do you lose your voice​?​ often. How'​s your mood? shit Do you have a job? yes. Who were you on the phone with last night, and until what time? George until 4am Are you LEGAL​LY able to drive​?​ no. illegally, yes. Ever throw​n up in a car? yes. How many peopl​e on your top frien​ds list do you know in real life…

  • Re: Parents

    FadedOut - - LGBT


    I didnt think they would have the right to call them either. And i dont think being bi is a serious risk to myself or others so I doubt they did have any real reason for doing it. The only thing I've done is stop people making fun of my friend who is gay. And thats not against the school rules. In fact, it should've been the staff who stopped it, not me and one of my friends having to intervene. I plan to just keep going anyway and just ignore whatever the teachers try to do about it. 5 more mon…

  • Re: I can't sleep.

    FadedOut - - Health and Fitness


    I tend to find that writing down every single thing that comes into my head until it gets so boring I fall asleep works.

  • Pizza Hut sell really good pizzas but I think I prefer the Riverbank (a Chinese fast food place near me)

  • Re: Parents

    FadedOut - - LGBT


    I live in the UK. I couldnt find much about the UK laws, mainly just US. The school did tell my friend's parents about her being bi as well but her parents were much more understanding about the whole thing. But my mum and her parents dont really get on very well. And I dont get on with her dad at all. So that wouldnt work. Most of the people here are generally against people not being straight so it's hard to think of anyone really. I'll try to think of someone though. I used to always try to m…

  • Belts

    FadedOut - - Fashion


    What belts do you have? I have a ordinary black one and a black and white starry one.

  • Re: Parents

    FadedOut - - LGBT


    Google came up with something about some federal courts ruling it as unlawful because it's breaching privacy rules but thats in the US so I dont know if it applies here. And it only said some courts as well so it doesnt sound like theres a law against it... They said something like "Your daughter has been having relationships with people of the same gender at school" which wasnt true because I wasnt actually going out with anyone at the time or previous to that from school who is female. So they…

  • Re: Parents

    FadedOut - - LGBT


    I dont know. It might be illegal. I'm going to try and find out if it is.

  • Re: masturbating too much?

    FadedOut - - Teen Sexuality


    I have a friend who used to do it 8 times a day, several times at school, and he never thought it was unusual so I wouldnt have thought twice is anything to worry about as long as it doesnt hurt or anything.

  • Parents

    FadedOut - - LGBT


    My mum found out that I'm bi because the school rang her and told her. She's really against people being anything apart from straight and she wont even look at me now. Its really annoying. I cant help who I'm attracted to. And i dont think the school should have the right to tell her either. Anyone else have this problem with parents disliking it? Or the school getting involved?

  • Re: skinny jeans :/

    FadedOut - - Fashion


    I'm wearing skinnies now They're black and grey I really have no idea where I got them from though

  • Re: Clothes survey

    FadedOut - - Fashion


    Which celebraty style do you like the most? I dont really tend to go for the sorts of looks celebrities have. I'd rather choose my own. Whats you favourite accessory ? My red and black scarf Do you have a favourite pair of shoes you own? Black Sneakers What mark are they? Mercury If money wasn't an issue, which clothing line would you buy from the most? I dont tend to buy branded stuff, I just buy what I like. I'd probably buy things that I liked which were unbranded.