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  • Re: Shaved Penis?

    username #16 - - Teen Sexuality


    a hairy dick is GROSSSSSSS!!! guys.. listen... if you dont shave it at least TRIM it... there is nothing grosser than a hair jungle down there. BIGGEST TURN OFF!! seriously. EW.

  • Re: Question for the guys?

    username #16 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Ashlee: “Do you guys like girls to be easy to get into bed or do you like a little resistance? A lot of the girls at my school will have sex with just about anyone and they are considered popular for doing so. How do you feel about this?” they may be popular in high school, but when they get into the real world they're considered sluts and whores. LOL...

  • Re: Virginity pledges

    username #16 - - Teen Sexuality


    i dont think being a virgin is anything to be ashamed of. if you take the pledge you should try your best to stick with it. if you dont think you can keep it then dont make the vow in the first place.

  • Re: Bulimia?

    username #16 - - Health and Fitness


    -- not to sound rude... but if you take pics, and get people to write comments ..she'll just roll her eyes and shrug it off. i'm just talking from a perspective of someone who's actually been thru this. if someone did that for me, i wouldn't have cared. she wants her body to be perfect in her own mind. even if people around her think she's too skinny, she wont listen to them cause she's not 'perfect' in her own right...

  • Re: Beer?

    username #16 - - Health and Fitness


    beer is NASTTTTYYYYY i think it tastes like what pee would taste like LOL.. for real. smirnoff is good tho.. yum

  • Quote from Duality: “I would have to disagree with point 5. Internet dating is probbaly not that secure and it doesn't boost your self confidence. If you stay all your life as an internet dater, you would finally meet up with the person, talk to them in person and find out that it's either it's a different person or they act differently on the internet than in real life.” imo its no different then going to a bar and picking someone out there lol

  • i believe in God. the Bible is God's words. i believe that his son Jesus came and died on the cross for my sins, he rose and is coming back. that's what i believe

  • Re: Could I be pregnant?

    username #16 - - Teen Sexuality


    just wash your hands from now on and you'll be fine LOL

  • Re: Teeth product?

    username #16 - - Health and Fitness


    crest whiting strips are the only thing i really use...they're wonderful!!

  • Re: I need advice..

    username #16 - - General Advice


    its just a school girl crush. there's no problem with her getting his phone number. she'll probably become to shy to call it ....dont worry about it... it'll pass over i'm sure

  • im tech. single but i've been talking with someone and ahhhh they've stole my heart!

  • Re: Could I be pregnant?

    username #16 - - Teen Sexuality


    your not pregnant. you can't get pregnant that way sweetie. your probably missing your period due in fact that your worried about it. nerves can mess it up. the more you worry the later it'll show up. so calm down and relax.

  • Re: Bulimia?

    username #16 - - Health and Fitness


    I'm a 'recovering' bulimic ... this is something VERY hard to beat. First I think you need to fill her parents in. You being her friend and wanting to help is great, but you need to let her parents know. they are the ones that can get her into rehab/treatment if she needs it. As a friend, be there for her and support her. Its going to be really tuff to stop. There will be days she has relpases and there'll be days she lies and covers it up. Its all normal. Just let her know that you love her and…

  • My Poem==> read it

    username #16 - - Creative Writing


    really good

  • My stuff.

    username #16 - - Creative Writing


    they look realy good!!! :)

  • First Kiss

    username #16 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    first date after going to see the movie scream 3

  • Quote: “ mine are on their 30th i think . thats also on the 16th of Feb. not the 18th as i thought oops” mine parents is on the 16th of April :p

  • Do you work out?

    username #16 - - Health and Fitness


    Yes I do.....regualr gym work out, yoga and pilates

  • Hundreds to many to count

  • Your Parents Divorced?

    username #16 - - Friends and Family


    Nope and infact on the 16th they'll be married for 23 years :)