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  • Quote from Tombgeek: “But I think that is the problem. Christians use the Bible as proof of God's existence. But like I said, the Bible is an inaccurate source of information due to the fact that these stories are not 100% accurate, and even if it was, there is no scientific explanation for any of the stories. If science can't prove it, it does not exist in my opinion. It is pretty much the same as telling a child about the Tooth Fairy or Santa Clause. You say it exists but you have no proof. Bu…

  • Re: God Stuff.

    TheHeroicOne - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from moot: “I grew up immersed in Christianity and as a result I'm extremely familiar with it, but I no longer align myself with any organised religion. Hell, I have two or three Bibles in my room somewhere. My parents, especially my mom, are very devout. Growing up, I quickly became disgusted with how many Christians behave. From the time I was born until about 13, I regularly attended various churches with my parents, and the major thing that began to irritate me was legalism. This is es…

  • Re: God Stuff.

    TheHeroicOne - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from LuklaAdvocate: “First off, you're going to need to understand that if God does indeed exist, he doesn't need to be a benevolent or loving deity. The God you're referring to is one such as the Judeo-Christian God, or a God with benevolent characteristics. "God" is essentially, using the most common definition, an all-powerful being that created the universe. You have a wide array of people who believe in God, and not all of them believe that God is "good" or that God even cares about h…

  • I saw a support leader on here, Linda I think it was? Suggest wearing a rubber band on your wrist, and whenever you feel the need to cut yourself, pop yourself with it. Whether or not it gives the release I can't say, but it'll wean you off of it

  • Re: 2012

    TheHeroicOne - - Debate and Discussions


    The whole 2012 thing is just propaganda, I don't think it's really going to happen. Some say the planets are going to align and a natural cycle will start over, apparently this happened around 20 years ago and people then were panicking then just like now, and even when the planets aligned nothing happened, others say we'll get some kind of new-clear cosmic understanding of the world, but I don't think anything Also though, didn't the idea only start getting popular when they started producing t…

  • Black

  • They did like the Dragonball movie and made the Japanese guy (and the black girl) white :rofl: I'll see if I can find it online :o

  • I like them all, Mortal Kombat is probably my favorite of the 3 though

  • Re: Vampires SUCK

    TheHeroicOne - - Films, TV and Books


    I was thinking about that, it looks like the cheesy kind of humor from like Epic Movie or something (even though I did kind of like parts of that) but I'm not sure haha. ---------- Post added at 04:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:44 PM ---------- Quote from dyslexic_beaver: “Parody movies like this always suck lol Scary Movie Trilogy Date Movie Superhero Movie Epic Movie Disaster Movie The 40 Year Old Virgin Who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall and Felt Superbad About It ect They're all terrib…

  • 258uu6r.png

  • You Are the Fourth Toe fourth-toe.jpg You tend to be a cooperative and social person. You like being around others. You are pretty attached to your friends and family... but only in a healthy way. Love and relationships are the cornerstone of your life. People come first for you. You are independent when you need to be, but you prefer not to travel solo. You like having your support system. What Toe Are You? Blogthings: Learn Something Surprising About Yourself

  • The update is madddddd Quote: “ Update: A spokeswoman for the Marion County, Florida sheriff's department confirms that they are investigating a case regarding an 11-year-old girl with details that closely matches Jessi Slaughter's story. However, the Sheriff's office says that they're only investigating allegations that there are pornographic photos of her online. "Basically we're just investigating if these pictures do actually exist," the spokeswoman says. They're also looking into prank call…

  • You Are Extra Cheese extra-cheese.jpg You are outgoing and friendly. You like to have a good time, and you'll indulge your desires. You are very comforting and understanding. Your friends know they can always turn to you for empathy. You are well adjusted and comfortable in your own skin. You know what you like, and you're not trying to impress anybody. You are good at finding what you love, and when you do, you aren't likely to change your ways. What Pizza Topping Are You? Blogthings: Discover …

  • [ame='']YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame] [ame='']YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame] The consequences....I lol'd. I think I rather like Justin Bieber now.

  • Quote: “ This video has been viewed more than 1.7 million times on YouTube and has spawned numerous parodies and remixes. ” :rofl: 4 days ago, it had around 300 views.

  • Re: Both ears pierced? (Guy)

    TheHeroicOne - - Fashion


    I have mine both pierced, and it depends a lot of times on other factors, like if you act gay they probably will but if you wear it as part of a style it usually just looks better

  • I go through things like this all the time in school, just stay beautiful and graceful, and ignore whatever they say. Bonus points, if you're fine with it. If you're an orphan, tell them it's true, but it's fine because your foster family is your family. As for HIV, just tell them they can't get sick like that but if they'd like you not to touch them they only have to tell you once, smile, and continue. It's sometimes as easy as it sounds, but it can be awkward for both sides. High School can be…

  • Quote from ByTor190: “arguecat.png I won't let people live in a bubble, no matter how nice it seems to them. I'm also somewhat against people congregating solely for the purpose of patting each other on the back. Soz(?)” This is meant to be a discussion though, not a debate.

  • Re: lasst rating one i promeeese

    TheHeroicOne - - Fashion


    I think you all look great In rank I'd say Black - Blue - Pink, though you and Blue could tie. I think it's just these specific pictures though, I can tell you're probably both prettier at different angles.

  • Re: rushing in.

    TheHeroicOne - - Teen Sexuality


    Idk, nothing I would do if I were a girl. Once he leaves, lolhepoppedyourcherryandmayneverwantanythingtodowithyouagain. But on the other hand it's your choice. You might feel better in the long run if it's with someone you've been with for a while or was actually in a relationship with rather than a fling while he's there for a couple of days, but hey it's you