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  • You Are Go Fish go-fish.jpg You are playful and fun loving. You always like some friendly competition! You have good people skills, and you try to play fair. You remember that a game is just a game. You love to be surprised, and you like to think that luck is on your side. You are whimsical and carefree. You have no problem asserting yourself, but you are never overly aggressive. What Card Game Are You? Blogthings: Learn Something Surprising About Yourself

  • You Are a Thumbs Up thumbs-up.jpg You have an upbeat and positive attitude. You really see the beauty in life. You'll say yes to any opportunity that seems even slightly interesting. You are in love with the world, and you really savor an adventure. You inspire others to be more fun loving. Your happiness is unstoppable. Are You a Thumbs Up or a Thumbs Down? Blogthings: 100's of Fun, Free Quizzes and 3 Stupid Ones

  • You Are Stable smiley-3.png On the outside, you are a happy-go-lucky person. On the inside, you are a lot more complicated than that. You are a bit hard to read, and purposely so. You don't want to broadcast your feelings to the world. You are quite mature, and you are able to give back to others. You don't have to make it all about you. Community is important to you. You like to stay involved and engaged in order to lend a hand. The Happy Smiley Test Blogthings: We'll Tell You The Truth... Some…

  • You Are a Maine Coon Cat mainecoon.jpg You tend to be loving and playful around your family and friends. But when you're around strangers you tend to be a bit reserved. You are intuitive. You understand human emotions well. You do best when you are around people. You don't like being left alone. What Breed of Cat Are You? Blogthings: 100's of Fun, Free Quizzes and 3 Stupid Ones

  • Your Life's Challenge is Being Fussy fussy.jpg You are a responsible, detail oriented person who everyone can count on. You never let others down. You are a perfectionist, and you hold yourself to high standards. You enjoy being a success. However, you tend to hold others to high standards as well, and they almost always fail to live up to them. Lighten up a little, and cut people some slack. You may want to cut yourself a little slack too while you're at it. What's Your Life's Challenge? Blogth…

  • You Are a Cool Person cool.jpg You are calm and collected. You don't make much of a fuss - in fact, no one can tell when you're excited. You are not very emotive and expressive. You tend to temper any feelings with logic and rationality. You are steady and consistent. You are a person of your word, and you like to keep to a schedule. Your energy tends to be at the same level throughout the day. You know how to pace yourself. Are You Warm or Cool? Blogthings: We Have a Quiz for Almost Everything

  • You Are a Crocodile crocodile.png You are fierce and strong. You go after any prey that is in your sights. You have a take charge personality, and you are quite dominant. You are not easily intimidated. It's likely that you've had to struggle for survival in your life. You've had to develop a very thick skin. You can be brutal, but you can also be tender. You tend to have two sides to your personality. What Australian Animal Are You? Blogthings: Take a Quiz. Annoy Your Friends.

  • You Are "Thou Shalt Not Covet" bible.jpg You believe that people are too materialistic and too envious these days. No matter what, the person who ends up with the most toys still dies. You think it's important to deal with your own life and spiritual path - not how you stack up against your neighbor. Comparing yourself to others always brings problems. You try bring your focus inward. Which of the Ten Commandments Are You? Blogthings: 100's of Fun, Free Quizzes and 3 Stupid Ones

  • Savior - Rise Against

  • Am I considered a transfer student if I graduate high school with my diploma and my AA degree concurrently, or am I considered a regular student? Since, I'm getting ready to start applying for colleges I need to know what applications to fill out.

  • You Are an Interesting Breakfast breakfast-6.jpg You are a total non-conformist. You enjoy being different, and you appreciate eccentric people. You are sort of a weirdo, and that's totally fine with you. You are much more open minded and free spirited than most people. You are much more sophisticated than you let on. You don't like to brag about where you've been and what you know. You are a worldly person with worldly tastes. And if something hasn't crossed your path yet, it's likely you're dy…

  • Hmmm....Probably The Maine or AC/DC

  • You Are Affectionate affectionate.jpg Your life is full of love and friendship - and you always have more to give. You have an open heart. You are willing to take that leap and put your faith in people. You see the good in everyone and everything. You are a very sympathetic person. The people you love make you very happy. You feel warmly toward those around you. What Kind of Happy Are You? Blogthings: Discover the Parts of Your Personality that Have Been Hiding

  • You Should Live in a Green House green-house.jpg You are a peaceful person who always seeks out quiet and solitude. You love nothing better than a long walk, and you probably prefer to live near nature. You are a good listener, but you always need down time to recharge after being around others. You usually fit in anywhere. You blend well, and you're happy to sit back and observe. What Color House Should You Live In? Blogthings: Learn Something Surprising About Yourself

  • A Night At The Roxbury

  • You Are Sympathetic Toward the World sympathetic.jpg You are a very kindhearted person, and you are definitely concerned about the world. At times, you feel like you have to take a break from caring... you get overwhelmed by your emotions. You may not do the most charity work, but it doesn't mean you don't notice all of the problems around you. Just continue to do what you can. Our planet needs more people like you - that's for sure. How Do You Feel About the World? Blogthings: Free Quizzes for …

  • You Are Brave and Cheeky a.png When You Are Comfortable or At Your Best: You are a strong person. You're driven and assertive. Success is yours, as much as you want it. People find you to be clever and spirited. You're a bit saucy too... delightfully so! When You Are in a Social Setting: You are a determined and responsible. You strive for success, and you know what it takes to get things done. People find you to be trustworthy and a good leader. You treat people well, and they benefit from your…

  • You Are Brilliant pattern-3.png You are a very talented person. And it's likely that your talents span many different areas. You are probably also very well educated - whether you've had a lot of formal education or have educated yourself. You spend a lot of time developing your skills. Practice means perfect, and you sure like to practice. You can be a bit of a perfectionist at times. You like to get things exactly right. The Retro Pattern Test Blogthings: Our Quizzes Weren't Written By Bored 1…

  • You Are a Caramel Brownie caramel-brownie.jpg You are a very sweet person. Even when you get yourself in to binds, people know that your heart is in the right place. You're the type of guy or gal that people never forget. There is something "sticky" about you - you stick in people's brain's. You are act naturally. You let the world see who you are, flaws and all. You're a little chaotic and even messy, but you're okay with that. You can be a bit hyper and unfocused at times. You don't stay organ…

  • You Are Sleepy sleepy.png You are an easy-going, relaxed person. You don't have a care in the world, and you find it easy to nod off anytime. People enjoy being around you. You are a complete natural, and you always act however you feel. Despite what people may think, you don't have a lazy bone in your body. You are a very hard worker. When work needs to be done, you'll work your hardest. That's why you're so sleepy at the end of the day! Which of the Seven Dwarfs Are You? Blogthings: 100's of F…