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  • You really shouldn't have done it IMO, it would have been less embarrassing for the both of you, and given you an excuse to make a slicker move, anyways though, it happens to everyone at some point or another. Now you know, your sister is an immature bitch (no offence, bro)

  • Tell them: "You only make yo mama jokes because you're really adopted and your parents don't love you"

  • Re: Raise money.. Any ideas ?

    SMOKE. - - Education & Jobs


    Make brownies star-wars-dark-side.jpg

  • Quote from THUNDERSTRUCK: “They aren't mentioned because the Bible is a story tale.” ^^^^

  • Quote from Deadmau5: “There are quite a few terrorist attacks that are often known as something else. The Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings were essentially acts of terror. The bombs themselves were weak in comparison to nuclear weapons of today, but they still had a tremendous psychological influence which the US government used to their advantage. Think about bomb could do as much damage as a fleet of planes dropping thousands of smaller bombs, and they knew they could scare Japan into …

  • Re: Pj's

    SMOKE. - - Fashion


    I just wear boxers, or those comfy ass pajama pants like this burberry-pajama-pants-profile.jpg

  • Re: What martial arts do you do?

    SMOKE. - - Sports


    Quote from Number Juan: “Dude. In Bujinkan Tai jutsu , there is no sparring because all techniques are able to kill. My sensei that teaches me Karate and Muay Thai told me he was 100% sure I would choke out Bujinkan Taijutsu teacher. That's another bad aspect of the martial art... They tell you you are D3ad1y. What techniques are able to kill? Pressure points? BJJ guys are able to kill since the moment they learn to slap on a choke and they still go 100%. Guess what? They dominate other people. …

  • Re: Big gauges

    SMOKE. - - Fashion


    I know a guy with like 2.75(estimate, he can fit a fairly sized banana through his ears) that gets laid like mad, and could get a girl in a second if he got dumped, it's probably not going to make much of a difference

  • Quote from Invent42: “If you met me, I'm about as tough as a guy can get. But I come here for understanding, ya know? It's just that I'm apparently oblivious or very unlucky. Idk, going to bed.” I understand that I've been in exactly the same situation as you, and came out of it by just choosing to be strong. I also understand that someone in your position can't be helped unless they really want to. Everything you need to know, work on, whatever, is already in this thread, and probably already i…

  • Quote from Invent42: “Thanks for making me feel like any asshole guys (except those who were kind enough). Don't go around helping anyone else now.” Thanks for commenting just to tell people their help isn't "kind enough", everyone who commented has tried to help you, a random stranger, for no reason.

  • You're not Gandalf bro, hope you decide to live.

  • Quote from FallenAngel: “ Don't you think that people would be MORE angry at you for being so depressing and, dare I say it, EMO about this rather than trying to fix your problems? ” I am... just sayin'

  • You're already wasting time thinking about it, joining a forum, and posting it. I say go for it.

  • It sounds like it's possible you just misunderstood how the steroids will affect her... just sayin' I've had unprotected sex, not to mention not being quite as much of a clean freak about it, and my girl never got prego... so I don't know why yours would unless there's something she isn't telling you.

  • I'm in/was in a similar situation, you really just have to make the choice to either move on or tell her to cut the shit and be with you.

  • I'm all with fallenangel on this one, and by the way, I'm evidence of exactly what she's saying... I went through years of the same thing, and now when people hear what I have to say they think a lot of things, but "that guy is worried about what people will think of him" is never one of those things. Maybe I took it a little bit too far, but for the most part I'm happy, and that's what I want, it's what everyone wants I think.

  • I did, and I don't care enough to speak any differently, you talk about this shit like it's a joke and expect me to respect you? You're focusing on what a burden on society you are when you could actually be focused on what you want, you're thinking for other people and not for yourself, and I would call that extremely weak. If you're terrified of death, don't die, it's as simple as that, figure out what you want, and get to it, something in the world has to make you happy. And for the record; N…

  • My idea is that you aren't keeping your dignity, killing ones self is for the weak. You can't keep anyone alive if your dead, pretty obvious answer there.

  • Yes I think it can