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  • I don't know what's going on I had sex this past weekend, not for the first time or anything, but for the first time in a couple months. I don't know if they're related, just saying in the interest of full disclosure. I was a little sore the day or so after but then felt fine. I got my period yesterday, and I can't put in a tampon! I can get the applicator most of the way in and then it feels like it can't go any farther and it HURTS and I can't get out of the applicator. I've tried sitting and …

  • Effects of swallowing semen?

    Spark - - Teen Sexuality


    Are there any side effects of swallowing semen? Last night I gave my boyfriend head for the first time and I swallowed semen. Immediately after I had a little bit of a stomach ache. When I went to bed that night I got a fever of 101 and couldnt sleep all night. It's now the next day and I have a slight fever lingering. My boyfriend is in perfect health. I have no other symptoms: no sore throat, no stuffy nose, which makes me think cant be the flu or something. Could the two be related and could …

  • Re: Self Conscious

    Spark - - Teen Sexuality


    we've been dating for a month. i think it's just going to be a fun summer thing before college. i'm still a virgin though and not comfortable with my body yet. i can't enjoy the ride (no pun intended) because of my insecurities.

  • Self Conscious

    Spark - - Teen Sexuality


    I'm very self conscious about my body especially without clothes. As my boyfriend and I experiment with more things I generally end up with less and less clothing on and I find myself just focusing on my insecurities about my stomach and legs. I can't find anything we're doing enjoyable because I'm so focused on hiding myself and scared that he will be disgusted if he sees the full picture. Any advice?

  • Air - A sonnet

    Spark - - Creative Writing


    I had to write a sonnet for my English class, and voila! Air Claustrophobia. You suffocate me. My lungs are blocked by your arms. I can’t think. There is no you. There is no I. Just we. Is it possible that you are my link To the only chain? We breathe the same air, But I gasp, pressed against you, yet you’re fine. Be more gentle or else my skin might tear. Please do not crush my ribs. You bend my spine. And yet, our limbs fit. I choose love instead Of oxygen I don’t need. I need you. You connect…

  • Hey Hitch, Great thread. I think it would be worth reading for many if you addressed some of the physical aspects of relationships.

  • EEK Help! Tux for Prom?

    Spark - - Fashion


    I'm helping my date pick his tux. This is my dress: BCBGMAXAZRIA Strapless Chiffon Gown - - Nordstrom Could we pick a vest and tie that matches tastefully, or would that just be tacky? Classic black better?

  • thanks for the advice i texted him. loong story. think were just gonna be friends.

  • I met a guy at a party last night. He was verrry very nice, we hooked up (just kissing) and hung out the whole night. I was pretty drunk, he was also kinda drunk. We exchanged #s and before I left he said "so you'll text me, right?" and I said I would. So normally I would definately wait for the guy to contact me first but since I agreed to text him first... I probably shoud huh? how long should I wait? Also he friend requested me on facebook first, and I accepted, so we're friends. Idk if that …

  • Re: Dream Date?

    Spark - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    A blanket, a summer night, a field, stargazing

  • When he texts me just to say goodnight When he hugs me like he cant possibly let go His casual crooked smile The way he wears his hat, not all the way on, slightly to the side Any time hes in a wife beater When he picks me up when we hug When he is protective of me When he fast forwards through the scary / bloody part of the movie for me :p The way he gets all worked up over sports games When he pulls me to him firmly, but kisses me gently The way he drives, I can't explain it, it's the hottest …

  • Thanks for the good thoughts, everyone. Unfortunately my parents are not supportive of me dropping an AP class. It's a long story, and I've tried, and my parents need to sign off on any drop form. My dad is feeling better and is back home, but hes confined to his bed for a week before going back for more tests. Finals are over for the first semester so I'm managing a more reasonable amount of sleep now. I really appreciate all the thoughtful responses. :o you guys are the best

  • 1) It kind of depends on who broke up with whom. If you broke her heart, it can be really hard for her to just transition into friends. If the breakup was more mutual, and not that intense, just start talking to her as you might usually talk to a friend. 2) One of my big things is feeling safe and protected. Make her feel special. As far as space, a good rule of thumb is not to contact her first (via text, phone call, IM, whatever) more than once a day. If you have to ask yourself if you're bein…

  • I'm a virgin at 17... a senior in highschool, and it's starting to get to me too. I'm sorry you're having to struggle with this as well. I just take comfort in knowing it will be what it will be... I've dated sporadically, but none of my relationships have been very physical. I am right now considering having sex with one of my guy friends just to experiment and try new things, and take the friends with benefits route, but I'm concerned that I'll feel cheap or we will get our signals crossed... …

  • It's just been a rough couple weeks... I'm only getting 3 hours of sleep maximum during the school week because of the 4 AP classes I'm taking at school, and I am still barely managing a C in most of them. I feel like I can't even keep my head above water... I'm having guy issues too, and it's very distracting... I keep having my hopes built up before conflict occurs And the cherry on top is my dad is in the hospital with pneumonia and an irregular heart beat... he's been there for two nights wi…

  • It's kinda like a massage... sure you can massage yourself, but it's just much better if someone else does it for you

  • No more than a year... I think it's unfair for someone to have to put their life on hold like that.

  • I've heard my brother and his ex, and my best friend... awkwardd..

  • Sex With a Friend

    Spark - - Teen Sexuality


    I find that many of my friends are getting more an more concerned about losing their virginity before college (I'm a senior, female). I can see their point... I don't want to go into college a virgin. Did anyone here have sex with a friend, who they were not really interested in dating? I'm not so into having a relationship right now. I kind of just want to have some fun. There's someone I'm friends with who I've hooked up (kissing, and he felt me up) with in the past who I would be comfortable …

  • I'm not jealous... hah. I'd love her to have a rational boyfriend age 20 or under... I'll keep trying to talk to her about it I guess.