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  • Fishing for compliments, tsk tsk tsk.

  • My girlfriend flirts with nearly every guy she sees. God help her if she ever gets drunk in college. Well... God help me actually I guess. But, to the point, doesn't bother me so much... anymore. She hasn't broken up with me yet so its whatever. As for you... just do whatever. If he is thinking of breaking up with her now it is going to happen at some point no matter what, with or without you to flirt with. So, doesn't matter. What's that? Teenage relationships not mattering? Why, that's just cr…

  • It's over! The fight is over! The mysterious stranger has... lost! You being that stranger. Pardon my quoting Star Wars games you most likely never played, but methinks you have already lost my friend. She just isn't that into you. Heh... like the movie... But yeah, unless she has some great epiphany or something about how desperately she wants you than it isn't going to happen. She doesn't want you as anymore than a friend. She just hasn't straight up said it yet because she doesn't want you to…

  • I think I agree with Hearty up there, 13 is pretty early to be dating methinks. I mean... isn't friends enough at that age? Because then, you see, what happens is you can hang with her in a friendish setting, and see if maybe you stop liking her when you start spending time with her. But then, you see, what could happen is that you could become really good friends, for a long time. And then, what could happen is you could accidentally fall in love and make the babies. Or not. But you could devel…

  • The way my girlfriend put it is that something about the whole "bad boy look" thing is very attractive, but she would never want to date one, because, well, they suck. She would rather date the unattractive nerd Yeah...

  • Re: Too loose for him.

    Shute - - Teen Sexuality


    Dayum, lots of hate for small penises in this hur thread.

  • No... not particularly close...

  • Re: How to french kiss?

    Shute - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from neverforever: “It's all about what feel right and like, matching what the other person is doing... the first time someone french kissed me, I had not a clue what to do or what I was doing, it just kind of happened haha and i did it right : )” This. You just know what to do. As long as you aren't too worried thinking about how you are going to do it you will probably do it instinctively well enough.

  • You're attractive. Congratulations.

  • Re: Addicted to chatroulette

    Shute - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Kevmo7: “The world is a disgusting place and guys like him make it even worse, I feel ashamed because it degrades our entire gender, like so many other things, women used to be the ones considered crude but the tables have turned, now society looks at men as pigs sexually. Rmg, I agree but society has no reason... it is how it is, until trends change, its the same reason girls cant get into the friendzone to the best of my knowledge, I hate it, how biased society is these days, but he…

  • I can see doing it with him there, but I dunno, seems weird to go just you and them. Seems like wit would be awkward as hell. I wouldn't do it, but that is just me,

  • Re: Addicted to chatroulette

    Shute - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Monkey Dance: “why dont you just masturbate with normal porn ???” Some people like a challenge.

  • Re: Addicted to chatroulette

    Shute - - Teen Sexuality


    They really are. If only there were as many perverted women who have no lives out there as there are men, perhaps ChatRoulette would be more bearable.

  • Re: Addicted to chatroulette

    Shute - - Teen Sexuality


    So many penises

  • Nothing! You should get her nothing! You don't want to start getting gifts on a monthly basis. If you want to give her something, make it. Do NOT buy it. That is foolish. Paint a rock or something.

  • Yeah, I think you did make a big mistake. Anywho, doesn't matter, was yours to make. Now that you made it you have to figure out what you want. Don't want to have sex with your stepbrother again, then don't. Waalah.

  • Oh, so you have kissed. I guess you didn't just know what to do then. Sucks to be you.

  • I used to worry about this, like "Erm, how do I do?", but seriously, don't. Don't think about it. Whenever you do it, you will be surprised at how you just... do it. It isn't particularly complicated, and you will just know what to do when the time comes. Granted some are worse than others, but you work with what you've got.

  • Re: ughh =/

    Shute - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from OnEMesSduPKiD: “I agree that emotional attraction is most important, I don't deny that. It's just a lot of people completely disregard physical attraction, and say that it's shallow to live a relationship considering such things. Both play their role.” Fair enough. Methinks people just put far too much emphasis on the physical attraction. But, I mean, let's be honest, if every guy didn't want to badly get into his girlfriend's pants then every relationship out there would be pretty bo…

  • In a perfect world, religion wouldn't affect anything. Since our world is not perfect however we should take every opportunity to better it. So no, why in the world should religious beliefs factor in? Sure, maybe one day you'll have to deal with the "Mommy, why doesn't daddy go to Church?", but you can cross that bridge when you get there.