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  • Quote from Shane1: “Your mother shouldn't have let the girl come over during a pandemic. ” I don't believe that would be a problem. Lockdown started at Tuesday but noone takes it seriously here anyway. Quote from Shane1: “Next time put something up against the door, if you can't lock it. ” Yes i know, i just forgot to lock it. Quote from Shane1: “As your mother knew what you were doing and probably approved, I don't think you should have been grounded. It was an accident that your stepbrother sa…

  • Hello,I am Jim and I am (almost) 17 years old. I live with my mother (42),my stepfather (37) and my half-brother (9). Here’s my problem: About10 days ago I brought my girlfriend to our home to spend the weekendtogether. I didn’t hide it from my parents. I have to tell you thatwasn’t the first time, I can count 4 more weekends we spent thenight together. But this time there was an incident. Atabout 1:00 am as we were having sex, my brother came to my room andsaw us. He immediately closed the door…