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  • Re: Hormones.

    Luxurious. - - Teen Sexuality


    True. Man this is hectic.

  • Re: Hormones.

    Luxurious. - - Teen Sexuality


    I can't jack off, I don't have a penis lol.

  • Hormones.

    Luxurious. - - Teen Sexuality


    I'm a 15 year old virgin and lately, my hormones have been on a rage. Like every day all day, I'm horny. It's getting crazy lol. I don't have a boyfriend to help me out and masturbation does nothing for me (guess I'm not doing it right). I'm getting frustrated.

  • I have mine, and that's by choice, because I'm kind of nervous about losing it. But to me, virginity is so overrated. Everyone makes it seem like your first time has to be so special and once that's over with, you can just do whatever. Get what I'm saying? If you want to have sex then go ahead. Just be careful and don't do it with everyone. Sometimes I think that if you're waiting for that "right" person, you'll be waiting for quite awhile. It's not every day that Mr. or Mrs.Right comes around y…

  • I've had thoughts but never attempted to do so. My mom had a very psycho boyfriend and he took us through so much and I just wanted to end my life before he ended it.

  • Quote from Erik!: “I don't think being of different races/religions should be a factor in finding someone you love. Being black/white/asian/etc., shouldn't matter. And I'm pretty sure it won't matter when you do find the one right person. Just be confident and have faith in yourself. You sound like an amazing person and I'm sure you'll find someone just as amazing as you. :]” You guys are so awesome. Always giving someone's ego a boost : )

  • Like I stated before, it almost happened. I was at dinner with my friends at Ruby Tuesday's & there was an extremely hot Caucasian guy that works there. He wasn't our waiter but he kept walking past our table and every time he'd walk by we'd make eye contact and smile at each other. So he finally comes over and says something but he's 20 & I was just turning 15 :(

  • Quote from Tenris: “Hiya I think the best thing to do is, when you see a guy you like who looks like he wants to talk to you, smile at him sweetly and maybe say hi. You never know, after seeing him once or twice or maybe even straight away, he might come over and talk to you. I think you should try being a little more confi- dent It's worth it, because you can have a perfectly good relationship if you manage to keep the interacial stigma out of the way.” This is true. Aaaah guys I'm gonna try it…

  • Thanks for the compliment : ) And I don't think it's ignorant lol. It's just a preference.

  • Race isn't a problem with me at all. I just don't want it to be a problem for him. And thanks for clearing that up Dan, I thought you were being rude for a minute.

  • That's good advice. : ) thank you. And one time I almost got my chance, but he was too old.

  • Okay, I'm a black girl. I've always been interested into white guys. Kevin Richardson started this when I was little girl, lol. Here's the problem, I don't know how to approach someone that's not my race. Say if I'm out in public and a white guy's interested in talking to me, there's a chance that he may keep it moving because he might think "Oh she's black, she won't be interested." I love trying new things, and dating someone outside of my race is something that I definitely want to do. So um,…

  • You know, just because she doesn't want a boyfriend doesn't mean that she doesn't like you. I've been in the situation before. Sometimes we may not want a certain something because of our very own personal reason. She can't control her feelings so she can't help that she likes you. But I don't know. Don't try and FORCE her to date you, but maybe if you guys grow a better friendship she'll develop some feelings. Just be friends for now. Don't give up but at the same time don't stress about it. Yo…

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Luxurious. - - Teen Sexuality


    another hug for Owen.

  • Re: How Do You Like It?

    Luxurious. - - Teen Sexuality


    I'm a virgin but I think that I'd like it slow and romantic.

  • I've woke up soaking wet a numerous amount of times.

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Luxurious. - - Teen Sexuality



  • Never.

  • Quote from Goddess of Judecca: “That comes with age...and boobs. ~Maggot” I have lots of boobs. Lol! Quote from armyforthebroken: “Open up to him; let him know how you feel and lay it out on the table. Reassure him that you just want to be friends, hopefully regain that strong friendship again. If you feel like things aren't gonna change, yeah, you need to move on. Don't let this hurt you in any way, okay? You seem like a strong person.” I'm a person with a big amount of pride but I swallowed it…

  • Lol. Maybe I don't. Teach me.