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  • Ghosts - Laura Marling My Manic and I - Laura Marling Hollow Life - KoRn

  • This evening, after a series of events over the past couple of days, I was reported missing for 5 hours. Obviously I came back, found this out and had to report to the station where they said I should go home and some officers will be around to check up on me. They had to take some information and said they were going to put it on the police computer file. I was just wondering how long these files stay there and if there's some sort of check up after a certain amount of time?

  • For a couple of months now I've been slightly worried about my testicles. I know you're meant to check them every month for lumps, bumps and discolouring etc but it wasn't until recently that I realised there were other things you should check them for. Now I'm quite worried. I've had a discomfort in my left testicle now for a few months, this has been accompanied by a heaviness and occasionally when I've touched the area around the teste, a pain; I've had no discomfort with ejaculation or urina…

  • Well done! It'll be 4 weeks for me this Friday. Gonna be hard first few days, but it's well worth it

  • Re: i want a new game

    SenselessIncense - - Video Games


    Yeah it's an RPG, someone told me it was basically Oblivion with guns and I went out and got it immediately! It's made by the same people who made Oblivion and the whole Elder Scrolls series; it's well worth the purchase. Plus, if you have the 360 you can now buy the game along with it's DLC's at Game.

  • Quote from Goddess of Judecca: “How is being a virgin a wonderful thing? I can understand saying there's nothing wrong with it, but how does that make it good? And how does it make waiting until marriage good? ~Maggot” What I'm saying is that if you're disciplined enough to not want sex before marriage, go for it, there's nothing wrong with that and I'm sure it'll be nice sharing your first time with the one you love. Waiting till marriage is an option I didn't take, you're making it look as tho…

  • Re: i want a new game

    SenselessIncense - - Video Games


    Quote from Aannddyy: “Fable II, if you haven't already got it.” Was good apart from the ending of the main quest. That was crap.

  • I think taking it as it comes is definitely the right option, especially if you've been hurt in the past. You don't want to rush into something just for it to fall apart. Also, she may have been hurt a few times before and be nervous about anything. Don't rush and see how it goes. Hope your pay day night turns out well!

  • You've pretty much summed up impossible in those three questions, my friend. They are pretty conflicting - the questions I mean - and I'm guessing the best thing for you is to get over this girl. How do you say 'I love you' to a girl who's over you? You don't. It can result in several things - The girl ignores you and you go away feeling worse than you did before - The girl says she loves you as a friend - The girl gets confused, says she has mixed feelings about the whole situation several fail…

  • There's obviously some interest in you on her part or she most likely wouldn't have kissed you. Maybe she's looking for a brief relationship, if you catch my drift, and she doesn't know how to approach you about it or maybe she's looking for comfort and a full relationship. Girls are confusing, man, I think the best way is to go about life as usual, go out with her and some friends a few more times and see what happens. If every night ends in her crying like this you know it's probably best to m…

  • I don't think there's anything wrong with being a virgin, but then again there's nothing wrong with consensual sex, either. Although I'm not a Christian, or a member of any other religion for that matter, I do still like some of the values they produce. Waiting until you're married before you have sex is a good thing if you can hold on and if your relationship can work without that level of intimacy and can work on a romantic bases. There's lots of things to do with your partner that isn't sex, …

  • To be honest I'm finding it quite hard to understand what the actual problem is. It's obvious you've got some issues which you're dealing with but the way you've presented them is disorganised and intelligible. From what I understand you've been self harming, you've attempted suicide on two occasions, one by overdose and the other attempting to dehydrate yourself in a sauna. In this post you're now telling us that you abused a friend which resulted in you cracking her jaw and bursting her ear dr…

  • Quote from cyanidepoisoning: “so i keep coming in and out of this state of depression where i seriously start thinking about attempting suicide or something. i can't ever really put my finger on why i want to but i do. if i think aboutit for awhile i can usually think of something. i dont know... i have a history of depression on and off but i go into sort of a ridiculously happy state in-between sometimes and then i think i couldnt possibly cut myself ever again, but then i turn around like the…

  • I know how you feel about feeling out of place in your own family and not being able to communicate with them, my ex girlfriend was in the exact same position and struggled against their ignorance, but she's now at university studying for a full degree and if you're displaying talents in mathematics then that's something for you to work towards! Just because you need to follow your own path it doesn't mean you need to leave home yet, but what it can mean is that you can slowly become more indepe…

  • I definitely feel as though I don't fit in my age group, but to be honest I feel a lot younger than everyone else! It's perhaps due to what they've chosen to do in life - what subjects to study at University (English and Spanish) or deciding to get a full time job straight out of school, but everyone seems so boring! It's alright though, I'm at university now and I'm doing Theatre and pretty much everyone on the course is in the same boat as me - They're a 13 year old in a 18 - 28 year old body!

  • Quote from Warmageddon: “you mean FatMan? *facepalm* ” Er, yes. That would be the one. I guess this shows how much I go on it.

  • Re: Gay pride parades

    SenselessIncense - - LGBT


    Quote from violent vermilion!: “ Oh? Is it a big parade/festival?” I'm not sure if it's especially big, but I know there's one every year and the university LGBT committee helps run it so I hope to get involved through that.

  • To be honest you've got to look at what you've got already and use it to your advantage. Why don't you talk to your family about this change that you've noticed, talk to them about how you feel and how it is effecting your life. You need to find someone to talk to. We're happy to listen here but it's you who's got to find someone in their life; at this community college, you can confide in your teachers, the school nurse. Coming here is the first step and talking to us about how you feel but we …

  • Dude, there's nothing wrong with being socially awkward! That's pretty much the label everyone on here has been given, that's why we're here, to help each other! I know how you're feeling on the job situation, there seem to be none! I've handed out 50 CVs this summer and haven't got one reply so I'm kind of miffed about that, but hey, what're you going to do, eh? There will be jobs that crop up, you just need to wait. In the mean time you could ask your father if there's any stuff that can be do…

  • Meditation works wonders for the mind. It's lovely to do, so relaxing and if you do it well it's almost like taking a nap - although you can fall asleep if you get too relaxed! Might wake up with some achy joints though...