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  • Quote from Bosh Bash Bish: “Some relationships just arent meant to last. You think your all what each other needs at the beginning then when you learn to begin to know each more alot more, you realize its not right. Some relationships come and go, maybe you just need to say it was good while it lasted, but now you need to move on? OR, maybe you need to step back on this relationship, if you really want to stay with her. Obviously she wants a bit of fun and maybe not being so serious about evvery…

  • if your not ready, then your not ready if he cant respect that, your better off without the loser

  • yeah, libary is quite a good place, well if your at uni lol

  • Re: I need some advice ...

    dairyboy - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Princess8: “Original” you bet your ass it is Its good you identified the problem, but you just added to it really, why not use a proper title explaining it, instead of misleading people like a douche?

  • Re: I need some advice ...

    dairyboy - - Teen Sexuality


    only advice i can give atm is stop QQing

  • Curvy all the way more cushion for the pushin!

  • Quote from AalphaA: “Dude i have a feeling she's gonna hurt you in the end and date another guy after you've helped her. Think about it, girls are stupid sometimes.” ive thought about that one aswell, girls are stupid, but us guys are even stupider sometimes i think im gonna sleep on it, see what shes like at work 2moro dont want any bullshit anymore

  • good replies lol im not in it for the sex, just a shock to the system finding out shes a coke addict lol, i want to be the sober influence in her life, but i just cant get close enough do i put my neck on the line, go out on a limb, and go for it? or do i just back off, and see what happens?

  • Re: Should i forgive them

    dairyboy - - LGBT


    answer.....No if they had to forcefully pull you in there, and lock the door, thats intimidation bullying, man i feel bad for you right now if i was at your school, you deffo wouldnt be getting your ass kicked im very passionate about hate crimes and predjuice etc

  • Single is good, you have a mental vibrant freedom, but its very easy to get lonely, especially if your mates are loved up, and your the 3rd wheel, i can imagine that being quite annoying. the thing with alot of people in relationships, especially at a young age, the difference between love and lust is apparent take away the man/woman what you miss more, the person, or the cuddles, kisses, romantic walks....think about it

  • Quote from ComplicatedMind: “Playing hard to get is the same as giving fake emotions. Don't do it.” you are right its like leading someone on unless theres a light at the end of the tunnel, dont lead them down it its frustrating, and its easy to get sick and tired of it Be a pleaser Not a Cock teaser!!!

  • yeah definatly im not going to abandon her, but its just hard to deal with, everytime she says shes going to the toilet, i dont want to think shes getting coked up to her eyeballs. im going to stick around for her, help her, its the right thing to do, but it still makes me feel quite un-easy

  • no offence taken last thing ild want is to be on a night out with her, and shes crazed up on coke, i could do without that torture when blocks me, i get somewhere with how shes feeling, then she just ignores it, and trys to change the subject man she is a great girl despite her problem, but i dunno

  • i like her alot, but shes blocking me from getting close im trying, i get closer, and closer, then block, its starting to bring me down and ild never be tempted into taking coke, i know the values of life nowadays, and im sticking to them as for helping her, i cant help her if i cant get close enough

  • haha yeah, as much as i enjoy sarcasm, my boxers are in a twist atm, so sorry for my anti social reply i dont know what the hell to do, on one side i feel my feelings have been ripped, but on the otherside i still really like her, but i dont really like the idea of Class A drugs ive been there before, im no hypocrite, but i wouldnt wanna be with me if i was on drugs man what you would do if the person you wanted to be with told you they snort coke>?

  • What would you do if the girl you like alot, who you work with whos so confusing comes out and tells you shes addicted to coke? wtf!

  • Quote from batgirl90900: “long story. but she took him back, and he declared his huge crush on me. we hooked up. now its awkward. and he is mean to me. and i dont understand or believe that anyone can delete feelings so fast. and i am confussed. and i maybe falling for him ---------- Post added at 07:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:06 PM ---------- i need advice” so you hooked up with your best mates fella while they were going out? if so my advice would be, deal with it if not you shou…

  • Quote from ZebraStripes: “Guys, do you prefer a girl to play hard to get [with a chase] or come fairly easy with lots of affection? RELATIONSHIP WISE...” right..... in the middle cuddles are a good sign of affection playing hard to get can get old fast if theres no hope on the other side, no-one likes to look or feel like they are being messed around

  • a few more tips that werent mentioned 1. Dont spend the night staring at her boobs, keep eye contact 2. If your at a bar, offer to buy her a drink, shelle probably apreciate it 3. Dont spend all night talking about yourself, ask questions, just dont ask for her bra size, you might get a slap 4. If you are at a bar, try not to get WASTED, seriously, last thing your date wants is to be carrying you home. thats all i can think of atm

  • whatever feels right, i mean, generally if hes going to say bye, you get an insight to how he feels about you not being together for whatever period of time i know when i used to say bye to my ex, weld kiss for about 5 mins, and say we love each other just depends on the relationship, just dont expect too much of him dont think too much into it hehe