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  • I haven't no but I dunno maybe I would if the situation was alright and stuff. Not sure.

  • You could always give her a phone call if she doesn't reply soon

  • ^ Well then if that's right I think you've jus told yourself what to do. Don't wreck stuff with the first and leave it as friends if she's happy but don't lead the second along if you don't like her as much as the first. It isn't fair on her. Wait till you find someone you really like.

  • Thanks for all the support everyone! I think you're all right. He can out today with my mates but I can't control that if you get to me. I spoke to him but like I said to him he doesn't mean anything to me anymore. I'm sure I'll find someone :).

  • Yeah I guess you're right, thanks

  • Blogthings - How Texas Are You? You Are 16% Texas texas-1.jpg Damn Yankee! You think the sun comes up just to hear you crow.

  • You Are Champagne champagne.jpg Your holiday personality is celebratory. In other words, you love to drink! For you, the holidays are a time to let loose and enjoy yourself. You figure they only happen once a year, so why restrain yourself?

  • LOL to post above If you got married to the last person you kissed what would your new last name be? Morris. Eek. LOL. Your name: Gemma. You have been making the world more amazing since: 1993. Your dad's name: Neil. Ugh. What kind of phone do you have? I dunno, a stupid nokia music phone thing. What do you find most of in your room? I'd be happy to find anything in my room. Your favorite facial feature? Eyes. Name an item you've kept with yourself since you were young: Erm nothing. I don't have…

  • I think I kinda know that now :). He's stoooopid. I don't think I ever loved him because I never knew him. I thought he was someone he wasn't && I guess I just liked the chase lol. Only person I'm gonna talk to out of his famly is his sister 'cause I'm mates with her and she's loverly :).

  • Thanks for the help and I think you were right. He's been telling his mates he hasn't been getting anything out of his girlfriend lately... I guess people really can't change

  • To be fair Emanuel nothing really lasts forever so you never know the girl you really like could split up with her boyfriend at any time. I guess it just depends how strong their relationship is and how much she likes him and vice versa? You may regret cutting her out of your life though it'll seem easier now because I'm guessing she's a good friend too. Be there for her and if it doesn't work out with her boyfriend you be her shoulder to cry on As for the other girl, if yo really like the first…

  • Me and my ex boyfriend (also my ex best friend) broke up about a month ago now. Well when I say broke up I mean he dumped me. The reason for that is because I found out he was still with his "ex" girlfriend all the time we were together after telling me they'd finished and then he chose her over me. The reason for him dumping me was because I didn't trust him, at this point he as still denying it. He just told me to fuck off and I didn't believe him he may as well get back with her. He finally a…

  • Re: Shoesssss (:

    GemmaBabyxox - - Fashion



  • Re: 2008.

    GemmaBabyxox - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Where​ did you begin​ 2008?​ In Ireland Dublin. What was your statu​s by Valen​tine'​s Day? Single, but I went on a date on Valentine's. Did you have to go to the hospi​tal?​ Yeah quite a lot. Did you have any encou​nters​ with the polic​e?​ Again yeah. Where​ did you go on vacat​ion?​ Benidorm ;). Embar​esse​d yours​elf?​ Oh yes!! Did you know anybo​dy who got marri​ed?​ Erm off the top of my head I can't think of anyone. Did you know anybo​dy who passe​d away?​ Yeah. What sport​ing event​s did…

  • Re: 2009

    GemmaBabyxox - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Year 2009. What are you mostly looking forward to? A fresh start, no more arguments, no more shit. Just a chance to start again. Do you think ​you will change?​ Yeah, it's my goal. I'm changing now. Do you want to change? I really do. Will you be changing your hair colour?​ I doubt it, I love being blonde :). Maybe lighter or darker blonde but always that. Who will you be spending NYE with?​ My friends more than likely. What will your new years ​resoloution be? Not to drink as much and to quit s…

  • Grey and pinkkkk

  • Spontaneous Idealist (SI) (Just visiting? Take the free personality test and determine your iPersonic type!) Spontaneous Idealists are creative, lively and open-minded persons. They are humorous and dispose of a contagious zest for life. Their enthusiasm and sparkling energy inspires others and sweeps them along. They enjoy being together with other people and often have an uncanny intuition for their motivations and potential. Spontaneous Idealists are masters of communication and very amusing …

  • You Look Like an Aquarius aquarius.png It's likely that you are very striking. You stand out in a room. You are probably also taller than average, and that also helps you get noticed. You have classical facial features... what some might call a handsome face. You have are attractive in a cool way. You're so attractive, it's intimidating. Like most Aquarius people, you are probably extremely independent... both in your thoughts and actions. You find other people fascinating, and you develop deep,…

  • I agree with the girls who say they feel like shit on their period. I can't see sex appealing to me while I am. But I guess you never know till you try :P.

  • Re: Should I be a model

    GemmaBabyxox - - General Advice


    Well I can't really judge, I can't even see a pic of you lol.