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  • Quote from MillieW: “Quote from Pultost: “Pardon my possible ignorance here, but... doesn't the penis need to be inside to do said damage? I think there are limits to how much can happen if both are wearing something, even if the guy has cum splattered all over his shorts. I'm no expert of course, so I can of course be wrong. ” It’s like been told you can get pregnant sitting on a bus seat if it has cum on it ” Cleanest public transport seat.

  • Covid Vaccine

    ProbsN1 - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from kathyFL: “Quote from ProbsN1: “Quote from naturelover-VT: “Quote from kathyFL: “What do you think of the bans they keep pushing on people to force the vaccine ?…restaurants-bars-and-gym/ ” I believe everyone has to decide for themselves what to do to their body. Strangely, there is no advertising for vaccinations against flu, measles, rubella, etc. only with covid is it compulsory to vaccinate through the "back door". It also opposes me that I have to ge…

  • Covid Vaccine

    ProbsN1 - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from naturelover-VT: “Quote from kathyFL: “What do you think of the bans they keep pushing on people to force the vaccine ?…restaurants-bars-and-gym/ ” I believe everyone has to decide for themselves what to do to their body. Strangely, there is no advertising for vaccinations against flu, measles, rubella, etc. only with covid is it compulsory to vaccinate through the "back door". It also opposes me that I have to get "naked" in the restaurant, that is, stat…

  • Doctor Who

    ProbsN1 - - Films, TV and Books


    Tom Baker and Sarah Jane! I must say that I did drop out of watching the new series after the 11th Doctor's first season. I thought the tone went a bit too quirky and the show just focused on telling us how awesome the Doctor is all the time rather than just having an adventure. I think the newer series also spent too much time on present day Earth. I guess that was for budgetary reasons but some of the older series seems to have more variety - even if it is just shot in a quarry.

  • Climate Change

    ProbsN1 - - Debate and Discussions


    Obviously governments need to be the one's making the main push for climate action - a high level of carbon pricing would be ideal, eventually with international carbon markets or at least a border carbon tax. That would be most efficient but it might be more politically realistic for governments to pass large investments and subsidies in research and carbon-neutral industry. One thing that I've been reading about recently that I hadn't thought about before is how over-regulation of housing and …

  • Covid Vaccine

    ProbsN1 - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from Pultost: “I suppose I'm lucky. Except for my arm being a bit sore for a couple of days around were the jab took place, I haven't noticed any side effects. ” Only some minor aches and joint pain for a day for me. Nothing to worry about.

  • Covid Vaccine

    ProbsN1 - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from Pultost: “Get well soon, Collin! I Pfizer first time and Moderna last time, they told me they're pretty much the same thing. ” They're both mRNA vaccines (they send info that tells your cells to make SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins which your immune system then reacts to) but apparently Moderna is a larger dose of mRNA. I've had a first dose of AstraZeneca (a viral vector vaccine where are virus is used to tell a cell to make SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins rather than more virus). It's really am…

  • Quote from kathyFL: “One thing I keep struggling with is will we ever get over Covid. I hate always having to adjust my life for it rather then like before when your life was your way. I hate it and I hate on school / off school - online stuff. Stop just Stop !!! ” Eventually. It will just take time for the world to get either vaccinated or infected. Of course, things would go much faster in some countries if people would just get the damn vaccine!

  • Quote from HeyCameron: “Maybe America will lose its taste for "forever wars" and failed "nation building" after Afghanistan and Iraq, but somehow I doubt it. ” imo this is a bad thing. Iraq - which is in a better state now than it was under Saddam - and Afghanistan were poorly conducted interventions. However, swearing off liberal interventionism wholesale is a terrible mistake and will leave millions to preventable unnecessary deprivation and oppression. Yes, the US must focus on containing Chi…

  • I don't think it was a good idea but hindsight is 20/20. It really shows how the US failed to set up a state which would hold up. The Afghan government was pretty bound up in the Presidency which is bizarre for a diverse country where what matters is often local. Maybe a looser more federal system could have worked better with different regions governing local matters. Even with changes, it seems clear that the government and army was still reliant on US forces and maybe years of preparation wou…

  • Pig. Really good movie.

  • Ejaculation amount

    ProbsN1 - - Puberty


    Quote from Birds18: “So for the guys that are capable of ejaculation. Does it squirt out or just dribble? Do you think it feels better if you can make a lot? How old are you now? ” 1. Depends. Usually squirts out some way. 2. I think it does feel better to have more. 3. 20

  • Wet dream / semen question

    ProbsN1 - - Puberty


    Should be fine, if a bit sticky.

  • General health and hydration should increase the amount a bit. You might make a bit more as you go through puberty as well. I find that if it's been a few days since I have last ejaculated, I tend to ejaculate more and the semen tends to be a bit thicker and whiter. I find that if I'm more aroused, I tend to ejaculate more and with more force. I find that if I have been aroused for a long time - like edging - I tend to ejaculate a lot more with a lot of force but it's sometimes a bit more clear …

  • Is my penis size normal?

    ProbsN1 - - Puberty


    calcsd DOT netlify DOT app (else link might get autoblocked) is good for this kind of thing. You can enter a size and it will tell you how normal it is (assuming you measured to the same standard as them).

  • My mum just gave me a book on puberty

    ProbsN1 - - Puberty


    Quote from liittlefiish: “would you mind sharing with me that book? ” There's probably a ton of pdfs of different puberty books online if you Google for them. A lot of education and health departments would put them out there.