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  • I'm just wondering what girls expect from: 1.) Boyfriends 2.) First dates 3.) Dates in general I know that this is fairly broad, but maybe this will help clear up some confusion. Both girls and guys can answer.

  • I think that the guy is just trying to be sincere. I know that personally, I'd say the exact same thing if I was in that situation.

  • Be yourself.

  • Re: Okay, boys, spill your beans :P

    Ready - - Teen Sexuality


    There is always the initial reaction when I meet a girl of "Damn she's hot..." or...there just isn't any reaction at all. I've never had an instance where I've thought of a girl as ugly initially, it was always hot or normal. Over the years, I've learned to disregard that feeling when I meet new girls. My experience is that personally, once I get to know them, the 'hot' girls never really appeal to me. Perhaps it's because I can't really approach them in a boyfriend perspective, because their lo…

  • A couple weeks ago we were on vacation, and my father's wallet got stolen. There was roughly $15 000 Euros in it. Please don't ask why we were stupid enough to put all of our money in one place. It just happened and what's done is done. My father was understandably frustrated and upset that it happened, and he took out all of his anger on my mother and I. My father is a very child-like guy. For all the years I've known him, he has never accepted responsibility for anything wrong that he's done, …

  • Alright man. Thanks. Yea I know, I keep telling myself to grow some balls and man up, but I always seem to have an excuse ready! Crap, I hate this.

  • Thanks, this is just really screwing with me. I can't really do anything anymore, and all my grades and sports are dropping. I'm really afraid that I missed out on the opportunity because we really were very close a couple months ago, and I'm afraid that this is her way of telling me that I missed out on the opportunity. Did I miss out? Do I still have a chance? As I said before, I really don't want to rush it so that it doesn't mean anything, because I want it to show her my true feelings.

  • Alright so there's this REALLY complicated situation with this girl and I and it's really screwing with my mind. We were pretty "close" for a couple months, but then just around last week, things started to get HORRIBLE. We just stopped talking and interacting, and we would just avoid each other and never be near each other. Occasionally I would initiate the conversation but then she'd immediately shut me down with one word answers or just walk away or ignore me. On MSN, she would only respond w…

  • Thanks everyone. The major thing is though that I think that she's in the same position as myself. She's trying to forget me as well, so she's kind of giving me one word answers, avoiding me, talking to other guys. And it honestly just hurts so much, even though I know that I should be moving on as well.

  • You're right. I pursued the sports activities path to try and take my mind off her but I just can't do it. I can spend hours in a row playing basketball, working out, soccer, etc, but the moment I stop is the moment my mind flashes back to her. This has become such a bad problem that sometimes I stay after school until 6 or 7 just playing basketball so that I don't come home and eventually start thinking about her.

  • I'm fairly certain that almost all of us have been in a situation where we've had to get over a girl, either because she isn't available anymore, she doesn't like you, etc. So right now I've been telling myself to get over a girl because I'm pretty sure she's moved on. I'm fairly certain we both liked each other, but I didn't have the balls to tell her, so nothing happened between us. She moved on and now likes another guy, and yet I can't help liking her. I NEED to get over her because it's aff…

  • For your first kiss, it's usually slow and passionate, closed mouths I'm guessing?

  • I've always heard girls talking about guys who were great kissers and the such, and yet never knew what that meant. Can you define?

  • Re: Attracted to Ethnicity?

    Ready - - Teen Sexuality


    I'm asian and I'm attracted to anyone BUT asians.

  • Girls are so complex.

  • Quote from Monkey Dance: “i have the exact same problem. i leave msn open and wait that her talks to me. if not i leave it like that and just talk like once or twice a week in msn, the rest in school.” I've been trying to force myself to do that for ages but I rarely can. All I do is think about her and I'm happy having any communication with her. I wanted to block her so that I could resist the urge, but decided that that was rude and sent the wrong message, definitely NOT the kind of message I…

  • and should I still go after her even though she's made it clear to past guys that she doesn't want a relationship? i mean she's never told me that, but should i just give up?

  • Eek you're right. Alright I mean there's still like one week, we'll see what happens

  • There's this one thing that's always been bothering me. On MSN, texting, facebook, are the guys always supposed to start the conversation? Do the girls always wait for the guys to start a conversation? If a girl doesn't start the conversation, does it mean that she isn't into you? Because I've been really worried that I'm annoying her on MSN, texting, and facebooking. As soon as she logs on I wait for her to talk to me. Sometimes hours on end, but of course she doesn't know this Eventually I alw…