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  • Re: Worst Teachers you've had!

    sigi - - Education & Jobs


    There was this juicebox of a teacher who always said I was late for class. Even when I had witnesses. We got him in the end though!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Re: Step Up 3D

    sigi - - Films, TV and Books


    Say thanks guys! I'm won't subject you people to the 27 page rant I have about this movie.

  • Re: My freakin' Head size

    sigi - - General Advice


    I'm going to puke

  • You Are an Artist Whether your creations are in your mind or on paper, you are definitely an arty person. You see the beauty in the world, and somehow the ugly parts are beautiful to you too. You have an intensity that's unmatched and unstoppable. You feel strongly about everything. You are driven to create. You are never content to just sit still. The ugly parts are fucking ugly to me.

  • Re: Masturbation Routine

    sigi - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from amando96: “This, though I do get my pants off before everything.” No.

  • Re: 28 months and counting.

    sigi - - Teen Sexuality


    Stroke yourself silly.

  • Re: Whats your porn?

    sigi - - Teen Sexuality


    Male/Female? Male Age? 17 1. Do/Have you watched porn? I did a few times, not any more. 2. Do/Have you looked online on porn forums at pictures/movies? No 3. Whats your favourite type of porn/nude picture etc? Anything with no dude in it. 4. Have you evar found a nude/semi nude/etc picture of someone you knew online? I fucking wish.

  • Re: Crazy sex dreams

    sigi - - Teen Sexuality


    You bet your sweet ass it was!

  • Re: Crazy sex dreams

    sigi - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from TheSilentOne: “0.o if you were in a coma and lucid dreaming why the hell would you be on teenhut? <--- best question ever asked” I think so too.

  • Could they be a different age? Yes Does it matter about there social class? (preps, geeks, etc.) Depends What color hair do you like the most. Darker red What color eyes? Green Do you prefer skinny, average, muscular, obese, other? Average How tall do you like them to be? I don't care. Would you care if they smoked? Wouldn't date them if they did. What if they got drunk sometimes? Fine. Would you date a weed smoker? No. Anything else you want in a boy/girl friend?

  • Re: Masturbation Routine

    sigi - - Teen Sexuality


    Yeah. That's about it.

  • Quote from Welsh Prophets are Lost: “Okay then Enjoy having wierd curly hair on a certain part of your head then hehe :P” I will cherish it always.

  • Re: I've messed my nose up =/

    sigi - - Health and Fitness


    I'm just not a fan of drugs. If you didn't take the stuff in the first place, this wouldn't have happened. Everyone has different opinions though.

  • Re: is chocolate vegetarian?

    sigi - - Health and Fitness


    I'd say yes it is vegetarian food unless you are also uncomfortable with milk products from animals. That, of course only applies to milk chocolate. There is also chocolate that does not have milk in it, which would be completely vegetarian I would believe.

  • Other than a beer on the beach, Completely clean.

  • Re: Insomnia

    sigi - - Health and Fitness


    I will definitely do some research on that product. It's really chemical drugs & non natural things that I will not try. Thanks for the advice!

  • OMFG Justin Beiber! YES YES No fuck you.

  • Re: Crazy sex dreams

    sigi - - Teen Sexuality


    That's what I am doing right now. I'm in a coma and I'm on Teenhut.

  • I use Chrome mainly. I like it's non cluttered interface, and it load pages a lot faster than Safari. I have Safari because the way it handles pop ups and tab refreshes are very good for certain projects of mine. I also have Opera because when I develop web pages, I like to test them. Firefox, No because the interface bugs me, and No Internet Explorer because it is the slowest, most dangerous, ugliest internet browser I have come across.

  • Insomnia

    sigi - - Health and Fitness


    Hello folks! I have insomnia. To be exact: Acute Insomnia. I guess you could say that means I suffer from medium severity of Insomnia. My doctor said that my insomnia is not caused by anything apparent, so I must find ways to help me sleep. I know the basics, but was wondering if anybody has tried anything to help them sleep that they liked. I'm asking this because I downright refuse to take sleeping pills. Thank you in advance for any feedback.