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  • Quote from Lokh: “Yes, I Hate All but the rastusians.” What about pastafarians? They are very tolerant and unselfish.

  • Re: Games you should have just rented?

    FSM - - Video Games


    Assassins creed and turok- god that game sucked

  • well when i was younger i played civilsation II loads. its not an educational game but i learnt loads of history and advancement of technology and science.

  • Re: Whats your BMI?

    FSM - - Health and Fitness



  • Quote from Mrs. Butterworth: “ a female kissing a female grosses me out.” its not gross its hot!

  • Re: What's your religion

    FSM - - Debate and Discussions


    the oxford english dictionary says otherwise and is a much more reliable dictionary. Atheism: Definitions of atheism this will explain what i mean by atheist agnostics zapfox

  • Re: What's your religion

    FSM - - Debate and Discussions


    youve changed the definition of atheist. an atheist is a person who does not believe in god, not denies its existence. 1: you can be atheist agnostic- you believe god doesnt exist but you believe no-one can provide definitive proof for either side. 2: you can be theis agnostic- you believe in god but believe that no-one can prove it or disprove it. they rely on "faith" when answering the do you believe in god agnosticism is not an answer.

  • Anonymous1 made a thread asking if god did or did not exist. His poll was too vague in my opinion as people beliefs on this matter differ greatly to shove them all into yes or no is stupid. Theism and atheism are concepts too vague to be catagorised into. The definitions of the poll options are as follows: Specific theism - the belief in a personal god that helps or hinders us by having an active role in maintaining the order in the universe. Henotheism - the belief that it is OK to worship a sp…

  • Crysis 2

  • Re: Rainbow Six Vegas 2

    FSM - - Video Games


    better than COD but the awful grenade system annoys me. And the AI is atrocious.

  • Re: What's your religion

    FSM - - Debate and Discussions


    but agnostic is not a answer to whether or not you believe in god as all agnostics are either agnostic atheist or agnostic theist by definition

  • Re: Swine Flu.

    FSM - - Debate and Discussions


    you say its on par with seasonal flu but its mortality rate is higher. That means if swine flu affects as many people as seasonal flu there will be more deaths than seasonal flu. you say it will gradually decrease over time but so far it hasnt. The mortality rate has wavered but averaged at 0.45%. This suggests that the deaths will increase as the number of those infected does because it is an average. Not only that but swine flu has proven to have the potential of the spanish influenza. It has …

  • Re: Swine Flu.

    FSM - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from DamnImGood: “Wait, what? The swine flue isn't nearly as fatal as the seasonal flu. The seasonal flu kills half a million people worldwide every year. We'll be lucky if the swine flu kills 5% of that before the year is over.” jackass do the math. Normal flu is extremely common worldwide with a tiny mortality rate <0.5%. If swine flu infected that many people we would be expecting death tolls in the thousands. The worst pandemic recorded was the spanish infuenza - it had a mortality rat…

  • Re: ouija Board

    FSM - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Trigger Happy: “I believe in demons, spirits, but not a god.” Do you believe in fairies too? lol

  • Re: ouija Board

    FSM - - Debate and Discussions


    nope load of bull

  • Re: Proven wrong.

    FSM - - Debate and Discussions


    Depends on the god. If it was a religion of reincarnation i would go in life as i normally would. If it was a god threatening hell id have to change my views not out of respect but fear as many others would.

  • Re: Best Graphics

    FSM - - Video Games


    I think ps3 wins at the moment as its lighting is much better than xbox 360. BUt 360 does have more potential with its hardware. Apparantly crysis 2 has maxed ps3 hardware but not the 360's. Within a year we may have a game which proves 360 has better graphics than ps3 until then ps3 is on top.

  • Re: Anybody here on WoW?

    FSM - - Video Games


    My friend got addicted to that game and tried to get me to play it too. God that game is boring. Outdated too - it looks like its ten years old for gods sake.

  • Re: Fallout 3

    FSM - - Video Games


    My problem with fallout is that your limited to 20 levels or 30 with the patch. I liked on oblivion how you could max out with an uber character. On fallout they got rid of this to stop people getting maxed out characters on really low level enemies.

  • halo 1 was brilliant for its time, but its a bit dated now. If you want it hard go on legendary mode. Grunts with fuel rods before you get an assault rifle lol.