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  • I refer to myself as either an Independent Libertarian or a Tea Party Hippie.

  • Ayo, Conway. Lets bypass the Hitler v. Stalin debate for a moment and let me amend the question: Tito or Stalin?

  • Quote: “Just because Hitler was an inefficient killer doesn't mean he was better.” ...What?

  • Not only that, but Stalin killed more people in a year than Hitler did throughout his entire reign.

  • Quote: “Dude, I don't feel defeated by you. I still stand by what I say. You're a teenager talking shit over the internet. Trust me, I'm not threatened. I just find you irritating because you think you know every damn thing. YOU DON'T!!!!” Never claimed to know everything. But I sure as Hell know more than you. Quote: “” Quote: “I agree that they're not set in stone. However, a civil-war era Democrat was generally in support of war and succession from the union. It was a different political part…

  • Quote: “” Quote: “” Quote: “Or... we just find your personality annoying. I know I do!” You find my personality annoying because I continue to make you look like a fool. It's not surprising that a moron trying to get across their moronic ideas finds a factual, well-strung-together argument "annoying". It bursts that little microcosm you live in and forces you to actually breathe in the soft embrace of reality. Quote: “” Quote: “Democrats branched off from Democratic-Republicans, and I'm aware th…

  • Stalin, in my view. Read about the Holodomor to see how savage he is. Glenn Beck did a documentary on the subject and if you can ignore the political messages, it's a really good history lesson. It's called "The Revolutionary Holocaust: Live Free or Die". Hitler was a scum bag. There's no doubt about it. I just find it obnoxious that people demonize Hitler and ignore the atrocities of Stalin and Mao, who have both killed much more than Hitler. They're all dirt bags and all should be acknowledged…

  • [qoute]Dude just shut the hell up and go to the non-existent place.[/quote] Quote: “” Quote: “” Quote: “I'm glad you think you know what you're talking about. I'm done arguing with you because like a 2 year old child, you can't be reasoned with (egocentric).” Quote: “” Quote: “You're not the first to realise that” Quote: “” Quote: “” Quote: “You're not even worth debating with. I have yet to meet one christian that actually doesn't attack anybody.” This, ladies and gentlemen, is what happens whe…

  • Quote: “Ok, originally we were talking about the 7 deadly sins. My point was, and is that Catholics aren't the only CHRISTIANS that believe in the 7 deadly sins. And then you made a claim that suggests Catholics aren't Christians. I'm just trying to let you know, YOU'RE NOT ALWAYS RIGHT! You don't even know what the fuck you're talking about. Do us all a favor and STFU. PLEASE.” Wrong again. I didn't say that Catholics aren't Christians. I'm pointing out that the two subjects are not the same. C…

  • Quote: “You twist damn near everything. Then try to put it against the person when what you twist for your own use you don't even try to use logic. You seem to be quite illogical.” Evidence. Show me where. If you can't, then it clearly does not exist and you're pulling this out of your ass. Quote: “Teen Forums - View Single Post - Why are you an Atheist/Agnostic? What do scientists think about religion? - Los Angeles Times Scientists' Belief in God Varies Starkly by Discipline | LiveScience” Tha…

  • Quote: “You really get annoying. I have posted like 20 different things that gives strikes against Christians and Christianity. If you believe in god thats one thing but don't go around and trying to act like there is any logic in the idea of religion.” No, you haven't. I've refuted everything you've said and you're ignoring it. Plus, you ignored all of my points that give strikes against atheism. Quote: “Christianity says everything started 6,000 yrs ago.........and watches the Flintstones like…

  • Quote: “The point is that Christians tend to be more hypocritical then pretty much everyone else, especially when it come to sin.” False and there's nothing to document such an audacious, outlandish claim. Quote: “.if lust is one of the seven deadly sins then I guess that all of humanity is doomed to a place of eternal damnation and inferno......” Seven Deadly Sins has nothing to do with Christianity and lust isn't even a sin. Quote: “you Christians believe what some book says over cold hard fac…

  • Quote: “Max is right. Check this out: Catholic Church abuse allegations ripple across the globe - Yahoo! News The catholic church was corrupted from the very beginning. Don't believe me, look up the Catholic reformation, Simony, Indulgences, Martin Luther or the inquisition.” Quote: “Catholic Church abuse allegations ripple across the globe” And no one's excusing those misdeeds. But please stop pretending it's only Christians who commit these misdeeds. It's asinine to pretend that one group does…

  • Quote: “That's the only other option? That seems to demonstrate a rather weak characteristic for a being that's supposedly all powerful. Are you sure you don't want to scratch that and go for a limbo/purgatory sort of thing? Not that that would change anything, to me at least. You still get rewarded for believing something in evidence to the contrary while I burn for eternity based solely on my belief - It's still not (and in my opinion could never be) morally ok for a lake of fire to exist for …

  • Quote: “This is such a stupid question. Why shouldn't we disprove God? Are we not allowed to? Fuck the Christians. The world would be better off without them. They want to convert people to their religion, they're greedy, and all in all they can't even prove God exists.” Ahahahahahaha. Quote: “Punishing non-believers with an eternity of torment. Valuing belief over actions. If I were to punish all the jews in NY to 20 hours of community service, simply because they're jews, that would be an immo…

  • Quote: “Translation: "I know I can't reasonably defend the acts god supposedly does, so I'll ignore it completely." ” See, that would make sense if it weren't for the fact that I actually did defend them and you completely stonewalled all of my points. Nice attempt at projection though. Quote: “I'm not talking about biblical context (and I wouldn't be), I'm talking about moral context. Many things that god supposedly did in the old testament I (and I'd think the majority of society) think are mo…

  • I didn't read it either. No one is going to if you post walls of text.

  • Quote: “Human evolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia” <3 Quote: “I'm sorry you feel you have to justify the incredibly horrible things god supposedly does in the bible just so you're belief will be unhindered. In ANY context all of those things are morally repugnant under ANY circumstances. I don't need to make excuses for anything, and from that I'd guess that my moral fiber is stronger then yours. I'm sorry your religion has clouded and poisoned your mind to the point where these things …

  • Quote: “This stuff didn't just happen, it took 200,000 years, and in that time we became less strong physically and more strong mentally. It's like if you have 50 'points' to distribute to strength and intelligence, at first it would be about 40/10, about halfway it would be 25/25 and now it would be about 10/40. It's a sliding scale, not a bar graph but, a line graph.” We did? Evidence? Quote: “Ritual Human Sacrifice Rape in the Bible Murder in the Bible Slavery in the Bible I don't know about …