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  • laying on my bed is my favourite spot. Though, once in a while I'll do it in the shower.

  • It hurts when it gets "stuck." Though... boxers helped A-LOT but then it would "crawl" down my leg which feels awkward especially when in public. So now I wear boxer-briefs which helps to deal with that.

  • Quote from patr1ck: “I'm running Vista Ultimate, I love it. However I think Ubuntu is the best OS” Yay!!! Im not the only linux fan. Im running my own custom built form of Ubuntu on my imac g4. Runs beautifully. Though... its a little annoying that adobe won't take the x86/x86-64 linux version of flash and port it to PPC Linux especially when there is a version for the Mac Os X.

  • I simply believe that what you do and what you choose in life determines what happens after we die.

  • The simplest answer that I can see for this problem is for schools to never mention anything about God, religion, how we were created, or politics unless the class is purely dedicated and is optional at the same time. If we leave these subjects alone and choose to not teach for something or against something, then there should be no reason for people to be mad. The choice of what someone wants to believe and think should be their choice, and their choice alone. Never should they be forced to lea…

  • This is a bad Idea and I don't think any government institution of any country should teach for or against there being a God. They should just leave the topic alone and let people choose for themselves what they believe. Also, Christianity makes a lot of sense. If you have any questions about it, just ask me.

  • Re: Linux

    penguin10916 - - Technology and the Internet


    Im using ubuntu also. When I first used ubuntu 2 years ago, I hated it, but starting around ubuntu 7.04, I started liking it. Though, when I began, I was a kde fan, but the kde is very unstable on ubuntu, and it's cluttered. Im now using gnome. And if you're wondering, im running linux on my Imac G4 and on my Hp pavilion 533w. On the hp, im running windows 2000 on virtual box. it runs quite well and thats how I deal with what little dependancy I have.

  • Quote from Miss Loo: “Erm, who are you to tell me where to go on the forums? Look at my status compared to yours... You have no right to tell me where to go. The reason I reported posts is because I'm sticking by the rules of the forum. It's not my fault that people can't debate in a civilised manner without throwing insults at each other... That;s not how you discuss... Nor does anyone want to see a slanging match between 2 members... I didn't report this topic an dI disagree with it... I repor…

  • .................there was a huge case against him with a lot of evidence supporting that he had sex with a few kids. Though... he is a muslim, and Muhammed did marry a 5 or 6 year old..... islam suits michael jackson quite well.

  • You Are 64% Non Conformist nc-4.jpg You are a pretty serious non conformist. You live a life hardly anyone understands. And while some may call you a freak, you're happy with who you are. Lol... I got the same exact thing as simple girl.

  • Not all muslims have their daughters circumcised. I know that... but it is very commen in africa.

  • Miss Loo, pleas get out of the debate section if all you're going to do is report those who disagree with you. Everyone has a right to state their beliefs and points. Just because you disagree does not mean you have the right to go against are freedom of speech. So please do us a favor by: 1. Stop reporting people because they disagree with you. 2. Just leave this section of the forum alone. ... honestly... this is what debate is. so learn to debate rather than complain and cry about things.

  • Michael Jackson is a child molesting pervert who should be sitting in prison as we speak, but because he's famous, he got off scotch free...

  • Quote from BigDavecotlod: “I think what attracts some people to it is the taboo. Doing something that is against normal social behaviour and against the norm in society. That gets people excited.” I agree. People who do things that are odd and taboo do them for attention most of the time. It is rare to find people who, for example, truly love their siblings in that way.

  • Re: yeah... idk wat 2 do

    penguin10916 - - General Advice


    Just do what feels comfortable to you. if your worried about being judged by certain people because of it, just put it somewhere where you can cover it.

  • boxer briefs. they're comfortable and they feel good. Also, they help to prevent my thing from crawling down my leg which doesn't feel good and is awkward especially when by other people.

  • ^ no he wouldn't. God cares for us too much to completely do away with all of humanity. If anything, it could get to the point of where there are only a handful of survivers.

  • ^They've looked and found nothing. they thought they found something, but when they redid the experiment, the results kept changing. A few years ago, I read a study which hypothesized that people are gay because when their mothers are pregnant, something goes wrong with the hormonal changes that occurs with pregnancy.

  • Quote from Anonymous1: “We Muslims too must be circumcised or you're not really Muslim” and im guessing this is why muslims perform female circumcision which involves the removal of the cliterus with a sharp knife.

  • you don't have to be religous. just believe in God