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  • Quote from DeaExMachina: “My first experience with the same sex was actually my first sexual experience. When I was 10 a 12 y/o friend of mine convinced me to jack him off and I took it one step further and gave him head. I blew him for a few months after that before I got annoyed at him and our friendship ended, I didn't have another experience with a guy until I was 18.” You blew him for a straight month?! Without stopping?! :eek: lol

  • Re: Is this scenario normal?

    Yuuno93 - - LGBT


    Yeah, good luck!:D

  • Re: Is this scenario normal?

    Yuuno93 - - LGBT


    awwww ur so lucky... everyone at my school is a homophobiac, so Im not even "out" yet

  • Quote from Suicide Season: “[/SARCASM] Yeah, didn't you watch the news last night?!?! They showed that guy from that place that has the face that died from touching his prostate! [/SARCASM] Seriously can't die from touching your prostate. It isn't directly in your anus, its just above about 2 inches even if you do damage it somehow, you wouldn't die; you would just maybe become infertile...” ......oh yeah that guy with the face

  • Quote from ejg930: “It's one of the glands that produces semen from sperm. If you stimulate it, it feels really good... however the only way to do that is through your anus. EDIT: If you decide to do it... be VERY gentle. Serious injuries and even death could occur if you push too hard on your prostate.” WAT?! you can kill urself?! al....right.......then............. so...... inside the anus, is it closer to teh testes, or is it different for different ppl?

  • Quote from malarky: “all this f--ing talk bout erections is driving me CRAZZZZY!!!” then stop clicking on all the threads titled "penis" ur such a horndog lol

  • Re: I have a problem..

    Yuuno93 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Lswis: “Thanks. Just did it finally.” good 4 u! so howd it go? lol

  • Quote from HCR32: “I'd have to say its best when I masturbate touching my prostate... I have even orgasmed from that alone.” what and where is your prostate? : /

  • Re: Craziest sexy dream?

    Yuuno93 - - Teen Sexuality


    Everybody usually gets dreams like these. They are called "wet dreams" Basically a dream is made up of a bunch of stuff you've seen earlier that day, but a wet dream happens when your brain arouses you by taking someone you find attractive and then make you thin they are doing "things". Wet dreams happen to release sexual tension. ok, I tried to make that sound as scientificul as possible god knows why Im really bored and I decided to kill time

  • goodness... that girl okay? :confused:

  • usually once a day

  • Re: i'm into furry porn )=

    Yuuno93 - - Teen Sexuality


    MOAR FURRY PORN RELATED STUFF ... IN FULL CAPS but seriosly I furries I am not one myself, but I do look at "yiffy" stuff all the time

  • Yeah, I get em in math all the time man its like really freakin hot in there, then mr. happy comes up out of nowhere and its painful because im wearing tight jeans and btw, does any one else ever start stretching alot and getting sleepy when they get a boner? It's really weird, but wenever i do get a NARB, I start streching and yawning and all that stuff

  • Re: Guys...can you?

    Yuuno93 - - Teen Sexuality


    Ive tried that a couple times and wen i was done i could barely move cause... you know I heard if you practice often, then you can get the whole darn thing in your mowth lol