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  • Foreign girl

    The Friend - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    OK so I need some advice fast... In my school right now we have some foreign people visitíng. Among them there's a girl who -to make a LONG story short- I am crazy about. I've never felt like this ever before... I mean I have trouble sleeping because I can't stop thinking about her, and when I do sleep I dream about her. While I'm awake I have trouble concentrating on stuff, like playing the piano, because she keeps popping into my head in place of the notes, with that heartmelting smile of hers…

  • Re: did you watch porn?

    The Friend - - Teen Sexuality


    Says I didn't, but since my internet explorer (I usually use Firefox) is set to delete all history and temp files each time you close it...

  • I have this female friend, who I really like -as a friend- and we have lots of stuff in common... But I'm not attracted to her at all. Normally that wouldn't be a problem, except I know (from trusted sources) that she really likes me -as more than a friend-. I feel for you.

  • Re: Kid cudi

    The Friend - - Music


    I didn't really like the first one, but "Up up and away" was really good. I've never even heard of the guy... Maybe I should check him out some more.

  • I just wanna add: Don't give up dude!!! I'm 19, been single for 19 years too, and I'm not the most handsome guy in the world either... But hey as long as you keep trying, chances are you'll eventually meet the right girl. If, however, you give up, then chances are you'll never find someone. A friend of mine, who used to weigh a hundred kilos, looked himself in the mirror one day and said to himself: "You are insanely handsome!" And through hard work (Both physical and psychological.) he lost ove…

  • Re: ?

    The Friend - - Music


    I'm not big on Metallica, but I have something with "Nothing else matters". I don't really know what it is I just really like that song.

  • Re: Share Cool Music ^^

    The Friend - - Music


    Quote from DREAM3R: “epic, shouldnt this be in the forum games section?” Well I did consider it, but I decided it was more music-ish than game-ish. If I'm wrong I guess a mod'll move it.

  • Re: Share Cool Music ^^

    The Friend - - Music


    Scorpio please explain why you think this is good.

  • Share Cool Music ^^

    The Friend - - Music


    OK so I'm a über geek when it comes to music, and I love finding cool music on the web. (Like on youtube and stuff.) So I thought we could all share some music we like/love/think is cool with each other. OK so this is "What are you listening to?" for geeks. What we'll do is this: I'll start by posting a link to something I really like, and posting why I really like it. Then you use said link to listen to what I posted. Next you post your own link, with a description of why you think it's worth o…

  • Well with music it's rarer for me, but still it happens. I get the same feeling, though a lot stronger, when I've played a concert. (I play the trumpet, and go to a music school where we play a lot of concerts.)

  • Re: Love

    The Friend - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Kinda morbid don't you think?

  • Well if she seems to have taken offense, just tell her you're sorry and you didn't know she was asleep. Maybe bring it up casually so if she thinks it's nothing, she won't think you're obsessing about it. Then if she seems angry about it, tell her you're really sorry. Maybe you'd want to ask your step-sister if she's ok with you going out with her? Her putting you down could be a way of saying: "Don't date my friend!" If she's ok with it you should probably ask the girl to do something with you.…

  • Re: Books

    The Friend - - Films, TV and Books


    Windows for Dummies? I don't know... I'm not really sure what you're looking for. Like is it a special area of computer technology? Or just computers in general?

  • Well one movie did, kind of... But I'm not gonna say which one cause people will laugh at me, and post comments questioning my sexuality. Which is the nice way of saying: People will call me gay. (Which I'm not)

  • I get that feeling a lot too. Actually it has helped me somewhat to better myself. I.E. To change some aspects of my life that I wasn't entirely happy about. It doesn't work like over night, but I've changed little by little, and a little more every time I've read a really good book, watched a really good movie, or TV-show.

  • My sympathies James, it seems like you're going through a tough time. One thing: (Although slightly off-topic) Be carefull not to get too caught up in your own sadness, not saying you are, just some friendly advice. I've been through some tough times myself (Although not comparative to you) and I know it becomes easy to just give in to it all. But it helps a lot more to try to move forward. Ok sorry about that, but I felt it needed to be said. About the girl: I think you should ask her to decide…

  • Clarification: By "Asking her out" I mean: Asking her for a date. Sorry English is not my first language, plus dating mechanics and terms seem different in most other countries.

  • Well what I'd probably do would be, saying something like "You owe me a movie, wanna go see _____? I heard it's really good" Which is true, since you asked her twice but couldn't go. Plus there's a good chance she'll say yes, seing as how she accepted twice before.

  • So there's this girl... (I wonder how many hundreds of posts start like this.) I think I like her, and I think she might like me. But that's just it... I think I like her, I don't really know. I'm afraid, however, that if I take too long to find out I'll end up in the Friend Zone which, as you may have guessed, I am all too familiar with. So what I'm really asking is this: Is it disrespectfull to ask her out, knowing I might not really be interested in her?

  • Re: Ps3 vs 360

    The Friend - - Video Games


    To whoever gave me bad rep: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer... It's not my fault you can't take a joke.