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  • Any sort of excersize works like that

  • probably only a week

  • A lot of people say i look 15 and i just turned 14 so

  • Hooking up with people online

    jakeymag - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Durango: “Not a good idea at all. You don't really know this person and what they might do. He might not be operating alone, so even if you could indeed beat him in a fight, you don't know if there are others who might be with him who will help him. To go along with what Naturelover-VT said, if all you want is to get screwed by someone who thinks you're cute, look around for people you actually know. With the way you've been talking around here in some threads, it's not like you're la…

  • Hooking up with people online

    jakeymag - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from smithy21: “Quote from jakeymag: “Quote from smithy21: “so many things could go wrong. sounds like a terrible idea ” everyone keeps saying this but they're not saying why so im not really convinced yet lol ” you dont know this guy or who he is. even if you saw he isnt an old guy he still could be a predator. ” what's he gonna do tho? Rape me? Kill me? I always keep a knife on me quit playing lmao... Plus I've seen what he looks like and I'm pretty sure i could beat his ass if i had to

  • i drank one can of monster, one can of redbull, and some tea yesterday and i literally stayed up all night, never slept.... Got me thinking first of all, maybe that's too much caffeine for one day, also what could potential side effects from drinking be?

  • Hooking up with people online

    jakeymag - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from smithy21: “so many things could go wrong. sounds like a terrible idea ” everyone keeps saying this but they're not saying why so im not really convinced yet lol

  • Hooking up with people online

    jakeymag - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from ChrisC05: “Definitely a bad Idea to meet up with a stranger, you don't know much about this guy, only that he thinks you are cute,. Do not get into cars with strangers ” Quote from Pultost: “Like Chris above me says, it's a really bad idea. Besides, it could be a 50 year old for all you know. Stranger danger, man. ” to be fair, it seems a little less sketchy than what you're making it out to be.. we've facetimed so i know he's not an old man. And I've fucked total strangers before, at…

  • Threesomes

    jakeymag - - Teen Sexuality



  • Threesomes

    jakeymag - - Teen Sexuality


    please don't go into a lot of detail, but have you ever been in a threesome/ would you ever try it/ do you want to?? i recently had a threesome with two siblings (obv not my own) and it went pretty good (omm bro)... I would want to do it again, it felt natural when i did it because we were all turned on but i could see it as awkward for some people

  • Hooking up with people online

    jakeymag - - Teen Sexuality


    i met a guy online who I've never met before.. He messaged me and told me I'm cute and he wants to meet up and fuck me. Well, I've never done it with someone i met online. Is this a good idea or should i not do it? He wants to pick me up in his car... We will use a condom

  • For boys…Questions about peeing

    jakeymag - - Puberty


    1. Stand 2. Urinal 3. No 4. Only in the woods or park where there's trees 5. Shake

  • Shapes and size

    jakeymag - - Puberty


    ive seen a lot of hard dicks and occasionally it's just like this, some people are different

  • Happy Pride Month!

    jakeymag - - Gay


    support the pride month movement! im bi

  • Pubic Hair Grow

    jakeymag - - Puberty


    i still don't have much hair on mine

  • what age?

    jakeymag - - Puberty



  • from my friends as a kid

  • Shirtless when jerking off?

    jakeymag - - Teen Sexuality


    i like to take my shirt off and pull my pants and underwear down and sometimes get naked if I'm standing

  • Lube

    jakeymag - - Teen Sexuality


    whenever something gets "inserted" yeah i need lube usually, but not for jerking off no

  • average size

    jakeymag - - Puberty


    im 6 inches and im 13