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  • Tsk tsk Jenna Haha, anyways, how are you doing in school now would be a good first question? Are you keeping up okay or are you struggling in any of your classes? If you're having a difficult time now, then it wouldn't be a good idea to go through with this. Otherwise, I think you should go for it. You only live once, who knows better than you what you're ready for? Besides, as Jenna said he might make a good study buddy as well, that way you can combine sharing time together with study time.

  • Love and sexual desire are two completely different things. I've never been in a relationship in my life, so I can't really tell you I know what it's like. And everyone may have their own interpretation of it. Honestly, the last time I heard that question asked, the response was love is beyond definition. It can't really be explained in words. I mean, yeah it's a close connection with two people that goes beyond regular friendship, but there's more to it than that. This is one of those emotions …

  • Quote from Kevmo7: “i was joking, i dont even live with my dad, im just sick of these threads” I actually kinda figured that when I read it, for obvious reasons. Still wins in my opinion though. The story in itself.

  • Quote from ANTI CONDOM: “I will make this short and simple. He does not love you. So if you are in love with him. HE DOES NOT LOVE YOU BACK. What he said was so clear that it makes me laugh that you have to come here and ask. I mean, come on! Anyway, a 20 year old with a 16 year old. Another reason he is with you, all you have for him is good young TEEN vagina. AND THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE. ---------- Post added at 02:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:49 AM ---------- One more thing, can yo…

  • I don't think I could do this myself, but if there's a mutual agreement, it could work. Although in all technicalities of the word, I believe that open relationships is the nice way of saying friends' with benefits.

  • Hello, Chau and Nicola! If you ever want to talk, you can always PM me or any other Support Leader on this site, I'm sure any one of them would be happy to talk to you. If you want, you could even go to their profile and leave a message there. English is the only language I can speak, so if you have any questions about it, feel free to ask. I hope you find many friends here!

  • Quote from Bloodrun: “I would most likely ask if they wanted to get a coffee or go to a pre planned event with some friends, that way there is no obligation to either party to make anything happen. Which allows for people to be themselves and enjoy the night with no strings attached. If it works well you can plan for future events leading to actually going out.” This. Hanging out with someone in a more casual setting without labeling the word 'date' all over it helps with getting to know someone…

  • If you have friends that know her, maybe they could help set up a group hangout for like 3 or 4 people, that way it's not really a one-on-one with her that could make you overly nervous, but it's not like you're in a huge group where she's more likely to talk to someone she knows more. That would be a great way to get to know her.

  • Quote from Kevmo7: “well I was having sex with my girlfriend at the time in my bed and then suddenly my door opens and my dad comes in. We both froze and looked at him and he goes 'oh sorry, didnt mean to interupt, you can carry on' then he closed the door, still inside my room, pulled up one of my chairs, leaned back in it and opened a beer and said 'just pretend im not here' always a good time, he said 'there is nothing better than just watching'” I really don't think there's any way to top th…

  • Quote from got2get3FFF: “i lol'd^ lots of good advice here, but OP remember you don't have to leave him. if you still like him for whatever HE has to offer YOU.....stay with him but at this point I wouldn't take the relationship seriously....more fun that love u kno? bcuz prblems R def in the future especially with the age difference” I'm surprised nobody else pointed this out sooner. You're young, still in high school most likely, right? He's an adult, and if it's one thing I've seen a lot of i…

  • What exactly are you looking for with her? Do you want to be friends, or do you have an interest in her and want to try going out with her? In either case, I agree with the above, wait a day or so before trying to contact her in any way so you don't seem anxious or anything. From her point of view, having this guy she just met suddenly all over her wanting to know everything could make her a bit nervous about you, so take things nice and easy. There isn't really any certain 'thing' to do after m…

  • Re: Boob sizes?

    supersonic92 - - Teen Sexuality


    As long as they are proportionate to her body, although B or C is probably my preferred size. I'm not too picky :wink:

  • Quote from amando96: “If you like him so much why do you want to cry when you see him?” This is actually a somewhat common reaction for people who have a serious crush/attraction for someone they have no way of being with at that time. Based on what she's said, I'd say that she's upset that this boy she likes she may never see again. @OP: Everyone who posted above me is completely right here, there's only so much you can get out of high school relationships, and to be honest, very few actually m…

  • Re: Wii > 360 and PS3

    supersonic92 - - Video Games


    which you could just as easily by a blue ray player rather than a ps3, which seems to only be good for that any more.

  • Re: 8:17..

    supersonic92 - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Do your parents know how many people you've had sex with? I would hope so because it's still 0 Do you have a thaaang for anyone right now? Yes When is the last time you laughed really hard? Not too long ago. Do you smoke? nope Are you afraid of death? a little, yes Do you have any siblings? a little brother Have you changed a lot since last year? yes What do you think about internet relationships? they could work, i guess. it's the personality that counts really, just make sure you know that the…

  • Hey, thanks everyone. We're still debating on saying anything right now, and it's the point where it's a matter of when she will break up with him instead of if she will. When the time comes that things have settled down a bit and we've talked and figured things out more, we may tell him, but we're not sure how much. I don't think it would be a good idea to tell him all that happened. I kinda agree with Alaan here on this, the only thing being the honesty issue. If I can't tell him that, regardl…

  • It's not really the same as far as why things happened, but the results are essentially the same, but I had something like that happen to me. I had a female friend that I grew really attached to, we really hit it off. Then one day she suddenly started to ignore me and I tried talking to her but she would just turn around and walk away as if I wasn't even there. To my understanding, it was something I had said that she took the wrong way (still not sure what it is, she won't tell anyone) Anyways,…

  • Okay, so something happened to me last night that is so confusing to me, I don't know what to feel about it. It involves my best friend's girlfriend and me. Those words right there should immediately suggest how that night turned out. My best friend is on a camping trip, he left a week ago and will actually be back tonight. His girlfriend is doing some house sitting for the family of a friend of hers and has been for about 3 weeks or so. She basically goes to this other house at night to feed th…

  • Re: Ultimate Pokemon Thread

    supersonic92 - - Video Games


    Quote from Murder 101: “Anyone else have the Pokemon trading Card game that was for GBC?” I still have mine! I actually tried playing it again a few weeks ago, managed to beat 3 of the gyms before deciding I'd rather continue playing Soul Silver again :p

  • Idk, it seems like this guy isn't completely certain of what he wants. I think you should have a serious sit down and talk to him about all this, how you feel. If he's not willing to sit down and listen to what you have to say, then he isn't worth your time. Hopefully he's willing to listen and work something out.