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  • I think if you are dying, you should have the right to commit suicide but I don't think we should encourage people to kill themselves, and instead just give them the option

  • Point out the flaws in her arguement like you did in this post. Fight back. Don't let her frame you.

  • Some people don't follow the Bible literally but still believe their going to Heaven, which is reasonable belief. Other people are like me, where they don't really believe in God. If you feel that no matter what, your religion condemns you to Hell, perhaps your not following it properly, or perhaps it's a bad religion.

  • Re: God.

    Bossk - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Rise of Gatlinock: “well i got none =/ in general though i believe that more intelligent people are less likely to believe religion, but then again, that's just me =/” Though I may be an athiest, I've seen lots of religious people who are geniuses. If your taught something at a young age, or you need the thought of God to comfort you, your religious beliefs will generally stay with you, no matter how dumb or smart you are.

  • Call 911. If you hit someone's head on a door and knock them onto broken glass, you shouldn't get away with it.

  • Quote from xNerRadx: “It's not like her mom beat her for no reason... If she hadn't been acting a fool in school, it wouldn't have happened. You go to school to learn, not be bitch. You guys are just overreacting because this girl got disciplined in a way that you aren't use to. You can't say her mom is going to kill her just because she is doing her part as a parent and disciplining her child when it's needed.” I'm not overreacting. I just said severe physical punishment isn't a very good idea.…

  • Quote from Rise of Gatlinock: “yeah, because they weren't raised like me, nor did they live my life. i'm just saying that physical punishment isn't always the way to do something. generally, the soft punishment is okay, if the person refuses to change, then let them hit rock bottom in life. they had their chance and we, as a society, can't keep focusing on helping these failures. most of this post isn't relevant to the OP but oh well.” I agree. Minor phyiscal punishment, like a light spanking or…

  • Re: What shoud I do?

    Bossk - - General Advice


    It's always good to try. Afterall, your mom is a teacher, and if she thinks your ready, I bet you are. Besides, if it's hard, you can switch back to Special classes. Good luck.

  • Re: Record breaking life fail...

    Bossk - - General Advice


    First of all, you constantly compare yourself to others and talk about how your not very smart, athletic, or artistic. With enough practice/studying/working, you can actually gain a skill or something. Secondly, you seem like your extremely depressed. Sometimes, even if your life isn't that bad, you can randomly feel horrible due to moodswings, or some minor event, or whatever. Also, you don't need a girlfriend in High School. The majority of High School relationships go nowhere. Overall, the be…

  • Re: Nightmares

    Bossk - - General Advice


    Dreams are actually your brains way of computing and analyzing what has been happening in your life. Also, there is no part of the brain that is pinched, crushed, or atrophied when you sleep on your back. It could be a coincidence that your nightmares usually occur when you sleep on your back. Then again, though I've read a few books, I'm not a doctor, so I could be wrong.

  • Listen, the plane was off course for 20 minutes. If they had shot it, you would've made 18,000 posts about how the people on the planes knew too much so the goverment killed them. And the person who authorized it would be up to their neck in lawsuits. So, do us a favor and don't pretend that randomly killing 92 people won't get you in trouble.

  • Some cops are corrupt. Most cops are not. Maybe you should live in an area without cops if your so sure they're evil.

  • Obama, though not the best president to say the least, was far better then McCain. Eh, still, I think most of the politicians are corrupt now. I'm still a democrat, though I think both political sides should start looking past the false promises, spectacular speechs, and great public images to what the politicians will actually do. At least Obama hasn't really changed much, whereas McCain would've made the country worse.

  • Tell your Mom that she's refusing to listen to you and putting a lot of stress on you and that you like your Dad just as much as her. If she doesn't stop attacking her current way, move in with your Dad. From what you've wrote, your Dad, though he was an ass to your mom, seems like he's nice to you.

  • Quote from jaaaaake: “Mind telling me how 4 hijacked airplanes can cross more than half the country (which has the world's strongest military by the way) with no resistance? You "want evidence", right? Then go find a copy of "9/11 in plane sight" and watch it, it has all the evidence you need.” They had taken off with people in them. Though the security was suspecious, they didn't want to shoot down four planes packed full of people. People like you would've used it as an excuse for more conspir…

  • It's nessecary. The world is crowding and resources and dwindling, and quite frankly, it's far easier and somewhat cheaper to raise them in a factory. But, it still is a little cruel and disgusting.

  • Once I see actual evidence, not some crazy people yelling they have evidence, I'll be convinced. Oh, and it was easy to smuggle weapons onto planes until after 9/11 when they realized it could happen again, so they set up tons of security.

  • John McCain had his own campaign button/symbol. And he gave good speechs too. I bet he's Hitler.

  • Marijuana is risky. Getting addicted and lung damage is possible. Same with sky diving, smoking, beer, and plenty of other things. Marijuana doesn't cause you to become violent and though second hand smoke is a problem, it is quite exaggerated. Marijuana just harms the person using it, and for that reason, it should be legal.

  • Eh, I may be a Democrat, but you have the right to wear it. You might get some insults and a lot of people will call it offensive, and quite frankly, I think it is, but I don't think much bad can come out of it.