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  • Quote from eivor: “Quote from James_is_Grounded: “Quote from miriam: “Quote from Hawks: “Quote from James_is_Grounded: “Quote from miriam: “Quote from James_is_Grounded: “If my knees aren't red and sore after kneeling to pray and worship then i didn't do it hard enough or long enough. So then i get back on my knees until they are sore and red ” And you think your god is impressed by this redness and soreness? Does it get you bonus points?Has someone guilted you into this belief or is it just to …

  • You need to kick him hard in the balls. Then he will stop

  • Quote from miriam: “Quote from Hawks: “Quote from James_is_Grounded: “Quote from miriam: “Quote from James_is_Grounded: “If my knees aren't red and sore after kneeling to pray and worship then i didn't do it hard enough or long enough. So then i get back on my knees until they are sore and red ” And you think your god is impressed by this redness and soreness? Does it get you bonus points?Has someone guilted you into this belief or is it just to show how pious you are to others?curious as to why…

  • Quote from miriam: “Quote from James_is_Grounded: “If my knees aren't red and sore after kneeling to pray and worship then i didn't do it hard enough or long enough. So then i get back on my knees until they are sore and red ” And you think your god is impressed by this redness and soreness? Does it get you bonus points?Has someone guilted you into this belief or is it just to show how pious you are to others? curious as to why you feel this need ” Well there are 4 reasons for it 1. I'm a bad bo…

  • If my knees aren't red and sore after kneeling to pray and worship then i didn't do it hard enough or long enough. So then i get back on my knees until they are sore and red

  • I'm a Christian and i take it seriously. Church several times a week where i kneel to pray and worship and i pray daily at home too always down to my knees. Repent daily and ask for forgiveness for my sins. At once i show both my fear and adoration of the Lord. I believe that one day i will have to kneel before God and give an account for my actions and sins in this life. God will then judge me and decide if i deserve forgiveness and eternity with him. If i don't then i'm sentenced to punishment…

  • What are You Listening To?

    James_is_Grounded - - Music


    There's a group called M.V.P who are known for like one song called Rock ya body mic check 1,2. But they also made this song that hardly anyone knows. As a Christian i really like the lyrics ''down on my knees, lord help me please ''even when you're kneeling you're higher than the ceiling''

  • Hi everyone i'm not in school anymore now as i am 19. I just started a 2 year course in an adult college. Anyway i have a male teacher and on the first day i immediately started addressing him as Sir at all times when talking to him. Now this is an adult college and its not the same as school. There isn't a rule that you have to address teachers as Sir but i just find that i like to show respect and saying Sir comes naturally to me. I noticed that a couple of others also address him as Sir but m…

  • Boys have you ever...

    James_is_Grounded - - General Advice


    Yes when its hot

  • I've been kneed in the balls three times by three different girls lol. The first one was my sister (we're always fighting) then the second was a girl at school because I paid her a compliment and she took it the wrong way and then the third was when a girl told me she wanted to knee a guy in the balls to see his reaction so I let her do it

  • Masturbation and religion

    James_is_Grounded - - Puberty


    Are you and/or your family religious? Yes If so, what religion are you? Evangelical Christian Does your religion have a position on masturbation, like saying masturbation is a sin? Its a sin and the punishment for it is hell If your religion condemns or frowns upon masturbation or says its a sin or something like that, do you masturbate anyway or refrain from it? Most of the time I refrain but I have given in sometimes when I am weak If so, do you confess that you masturbate at confessional? I g…

  • been drunk?

    James_is_Grounded - - Friends and Family


    If I get drunk my mum will ground me, it doesn't seem worth the risk really.

  • Punishment

    James_is_Grounded - - Friends and Family


    Quote from Starlord: “Quote from pahern0317: “Quote from James_is_Grounded: “My mom grounds me normally. It's the most common punishment she gives me anyway but sometimes the length of the grounding can be quite long, like 1 month. ” Yikes, you are 17 and grounded for a month. That is strict. ” When I say something like that to my parents they double it up... ” Same here. If i want to complain my mom just says ''well i can make it 2 months or 3 if you like'' i usually shut up then.

  • Well, I'm in church every week and kneeling in the pew so yes. The church i go to has cushions in the pews for kneeling and once on my knees i worship, repent and pray hard.

  • Punishment

    James_is_Grounded - - Friends and Family


    My mom grounds me normally. It's the most common punishment she gives me anyway but sometimes the length of the grounding can be quite long, like 1 month.

  • No, I'm sick of all this stuff about black and white and division between them. We're all human, we all listen to music and like what we like and we all have red blood.

  • i got kneed in the balls by a girl just because i said hello to her. She told me i was annoying her, all she had to do was tell me to go away and i would have it's not like i wanted to harass her, i just tried to make friends. it hurt so much and i did nothing wrong, no need for it. But i think she really hated boys and did it to inflict a punishment. To answer the question i don't think it's ok unless in self-defense, but society's attitude seems to be that it's ok. I have seen tv shows and mov…

  • My post was quite light-hearted, not entirely serious.

  • i do think the teen boy has more intense urges compared to the teen girl. I saw a shirtless boy all over his girlfriend in the park yesterday. She was into him but had to calm him down a few times too, he looked like he wanted to mate right there and then in front of people!

  • Quote from Benni90er: “Quote from James_is_Grounded: “As a Christian i think masturbation is a SIN and as such punishable by God. I therefore choose not to do it, its hard because the temptation is there and i did it for a few years in early teens and enjoyed it but i serve God and i knew i had to stop so i can't ever masturbate again. As a 16 year old boy i sometimes wish its not a sin but its not worth getting punished for. ” Don't start with "as a Christian". I know Christion who think mastur…