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  • Now while I'm not sure about where you live - Where I live they have creams like Veet and stuff which can remove hair very well, thats an idea to consider.

  • Quote from Gooeyswat: “tell him exactly that. you want to be friends, but if he keeps texting you and making you feel bad it's going to be awkward. it's honest, and shows you still want to be friends.” I agree! Tell him him in person and make it clear that you still like him. He's bound to get a little upset but he should bounce back. :p

  • Unoffically, yes but according to someone I talked to - a police officer - its not called as rape offically, its apparently called sexual abuse - or harassment, i forget which it was - but it is the same thing. Like should it happen, the charge wouldn't be rape it'd be sexual abuse/harassment but the time spent in jail is the same I think.

  • Hmm.. 1. Final Fantasy VII [I love the entire series but that game is my favourite] 2. Devil May Cry 3 3. Kingdom Hearts 2 4. Dynasty Warriors 3 5. Blood Will Tell >.> Yeah.. but if the entire FF series counted it would go like this 1. VII 2. Dissidia 3. Dirge of Cerberus (VII) 4. Crisis Core (VII) 5. XII But I'm dying to play the new FF game >.>

  • So I'm having a problem which I don't know what to do about.. I have this friend whom I love to death, don't get me wrong, but.. this friend happens to seem to be completely oblivious. Let me explain, this friend hasn't got the best of people as a family and friends and I understand that but she is always always always going on about it. I don't mind listening to her talk but sometimes I just don't want to hear it you know? So.. what i'm trying to say is, how can I tell my friend to give it a re…

  • This post nearly made me cry >.> What the hell is wrong with people like this? I fully understand your reasoning but to be honest its stupid, if sex was only to make babies it wouldnt' feel as good as it does and moving past that.. what do you think that people don't clean their bits in the shower? x.x... shows what you know. I mean what are you talking about, people obviously clean themselves because if they didn't everyone would stink of urine.. x.x':confused: I wash my hands of this idiocy.. …

  • Well first of all, make sure you aren't doing it because your friends have, you mentioned that some of your friends already had so just keep in mind that you should do it because you want to. Also, it really isn't a good idea doing it at your age, besides you've only been going out a few months so to be honest in both age and relationship wise its too early and you might end up ruining it before it can start. If you're still fixated on it, just talk to her, ask her what she wants, don't make the…