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  • You Are Gay In your opinion, there's nothing sexier than your own sex. There's definitely nothing straight about you!

  • Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds You are creative, imaginative, and more than a little trippy. You see the world with an artist's eye. Sometimes the craziest little details inspire or amuse you. You can get lost in your own daydreams, which can be vivid, colorful, and downright bizarre. You're drawn toward imaginary worlds and outlandish thoughts. You like to play with ideas, even when the results are a bit strange.

  • You Are Silver You are down to earth and unpretentious. You don't feel like you need to show off, and you're very secure with your place in the world. You are understated and elegant. You carry yourself with poise, and you're more known for what you don't do than what you do. You can fit in anywhere from a country western bar to a black tie gala. You are adaptable and adventurous. You are blind to social class and background. You see people as who they are ... not as where they came from or how …

  • Re: I finally did it!

    Lynnywinny - - LGBT


    No I don't plan on telling my parents just yet. It was hard enough telling my friend so I don't know how I'd manage telling my parents. I don't think they need to know anyway, at least not now.

  • Quote from M.N.: “A girl shouldn't date a girl. :rolleyes:” A girl can do what she wants. Geez, some people!

  • Re: Help a.s.a.p.!

    Lynnywinny - - Fashion


    An updo would look good with the strapless dress to show off your neck and shoulders

  • Re: I finally did it!

    Lynnywinny - - LGBT


    Well the friend I told is someone that I've known for years and am very close to, so it was really only my nervousness that made it difficult.

  • You Are the 1990s You are a honest, down to earth, and somewhat sarcastic person. You don't front. You appreciate the cynical days of the 1990s, when irony was king. You're somewhat skeptical and mocking of the mainstream. You tend to embrace alternative culture instead. You are open minded and accepting. You don't judge people as long as they're real with you.

  • I've been in a similar situation. Me and a friend fell out and didn't speak for ages. We were both too stubborn to apologise and make up. In the end I left something on her desk at school that I knew she'd like and would know it was from me, just to break the ice. It worked and she came and talked to me, we both apologised and everything was fine after that. I'm not saying that would work for you but it did for me. Like others have said, really the best thing to do is just talk to her. I hope yo…

  • Quote from tg4: “so if someone I know was constantly getting siple grammar like that wrong it was just annoy me. ” Hmmm, maybe you shouldn't criticise bad grammar :p To Grymlocke, I think it's cute that you like her "defect"

  • Re: Some ideas?

    Lynnywinny - - Teen Sexuality


    I've heard hotdogs are good :rofl:

  • Re: Riight?

    Lynnywinny - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Maybe you should just try growing up.

  • Re: Girls faking bisexuality

    Lynnywinny - - LGBT


    Quote from linda_x_21: “why is it so in these days for girls that arent really bisexual to kiss other girls in clubs etc. i know so many girls that always do this, i usually assume its to impress the guys as they normally show no interest in women. if it is a true curiosity then fine, but many seem to do it just cos its 'in' right now :confused:” What does it matter what other people do or why they do it? Does the fact that some girls like to kiss other girls hurt you? I very much doubt it, so w…

  • You Are Humor You love to laugh at life, and if possible, get others to laugh along with you. You believe there's always a humorous side to everything. And your sense of humor ranges from upbeat to very dark. You are outrageous and very honest. You're often the only one willing to say what everyone else is thinking. You are witty and verbally talented. You like to play with words and say things in interesting ways.

  • You Are a Chick Rocker! You're living proof that chicks can rock. You're inspired by Joan Jett and the Donnas. And when you rock, you rock hard. (Plus, you get all the cute guy groupies you want!)

  • You Are Cookie Monster Misunderstood as a primal monster, you're a true hedonist with a huge sweet tooth. You are usually feeling: Hungry. Cookies are preferred, but you'll eat anything if cookies aren't around. You are famous for: Your slightly crazy eyes and usual way of speaking How you life your life: In the moment. "Me want COOKIE!"

  • You Are a Lace Bra! Dreamy, romantic, and ultra-feminine You're a womanly woman who makes guys feel like men Your perfect guy is strong, determined, and handsome With a softer side that only you can draw out

  • You Are a Green Smoothie You are a conscientious, health oriented person. You like fresh, whole foods. You have an open mind about life. You enjoy all sorts of things, and you're not picky. In fact, you believe the best things in life tend to be underrated or a bit intimidating. You are bold and daring. You enjoy taking risks and living life to the fullest.

  • You Are White Tea You are quite delicate and very sensitive. You are easily overwhelmed. Peace and serenity are important to you. You shy away from intensity of any sort. You appreciate a simple quiet moment. You can relax easily without feeling bored. You take the time to enjoy life. Even when things are busy, you make the time.