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  • Quote from DamnImGood: “Oh, God, The_Guardian is back...” Oh, God. "I’ve got the reach and the teeth of a killin’ machine, with a need to bleed you when the light goes green best believe, I’m in a zone to be, from my Yin to my Yang to my Yang Tze put a grin on my chin when you come to me, ‘cuz I’ll win, I’m a one-of-a-kind and I’ll bring death to the place you’re about to be: another river of blood runnin’ under my feet forged in a fire lit long ago, stand next to me, you’ll never stand alone I’…

  • Personally I have nothing against the men or women whereever they hail from. However, to be blunt, a true terrorist loses all his rights the moment he become one. Whether trying to kill others with a home-made bomb strapped to himself, IED. or any other device... He still normally dies, Once a man is committing an act of terrorism. We will have to call in for premission to open fire, by then he is firing, racing toward us with a bomb, or fully loaded fuel transport. ONce that order is given, wea…

  • Quote from VenomX: “Whoever said Hell is a real place?” Whoever said it wasn't?

  • No, shaggy...... They will go where God sends them. Suicide does not send them straight to hell.

  • Father, I pray you watch over this young man... During this troubling time. Whether he is alive or died I know not. I hope that his dog tags are not on the ever growing collection of Hades'.

  • lol

  • Quote from Magical Teapot: “The all powerful god will forgive us all. If I kill a thousand people, it would be gods plan.” Sarcasm... You know, I gave my body to the United States Marine Corp. I recognized that Freedom, not just for Americans but for all requires a price. If part of that price is to stand before God, and have him send me to hell, then so be it. But we'll find out shall we not? In that case, see you in hell brother.

  • Quote from LOLFag: “Did you notice how the passage said that the prostitution business began for the sole satisfaction of ex-Vietnam War veterans? How the hell is getting raped and shot when refusing a choice, may I ask? Also, Brothels are worldwide, not just soldiers go to them either. For the most part one can logically assume some of the girls or guys whichever the case may be are illegally obtained for the sole purpose of money and power. Again, the brothels in Thailand opened because of the…

  • Quote from LOLFag: “Are you denying the fact that American settlers murdered and raped Native Americans on their conquest westwards? Are you denying that they did not commit atrocious, inhumane crimes to the Italians and the Japanese after the war? Are you denying the fact that soldiers did not rape and kill innocent Vietnamese during the war, that women had to stick razors up their vaginas to prevent rape only to be shot and killed when the savage molesters got what they had coming? And that Af…

  • Everyone will be accountable for their actions during life or after, facing the master.

  • Niether a Christian, nor anyone else can answer this... thus the reason for faith in your belief( no matter what it pertains to)

  • First, the church as you so refer, is nothing more than a red brick building. Had you ever listened you would have known it is the body of christ/the people that make up the church. If it is your goal to start the h"holy wars" over again, it is your choice. However it is also their choice to believe in, whatever just as you have the same choice... However you lack the respect for their being haughty, and holding your opinion and thoughts higher/worth more than, others.

  • Quote from Sasha: “I know I am better than you, without having to play a game about it. Having said that, it might interest you to know that I directed the TV comment against Bear and not you. Unless you are an alterego of Bear or actually draw your judgements from TV shows, you shouldn't pull that towards yourself. Oh really? If we have people like you judging my maturity, we might as well let retards judge for Nobel Prize. I thought Americans believed in the seperation of religion from politic…

  • Quote from Sasha: “From what I have heard of first hand accounts, the Royal Marines stationed in Iraq actually did something. The Americans usually cowered in their bunkers or burned fuel driving around the safe zones, while lying to their superiors that they were 'patrolling the area'. And of course, raping local girls, either at gunpoint, threats or for a few trifles.” Actually, I've not touched neither pc, cell-phone, phone, TV and any other electronic device you can name for over three month…

  • Dude, whatever you do... Do not let it as far I have have had the unfortunate chance to see(while in bootcamp). You need to be responsible and take take of it. IN the military yes you have your platoon and unit watching your back, even then it is hard to catch those who hide it so well. I saw guys jump off building trying to end the nightmare they were in, they never thought to talk to others, like myself or anyone. Talk to the, if you are to scared to do so, it still needs to be done... Write a…

  • Seeing hell, and realizing that what I'm going though is nothing.

  • Quote from Sasha: “The training of US Marines are a joke compared to what the Royal Marines go through. In the age of scalar and EMP weapons, reliance on too much technology against a first world military has its hazards...” Quoted for two reasons: ~One: the personal bias of whose "Military is better". :rofl: ~Two: Neither training for either the Royal Marines, or the US Marines are made to be easy... Yes, slight variations. However, the result is remarkably similar.

  • Re: I lol'd at 9/11

    The Guardian - - Debate and Discussions


    Hmm, here's something for you to chew on when arguing the use of the atomic bombs during WWII; It was estimated to gain a beach-head on the japanese mainland.... it would cost the lives of over 1000000 men. Do the numbers yourself, the atomic bombs killed only a few hundred thousand. Compared to the few million in WWI, and many more in WWII.. It is rather small though sad that we had to resort to it.

  • Truth? Hmm, it seems the only truth I could possibly dig out some minds is the thousands of people died that day, millions watched. I still remember the day. Be it in your opinion that it was a conspiracy, or no; the fact remains it happened. Nothing on earth in heaven or hell will ever change that, it is the past. In my opinion, I believe that it was NOT a conspiracy, and was planned by some of the most evil men on earth at that moment. I do not believe the government placed bombs on the inside…

  • Quote from VenomX: “Their imaginations will never fade away. For some odd reason, religious people simply want someone there always watching over them.” Venom, venom.... The day you do not want the Military watching your back tell me, I want to see it. Each is to their own opinion, these parts are which America are founded on this is only your opinion Religion. Now, hate is totally uncalled for... An an unprejudiced disagreement is entirely another thing. Hate will only cause more conflict, and …