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  • Re: Dead rising 2

    username #76 - - Video Games


    I heard it's really awesome, but then again it just seems like another zombie survival.

  • Re: Change o' plans

    username #76 - - Video Games


    1 year = best deal lol o and PC version sucks. no patches

  • Your Door Says You Are Universally Alluring blue.png You are intriguing and charming. People are naturally drawn to you, even if they don't know you. You are calm and wise. You are a true leader. You never feel isolated in a group. Somehow, you always belong. The Front Door Test Blogthings: Cheaper Than a Therapist

  • You Are Banana Gelato banana.jpg You are an upbeat person, and you try to stay away from anything that will depress you. You believe that it's important to stay positive and optimistic. You know that negativity can destroy a person. Others may be jealous of your cheer and happiness, but they don't see how hard it's been to get here. You finally live in joyous, uncomplicated times - and nothing is going to bring you down! What Flavor Gelato Are You? Work is Hard. Time for Blogthings!

  • Re: Federation 2

    username #76 - - Video Games


    Metinks it should be moved to the AA. Seriously stfu with your ads that you think are cool.

  • Is this overreacting?

    username #76 - - General Advice


    (I don't know what section this should go in so I'll go and post it here) Today at school I gave a gift to a girl I like, and everything was fine and dandy. Five minutes later I see her stomping on it and going ape-shit. Next thing I know I grab her backpack, crush everything inside with JUST ONE FOOT and throw it in the trashcan.

  • lol 2 things 1 - on sign up, "Enter your parent's email address"... why? 2 - age 6 YEARS OLD?!LOL

  • Video game FAILZ

    username #76 - - Video Games


    What are some of the worst fails you have done while playing video games? If you have it, provide a video One time in MW2 I was running around with a SPAS-12 FMJ, one kill away from a UAV so I shat my pants, but then I get knifed.

  • Do you have the guts take this survey? I do . Would you do meth if it was legalized? Nope Abortion: for or against it? Depends on the situation. If I used a condom and she got preggo, I'd be against. If I didn't use a condom, abortion all the way. Do you think the world would fail with a female president? Nope Do you believe in the death penalty? I do Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already? Are you for or against premarital sex? For, but me personally I …

  • Same here, all I do is play games all day

  • Re: Change o' plans

    username #76 - - Video Games


    Quote from T-Pain: “What the hell? Thanks for sharing? Well for my PC gaming, I don't gotta pay jack sh... Or whatever lol.” You have to pay for the electricity to power your PC. The Pirate Bay > Buying

  • Re: MW2 can fuck its face.

    username #76 - - Video Games


    Quote from Journal: “Agreed. WaW is sick.” Blowing the **** out of people's arms and legs was/is the best.

  • Re: MW2 can fuck its face.

    username #76 - - Video Games


    Quote from DomGTR: “indeed thats why i play OCD4” World at War for me. It doesn't matter what I play (Dom, TDM, MTDM, FFA, etc) I never know what class to use. Should I use my stealth class for the noob tubers, or my noob tube class for the knifers?

  • MW2 can fuck its face.

    username #76 - - Video Games



  • Re: Razor gaming gear!

    username #76 - - Video Games


    I want it, but I don't need it. (DAMN YOU LINUX!!!!!) :mad: lol

  • Re: How do I...

    username #76 - - Video Games


    Quote from Lester.0: “I've tried with the Wii and sometimes it says it finds the connection and when it does it is really weak.” How far is your Wii to your router?

  • Re: Check out my video.

    username #76 - - Video Games


    Not watching until you bow down to Black Ops. And couldn't they just kill you?

  • Re: Vote Wesker!

    username #76 - - Video Games


    Quote from Tombgeek: “ Firstly, I've only really played Legend of Zelda like once in my life and I never really got into the series. It just never really appealed to me the way many other action adventures did (although Twilight Princess looks extremely good, I still want to try it out (even if it is old already))” Play the original, Minish Cap, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, and TP Those are the ones I like best.

  • Re: Amnesia

    username #76 - - Video Games


    Quote from Aleksandr: “No, why?” 28hpy1j.jpg I love teh dev console. Cheats > Legit

  • [ame='']YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame] Very good for HTML